Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Ramblins' 12-31-2010 Last Edition Section 1
Feel Like Giving Up |
![]() by: Edward V Ellis, Sr. Life can be challenging and obstacles at times can seem insurmountable. Over the years, people have given up on many things because of setbacks and lack of progress. Right now, there are people who are giving up. Now there is a big difference between quitting or giving up and changing directions. Adapting or finding a better method is not giving up. Moving ahead in a new and different direction is not giving up. Some, instead of giving up on their marriage, changed what wasn't working to a better and more fulfilling method. Others who felt like quitting their business found a better direction and have seen positive results. There are also those who instead of giving up on their dreams, found a better avenue to pursue them and are well on their way. When it comes to quitting, or giving up, lots of people have heard the story of Thomas Edison. Working on the light bulb, it reportedly took him 1,000 attempts before he developed a successful prototype. How many of us have the persistence to keep going after that many so called "failures?" There is the story that a reporter asked Edison how it felt to fail 1,000 times. His response was that of one who did not regard setbacks as failures. He reportedly answered the reporter, "I didn't fail 1,000 times; the light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps." You have probably heard other stories of famous people who refused to quit. Babe Ruth struck out a lot. He said, "Every strike brings me closer to the next home run." Winston Churchill never allowed setbacks to keep him from moving forward. He lost every election for public office until he became prime minister. One of his most famous quotes is, "Never give in; never give in." Some may say, "That's nice for them, but, how about me? Those people were all famous people who had special talents and abilities; of course they wouldn't quit." Actually, all of those people, and countless others we have never heard of, were human beings, just like you and me. We all have talents and abilities. We all have the capacity to grow and develop what we have, and even expand into new areas of expertise. The point is, don't quit; never give up. Far too many people have literally given up on their dreams. They look at their personal setbacks as failures. They see the present economy as an insurmountable obstacle blocking them from their dreams. They are tired of trying and so they just give up. There is one sure way of never seeing your dreams come to pass. It is 100% guaranteed. Give up. Giving up is a choice. No matter what the present circumstances or the past results, quitting is still a choice. Each of us, every day, has the choice to give up or to keep moving forward. In those times when you feel like giving up and you just don't want to try anymore, what can you do? It is one thing to say, "Keep moving forward," but what can you do if you just don't feel like it? Why not pray? Jesus said that we ought to "pray always and not faint." When people give up and quit, that is exactly what they are doing; they are fainting. So, instead of fainting, you can continue to pray every day asking God for His help, and, at the same time, choose to move forward, even if it's only a baby step. All of us can look back on our lives and see times where we could have done something differently or where we should have done something differently. But "could haves" and "should haves" will not change your present circumstances. Excuses will never change your life. Instead, decide each day to keep moving forward. You can choose to not give up on your dreams, even if it takes 1,000 times or 1,000 years! You can be so determined that for you, giving up is not an option. |
Ramblins' 12-31-2010 Last Edition Section 2
How Do I Work Through Conflict?
Addressing conflict can be challenging for many of us. Many times we either 'fight' or 'fly' depending on how we were raised and how we saw our families of origin deal with issues. 'Fighting' and 'flying' both lead to alienation and these are aggressive and passive responses respectively.
When we are passive in dealing with conflict we may feel powerless to change what we consider a 'hostile dynamic' so we react by withdrawing, retreating or hiding. This often results in blocks to communication. On the other side of the spectrum by acting aggressively to address conflict we react in a way that's scary and intimidating to others. As a result we stand to alienate the people we're interacting with.
One of the most empowering ways I know to communicate around conflict is by using assertive behaviors. Using assertive strategies allows us to respond rather than react and we build mutual respect and intimacy rather than alienation.
Becoming assertive requires a very conscious shift in our mindset. We must first recognize that we have rights. This is fundamental to changing unhealthy relationship dynamics and will allow us to gain the respect we desire in our relationships.
1. Recognize your rights. You have the right to:
· Be treated with respect
· Express your own opinion, feelings, thoughts
· Say no
· Decide for yourself what you want
· Make mistakes
· Be yourself
2. Assess what's happening. Determine how to respond assertively rather than react to the situation. Whenever possible take a deep breath, think about what you're going to say and how you're going to say it. Where possible, write down what you're planning to say and practice. It's best to discuss the issue with the other person when you're calm and in control of your emotions.
3. Express how you feel using "I statements". Take responsibility for your own feelings. For example, "I feel upset when you shout at me."
4. Focus on future action instead of on the situation that just occurred. For example, "In future I would like you to speak to me in a calm voice."
5. If you feel you're still not being heard, you may try the technique of 'escalating'.
Use your hand like a stop sign, stand in your power and in a firm voice say: "I would like you to stop..." Pause for effect.
-If you're still not being heard say something like: "I have asked you to stop and it seems you're not listening. If you choose to continue I'm going to be forced to ...." (leave the room, stop communicating with you until you are willing to be respectful, etc). Choose an action that makes sense in the situation and follow through with what you say you're going to do if you're not being heard.
6. Seek Respect. Your goal is not to be liked. It's to be respected. Once you understand this you can begin to express your feelings and open the lines of communication with people you interact with. This creates greater intimacy and mutual respect in your relationships...

by: Edward V Ellis Sr.
Addressing conflict can be challenging for many of us. Many times we either 'fight' or 'fly' depending on how we were raised and how we saw our families of origin deal with issues. 'Fighting' and 'flying' both lead to alienation and these are aggressive and passive responses respectively.
When we are passive in dealing with conflict we may feel powerless to change what we consider a 'hostile dynamic' so we react by withdrawing, retreating or hiding. This often results in blocks to communication. On the other side of the spectrum by acting aggressively to address conflict we react in a way that's scary and intimidating to others. As a result we stand to alienate the people we're interacting with.
One of the most empowering ways I know to communicate around conflict is by using assertive behaviors. Using assertive strategies allows us to respond rather than react and we build mutual respect and intimacy rather than alienation.
Becoming assertive requires a very conscious shift in our mindset. We must first recognize that we have rights. This is fundamental to changing unhealthy relationship dynamics and will allow us to gain the respect we desire in our relationships.
1. Recognize your rights. You have the right to:
· Be treated with respect
· Express your own opinion, feelings, thoughts
· Say no
· Decide for yourself what you want
· Make mistakes
· Be yourself
2. Assess what's happening. Determine how to respond assertively rather than react to the situation. Whenever possible take a deep breath, think about what you're going to say and how you're going to say it. Where possible, write down what you're planning to say and practice. It's best to discuss the issue with the other person when you're calm and in control of your emotions.
3. Express how you feel using "I statements". Take responsibility for your own feelings. For example, "I feel upset when you shout at me."
4. Focus on future action instead of on the situation that just occurred. For example, "In future I would like you to speak to me in a calm voice."
5. If you feel you're still not being heard, you may try the technique of 'escalating'.
Use your hand like a stop sign, stand in your power and in a firm voice say: "I would like you to stop..." Pause for effect.
-If you're still not being heard say something like: "I have asked you to stop and it seems you're not listening. If you choose to continue I'm going to be forced to ...." (leave the room, stop communicating with you until you are willing to be respectful, etc). Choose an action that makes sense in the situation and follow through with what you say you're going to do if you're not being heard.
6. Seek Respect. Your goal is not to be liked. It's to be respected. Once you understand this you can begin to express your feelings and open the lines of communication with people you interact with. This creates greater intimacy and mutual respect in your relationships...
Ramblins' 12-31-2010 Last Edition Section 3
Cocooning - Cowardliness - Contempt

We've all heard about "Cocooning", which sociologists have been monitoring since the explosion of the Web. Cocooning is the process of social isolation where a society withdraws from physical interaction with each other. This "hermit-like" behavior can lead to the decline of many cultural and social traditions. Cocooning also affects the way we interact with others when we do finally leave the house and meet face to face.
The cocooning caused by the internet removes an essential aspect of communication: body language. Such things as posturing, fidgeting and eye contact all are unconscious transmitters of our true intentions. We learn as small children not to make eye contact when telling a lie and to cross our arms to distance ourselves from unpleasant people or situations. But the computer screen has no way of converting these communication skills into data that can be observed as overtones in the written text of a conversation.
Cocooning may impact the communication skills of future generations. While excelling at expressing themselves through the written word, our children lack the skills to give a convincing speech in public or carry on a comfortable conversation while waiting in line at a grocery store. Some youth even use text messaging to communicate when they are in the same room... let's not even get into the challenges with spelling and normal communication this is causing.
Get away from your computer screen, find outlets where you can talk, share and interact with others in person. It will get you away from the screen, and out into the world. It can also help spark creativity and a drive to keep going when the going gets tough.

Cowardliness - (Bullying, Looking for Others to Blame, Not Speaking-up) a word with a lot of underlying meanings. Today's internet has become an enabler of the individual trait, it has enabled individual to hide behind a few key strokes and a click of a mouse. Strange as it may seem, in some cases individuals have used it to their benefit. Recently there were companies giving poor service to customers and then become abusive to them when they called. All this for the sole purpose of getting them to complain on the internet for the purpose of getting ther name to move up on the search engines. Bullying their customers only to get another type of return.
Then we have the individuals (some with legitimate complaints and some questionable complaints) who go online to one of these complaint type sites, post their side of the issue and then; yes you guessed it Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous comes into play. When I have a legitimate complaint I want you to know who I am. This goes further. you have individuals who try to discretely send you a message disguised as an email address ( Now what most people don't understand that with today's technology almost everything sent on the internet can be traced, so the thought of hiding is not always there and in most cases your complaint is understood.
If you have something on your mind, tell the person directly or don't allow your time to be wasted on negative thoughts... Time is short and this is the last time you will ever get today, for tomorrow, today is a memory.

An ugly word with a lot of meanings:
Contempt Meaning and Definition
· (n.) An act or expression denoting contempt.
· (n.) The state of being despised; disgrace; shame.
· (n.) The act of contemning or despising; the feeling with which one regards that which is esteemed mean, vile, or worthless; disdain; scorn.
· (n.) Disobedience of the rules, orders, or process of a court of justice, or of rules or orders of a legislative body; disorderly, contemptuous, or insolent language or behavior in presence of a court, tending to disturb its proceedings, or impair the respect due to its authority.
A friend suggests that my recent arguments against the moral status of contempt ignored an important role it plays in policing our moral community. The concern is that if we cannot feel (and expect others to feel) contempt for companies like Enron, then we will lose the morally instructive value of punishment. If we wish to live in a culture that does not encourage people to take advantage of each other, we must collectively judge cheaters and frauds as morally 'less worthy' than non-cheaters and non-frauds. My friend claims that we are all better than Bernie Madoff, and a failure to feel contempt for him would itself be a mistake or error in judgment.
I think this is the heart of the dispute over the value of contempt: proponents of contempt can certainly agree that contempt is often misused, that it short-circuits dialog and even often disguises itself as legitimate when it is not. However, they want to say, contempt can be appropriate. We may disagree on when exactly it is warranted, but we can come to an agreement with enough dialogs, and perhaps we ought to do so.
Ramblins' 12-31-2010 Last Edition Section 4
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Monday, December 27, 2010
The Empowering Effect of Enthusiasm
by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.
The word enthusiasm in fact comes from the Greek ‘entheos’ which means “the God within”. According to the dictionary, enthusiasm is defined as: 1. a cause or source of interest or great excitement. 2. Elation or delight arises from a supposed possession by a god. 3. Interest in or great excitement or delight from a cause or a subject.
Whilst it’s true that enthusiasm truly begins from our thoughts, it could have a deeper and more discerning impact and effect on our body as well. Your heart rate, the pitch of one’s voice, not to mention your energy levels, and even your posture changes or alters whenever you are filled with enthusiasm.
As Norman Vincent Peale stated, “If you have enthusiasm and zest, then you also attract zest and enthusiasm - life does give back in kind.” The people gravitating around you could perceive it, and would be deeply affected also—since being enthusiastic is extremely contagious. Simply put, an enthusiastic individual is simply more fun not to mention enjoyable to be around.
Remember that it is not the same as just being excited. Let’s say you could get excited regarding your new house. Nevertheless, you will be more enthusiastic about assisting to construct or build that new house yourself. Each new creation and invention is due to being enthusiastic on the part of the creator or inventor.
Whenever you find a particular cause or subject which generates a kind of excitement, it then makes you feel strengthened and empowered and you will be able to achieve just about anything you could imagine. As a matter of fact, being enthusiastic itself could enable you to perform or do whatever you like exceedingly well, whatever the topic or issue might be.
Enthusiastic persons are oftentimes more content and successful at what they do, more so since they become so adroit. They also find it pretty much easier to survive all those tough times. According to Walter Chrysler, the true secret to be successful is enthusiasm. Indeed, it’s very difficult to break an individual who is entrenched with enthusiasm.
For those individuals who are into sales, being enthusiastic for their services or products defines the big difference between a massive success rate and just a few sales. Teachers typically possess an empowering impact on their students, if they are themselves, full of enthusiasm in the subject they teach. There are some instructors who merely teach - while others truly inspire and motivate.
Passion for a particular topic or subject matter usually invigorates and refreshes the minds of the students. And just how did they become so involved and so enthusiastic about their lives and on what they do? Dr. Wayne Dyer declares to, “do what you love and love what you do.” Yes, that is the true secret of it all.
It has to come from a passion on a certain subject and a genuine desire in mastering it. Consequently, whenever you are sincerely passionate regarding whatever you do, it’s not just like any drudgery anymore, but having fun while doing it.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Ramblins' 12-23-2010 Christmas
Having trouble viewing this email? www.realworldentrepreneur. |
Merry Christmas from the Serial Entrepreneur
Dear Subscriber,
I want to start out by saying yes, I know this email is not Politically Correct. What I also know is I want to share My Holiday with others, I want to share the excitement and enthusiasm I feel during this holiday.
May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness. MERRY CHRISTMAS.
With the year coming to an end and only one more Ramblins' for you to endure I thought I would send you one little story with this email. This is just another Christmas Legend, thank God it's one of many.
Christmas Star
It is said that a brightly shining star that had miraculously appeared in the eastern sky guided the magi (the three wise men from the East) to the newborn king. Astronomers ruled out the possibility of a meteor that burns up in seconds or a comet because according to their calculation, no comets crossed the earth's path around the time of Christ's birth. However, since the magi were also the astrologers of their time, they may have made calculations and interpreted them to predict that a divine soul was to be born on the Jewish land. Now, people adorn the churches and homes during Christmas with star as a holy sign that symbolizes high hopes, good fortune and happiness in their lives.
According to some stargazers, if we put the birth of Jesus in springtime of 6 B.C., then perhaps we may account for the said star as the triangle of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn planets that had come close together at that time to form the constellation of Pisces, considered especially auspicious by Jewish rabbis. However, some keep themselves aloof from all logic and just believe it to be a miracle and today; the world usually begins the Christian holiday with the appearance of the first star of Christmas Eve. Poland celebrates the Festival of the Star, where the priest acts as the 'Star Man' to test the children's knowledge of religion just after the Christmas Eve meal. Alaskan boys and girls carry a star shaped figure from house to house singing carols on Christmas and receive treats in turn. In Hungary, a star-shaped pattern is carved on one half of the apple is considered a good luck charm.
Edward V Ellis, Sr.
Edward Ellis SrEdward V Ellis, Sr.
Serial Entrepreneur
Note: Please watch for my last Ramblins' on December 31, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Ramblins' 12-18-2010 Christmas Recipe
All Year Long
That opens up our eyes
To the unexpected gifts in life-
Each day a sweet surprise.
For the people whom we know;
Like festive Christmas candles,
Each one has a special glow.
A dash of Christmas food,
(Amazing how a piece of pie
Improves our attitude!)
Wrap it up in love and peace,
Decorate with optimism, and
Our joy will never cease.
We know we will remember
To be in the Christmas spirit,
Even when it's not December.
Ramblins' 12-18-2010-Intro
Dear Subscriber,

Well another year is rapidly coming to and end, a another year of learning and another year of ups and downs. A year that has brought me some classic turmoil, but most important it has enabled me to cross paths with hundreds of wonderful individuals. Individuals that have shared with me their friendship and understanding and most of all they have shared with me the problems in their life's. I have had the opportunity to talk with individuals and learn more about myself, this past week has given me more strength to complete some of the projects that must be completed in a short period of time. Sometimes, we fail to realize the impact we have on others and we fail to understand the commitment we make with our statements, or at least what the other person heard. I intend to follow through and complete the projects I have started. I want to thank everyone for the enlightenment they gave even though in may have been unintended.
I will publish two more newsletters this year and then I will give you back your time and bring my Ramblins' to an end.
Enjoy the balance of the year, remember the time you get "is once and done."
I will publish two more newsletters this year and then I will give you back your time and bring my Ramblins' to an end.
Enjoy the balance of the year, remember the time you get "is once and done."
Ramblins' 12-18-2010-a
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Choose What Will Be
by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.
by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.
As both creation and creator you have an extraordinary opportunity in this reality - this earthly playground. Your mission is to fulfill the promise and potential of life. Grounded in an immense landscape - you are an actor in an epic tale written across generations. You are meant to contribute a unique and vital element to this heroic, romantic adventure. Without your contribution the story is incomplete.
You possess a distinct and powerful gift with which to make your mark. You have the ability to choose. You can choose what you will do, what you will be and, to a degree, what will be.
Though it may not seem that way when you are lost in the illusion, the rules of the game are stacked in your favor. The outcome is pre-determined. In the end you will arrive at a glorious destination. Only the route is left to folly - you get to choose the path.
When you are disoriented and overwhelmed, then you experience conflict and strife - disharmony and discord. Interpretations of discontent are burdens you lay on yourself. Instead of letting go of painful circumstances you hold tightly to what you know. Instead of observing and accepting, you judge. Instead of allowing what will be, to be, you seek reassurance and demand control.
Contradictions are rampant in this existence. You observe contrast but often fail to see meaning, purpose, harmony, unity. The tides of change ebb and flow with a rhythmic persistence yet, somehow, you find yourself adrift, lost at sea.
Imprisoned by your "human" nature, caught in the emotion of being; you succumb to ego and fall victim to fear. The need to survive, the energy of emotion and the limitations of the intellect are overwhelmed by a complex environment, the demands of the moment, and the challenges of the flesh. Embracing the "world" view, you forget your "true" nature and mistakenly put stock in the notion, "It's me against the world." This need not be the reality you embrace.
You are on a journey from the trifles of everyday existence to the exuberance of ultimate joy. Wisdom is realizing the truth: you are whole, complete, timeless and immortal.
You are a spirit on a human journey. You are an observer of a vast illusion - an illusion at once rich in texture and diversity, alive and dynamic and yet simple and elegant and graceful. The illusion is awe inspiring and profoundly uplifting.
You will journey to where you are meant to be. Don't waste your life on a troubling route. Face the unknown with trust and faith. Choose not to be lost in the illusion. Choose another way. Choose rightly and persevere in your choice until the smoke clears, the fog lifts, the clouds part - until the truth reveals itself. Instead of choosing to experience pain and loss and fear, choose again - choose until you find the joy that awaits - choose what will be.
Ramblins' 12-18-2010-b
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Follow Your Vision |
by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
-Henry David Thoreau
Are you working in a job that doesn't have an end? Has the daily grind and routine clouded your vision of how you would like to live? So many of us get so caught up in getting through the day that we become robots and we accept that how things are is the way they will always be.
For those of you who love your jobs and your life, go out and celebrate. For those who only wish there was another way, it all starts with a vision. The problem is we are so consumed with the stresses in our lives, i.e. bills, kids, problems, toxic people, bosses, deadlines etc. that it becomes our only focus.
We stopped dreaming just to survive. Most of our energy is expended on worries, fears and anger instead of hope, faith and peace. Now is that any way to live? Yet, I see it all the time. People have become so short sighted just to get by that they lose sight of their future.
Having a vision of how you want to live your life is the first step in making it a reality. You may not know how it will happen or when but if you start to take some of that wasted energy and use it toward envisioning yourself living the way you want you will begin the process of manifesting it into your life.
I know for some of you it sounds hocus-pocus but I can assure you that the Laws of Attraction are working in your life whether you believe it or not. What you focus on you WILL attract into your life, it's as simple as that.
Just take a minute and think about what you are focused on most of the time and then take a look at your life. How's that working out for you?
Start to take time each day to imagine yourself living the way you want. Learn how to change your thoughts from negative, worrisome thinking to those that will elevate your mind and your mood and take you to a better place.
There is one thing that can make the biggest difference in your life and that is learning to focus on what you want, not on what you don't want. So, decide to dream again, keep your vision in the forefront of your mind and leave the rest behind.
For those of you who love your jobs and your life, go out and celebrate. For those who only wish there was another way, it all starts with a vision. The problem is we are so consumed with the stresses in our lives, i.e. bills, kids, problems, toxic people, bosses, deadlines etc. that it becomes our only focus.
We stopped dreaming just to survive. Most of our energy is expended on worries, fears and anger instead of hope, faith and peace. Now is that any way to live? Yet, I see it all the time. People have become so short sighted just to get by that they lose sight of their future.
Having a vision of how you want to live your life is the first step in making it a reality. You may not know how it will happen or when but if you start to take some of that wasted energy and use it toward envisioning yourself living the way you want you will begin the process of manifesting it into your life.
I know for some of you it sounds hocus-pocus but I can assure you that the Laws of Attraction are working in your life whether you believe it or not. What you focus on you WILL attract into your life, it's as simple as that.
Just take a minute and think about what you are focused on most of the time and then take a look at your life. How's that working out for you?
Start to take time each day to imagine yourself living the way you want. Learn how to change your thoughts from negative, worrisome thinking to those that will elevate your mind and your mood and take you to a better place.
There is one thing that can make the biggest difference in your life and that is learning to focus on what you want, not on what you don't want. So, decide to dream again, keep your vision in the forefront of your mind and leave the rest behind.
Ramblins' 12-18-2010-c
Are You Ready for Conscious Living? |
![]() I don't know if I could have gone looking for a better book for this time of the year. No, I can't take credit for finding it, it was slid across the table in a Coffee Shop in Boyertown, PA. The young lady said, "I think this is something you will understand and enjoy" well, she was right. I will tell you up front, I don't believe this is a book you read, I do believe it is a book you digest and if you are willing, you will gain understanding. This is a book that I have already tried to digest twice and the questions that have come to the surface about myself and my life are providing another new learning experience. I have linked the book to the authors website since you would have to go there to find the book. Give yourself a wonderful gift of learning about yourself and Conscious Living. The gift was given to me and I am learning. |
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Ramblins' 12-11-2010 - c
![]() Steven Johnson's "Natural History of Innovation" shines some light on the first question as he tells us "Where Good Ideas Come From." Johnson looks back through science history as he teases out from science history, and from natural history, seven "patterns" in which new ideas are formed. Johnson backs up with examples each of the seven groups in his taxonomy of the origins of ideas. Good examples, well told, are what make the book. Johnson writes science history well. Like in Johnson's earlier book, The Invention of Air, the science history he writes here reads like a fascinating tale of adventure. Although a bit breathless at times, and sometimes drawing too much from too little, Johnson caught my attention early and held it all the way through this fairly long new book. And it's not just a history of scientists and discoveries. Johnson looks too at nature - like how reefs pack together life and promote evolution - and society - like how larger cities generate exponentially more innovation than smaller towns. On occasion, Johnson's taxonomy is a tad bit tortured. The seven patterns each get a chapter in the book. But for me, the names of the patterns and the particular examples grouped in them do not give much insight. The patterns - while interesting - seem more organizational groupings than anything else. The patterns are the skeleton. Not much flesh there. The meat in the book is in the examples. In fact, the insight for me came from the light Johnson shines on my second question - why didn't I think of that? To broaden that question into its most compelling form, how can we, both personally and as a society, increase the number of good ideas we have in the arts, in science, in sociology and government, and in technology? That $64,000 question Johnson does not really try to answer. He does give some clues. (One thing he says caught my interest as a patent attorney. That is, we get more good ideas by connecting them than by protecting them. In other words, the patent system may be hurting, instead of meeting, its goal of promoting innovation.) Johnson's book is ambitious. He covers a lot of ground, from scientists to nature to arts to government to society. His idea that good ideas in all of these fields develop in the same recognizable patterns is a bold one. In a sense, he is looking for a unified theory of innovation. Did Johnson find that unified theory? If he did, you won't find it on a particular page in this book. But by joining Johnson in exploring this question, I learned a lot and thought a lot. That made the book worthwhile for me. |
12-11-2010 Notes
Over the net two weeks I will be writing about 3 C's Common Today;
- Contempt
- Cocooning
- Cowardliness
Till then have a great week and enjoy this Holiday season, remember every day is a once n' done, enjoy them.
Ramblins' 12-11-2010 intro
You would never believe it given the drumbeat of negativity that passes as business news these days, but last month U.S. GNP regained all that was lost in the recession of 2008-2009 and now America stands once again as the largest economy in the history of the world.
Let's first take a moment and focus on being proud and of that.
Now of course not all is rosy. Above all else, persistently high unemployment, back up to 9.8% and 15 million jobless Americans as of Friday, continues to drag down the nation's morale.
How important are jobs? Well, quite simply jobs are EVERYTHING.
Even a cursory look at the deep and tragic social problems of some regions in Africa and the Middle East results in two conclusions - 1) that the lack of jobs there wastes the gigantic human potential of literally hundreds of millions of people and 2) poor economic opportunity is THE main wellspring of extremist ideologies.
Now, of course the problems in the U.S. economy are nowhere even near the magnitude of those in these fortune-starved places.
And more to the point we don't just want ANY jobs here in America. We want GOOD JOBS. I define a good job as follows:
1. A job that allows for a reasonably "worry-free" meeting of the base, human needs - food, water, shelter, and clothing.
2. A job that provides security from threats to health (yes, health insurance) and violence (making enough money to live in a safe neighborhood).
3. A job that is part and parcel of one's overall life mission, whereby the successful performance of it appeals to the best in all of us - self-respect, a sense of belonging and community, the inherent satisfaction of the work itself, and the satisfaction of contribution to a cause larger than our own needs.
So Where Do These Good Jobs Come From?
Well surprise surprise, they don't come from the government but more surprisingly they don't come from corporate America.
Rather, nearly all net job creation in the U.S. economy comes from firms less than 5 years old, or brand new (startups) and young (one to five year old) companies.
For perspective on this, 2007 was the last fully healthy "jobs" with 12 million new U.S. jobs created. And of these, startups and young companies created 8 million of them.
A few further points to illustrate:
* Since 1977, without startup companies, net job creation for the American economy would be negative (i.e. more jobs would have been lost than created) in all but a handful of years.
* Young firms - companies between 1 and 5 years old - over the past 30 years have accounted for the lion's share (more than 2/3) of all net job creation.
* And my favorite, companies between one and five years old create on average 4 jobs per year each!
Let's first take a moment and focus on being proud and of that.
Now of course not all is rosy. Above all else, persistently high unemployment, back up to 9.8% and 15 million jobless Americans as of Friday, continues to drag down the nation's morale.
How important are jobs? Well, quite simply jobs are EVERYTHING.
Even a cursory look at the deep and tragic social problems of some regions in Africa and the Middle East results in two conclusions - 1) that the lack of jobs there wastes the gigantic human potential of literally hundreds of millions of people and 2) poor economic opportunity is THE main wellspring of extremist ideologies.
Now, of course the problems in the U.S. economy are nowhere even near the magnitude of those in these fortune-starved places.
And more to the point we don't just want ANY jobs here in America. We want GOOD JOBS. I define a good job as follows:
1. A job that allows for a reasonably "worry-free" meeting of the base, human needs - food, water, shelter, and clothing.
2. A job that provides security from threats to health (yes, health insurance) and violence (making enough money to live in a safe neighborhood).
3. A job that is part and parcel of one's overall life mission, whereby the successful performance of it appeals to the best in all of us - self-respect, a sense of belonging and community, the inherent satisfaction of the work itself, and the satisfaction of contribution to a cause larger than our own needs.
So Where Do These Good Jobs Come From?
Well surprise surprise, they don't come from the government but more surprisingly they don't come from corporate America.
Rather, nearly all net job creation in the U.S. economy comes from firms less than 5 years old, or brand new (startups) and young (one to five year old) companies.
For perspective on this, 2007 was the last fully healthy "jobs" with 12 million new U.S. jobs created. And of these, startups and young companies created 8 million of them.
A few further points to illustrate:
* Since 1977, without startup companies, net job creation for the American economy would be negative (i.e. more jobs would have been lost than created) in all but a handful of years.
* Young firms - companies between 1 and 5 years old - over the past 30 years have accounted for the lion's share (more than 2/3) of all net job creation.
* And my favorite, companies between one and five years old create on average 4 jobs per year each!
Just look at all the turmoil over Groupon, they started only two years ago, employ over 3,000 people and turned down an offer from Google for six billion dollars. All a result of today's young aggressive, risk taking entrepreneur. I heard one person say, "well, that's not encouraging, a company worth that much only employing 3,000 people." I answer that with technology has changed the way we operate and two years prior those 3,000 jobs were not there.
But it is often missed that the companies that are creating jobs are the usually ones that earn investors the highest returns.
Why? Simply, job-creating companies are almost always companies that are growing!
So let's make it easier for our startups and young companies to create jobs.
Culturally, let's really put the entrepreneur where he or she belongs - on a pedestal as a modern day, real-life action hero.
And let's be one of them.
Because while we like to see the good guys win, it is even sweeter when we win with them.
Looking for Opportunities Now?
When you can start what could potentially change your life for under $300.00, you have to be thankful for living in this great country. Look at this at www.alwaysbselling.amanation. com
But it is often missed that the companies that are creating jobs are the usually ones that earn investors the highest returns.
Why? Simply, job-creating companies are almost always companies that are growing!
So let's make it easier for our startups and young companies to create jobs.
Culturally, let's really put the entrepreneur where he or she belongs - on a pedestal as a modern day, real-life action hero.
And let's be one of them.
Because while we like to see the good guys win, it is even sweeter when we win with them.
Looking for Opportunities Now?
When you can start what could potentially change your life for under $300.00, you have to be thankful for living in this great country. Look at this at www.alwaysbselling.amanation.
Ramblins' 12-11-2010-a
Simple Steps to Get Out of a Rut
Need advice on getting out of a rut? You're not the only one. But count yourself lucky because at least you're on the right path. Right now, you're at stage one which is recognizing your state of self. By acknowledging that you're in a rut, your mind is now ready to change direction.
Read on for more information on getting out of a rut.
Step 1: Brainstorm with a Friend.
Two heads are better than one. If you want to find new inspiration and come up with new ideas, what better way than to talk to a friend?
Invite someone over for dinner and bounce ideas off of each other. If ideas aren't what you're after, then simply talking things over or just airing out your problems can help you in getting out of a rut.
In fact, you don't even have to talk about your situation at all. You can simply talk about last night's game or that new movie that's showing, and you'll find yourself much more energized right after!
Step 2: Try Something New.
Getting out of a rut is easy! Simply do something you haven't done before. It doesn't have to be anything extreme, although extreme might be good sometimes as long as you know your limitations.
For example, some people like to eat at a restaurant they've never been to before. Others choose to take up a new hobby. I've even heard of people who turned to dancing to help them find inspiration.
The experience is different for everybody. How about you? If there's anything you've been wanting to try, now is the best time to do so!
Step 3: Visit A Museum.
Admit it. When was the last time you went to see your local museum? And school trips do not count. It may not be your cup of tea, but why don't you give it a chance? It just might surprise you.
For those who have yet to be convinced, let me tell you that visiting museums is a great way to uplift your spirit. Art and history will do that to you. They trigger emotions, reactions and thoughts that we otherwise would not have had we not paid the museum a visit.
Getting out of a rut doesn't have to be a long process. If you're really determined to find inspiration, you won't have trouble doing so. Don't be troubled by your situation either.
Everyone goes through such an experience at one point or another. The important thing is that you now know how to find your way out of it.

by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.
Need advice on getting out of a rut? You're not the only one. But count yourself lucky because at least you're on the right path. Right now, you're at stage one which is recognizing your state of self. By acknowledging that you're in a rut, your mind is now ready to change direction.
Read on for more information on getting out of a rut.
Step 1: Brainstorm with a Friend.
Two heads are better than one. If you want to find new inspiration and come up with new ideas, what better way than to talk to a friend?
Invite someone over for dinner and bounce ideas off of each other. If ideas aren't what you're after, then simply talking things over or just airing out your problems can help you in getting out of a rut.
In fact, you don't even have to talk about your situation at all. You can simply talk about last night's game or that new movie that's showing, and you'll find yourself much more energized right after!
Step 2: Try Something New.
Getting out of a rut is easy! Simply do something you haven't done before. It doesn't have to be anything extreme, although extreme might be good sometimes as long as you know your limitations.
For example, some people like to eat at a restaurant they've never been to before. Others choose to take up a new hobby. I've even heard of people who turned to dancing to help them find inspiration.
The experience is different for everybody. How about you? If there's anything you've been wanting to try, now is the best time to do so!
Step 3: Visit A Museum.
Admit it. When was the last time you went to see your local museum? And school trips do not count. It may not be your cup of tea, but why don't you give it a chance? It just might surprise you.
For those who have yet to be convinced, let me tell you that visiting museums is a great way to uplift your spirit. Art and history will do that to you. They trigger emotions, reactions and thoughts that we otherwise would not have had we not paid the museum a visit.
Getting out of a rut doesn't have to be a long process. If you're really determined to find inspiration, you won't have trouble doing so. Don't be troubled by your situation either.
Everyone goes through such an experience at one point or another. The important thing is that you now know how to find your way out of it.
Whenever and wherever I do a meeting I always tell people that the main reason the roads are paved is to prevent you from knowing... You're digging a rut.
Ramblins' 12-11-2010-b
Two Weeks to Super size Your Confidence
by: Edward V Ellis, Sr
Have you ever felt like boosting your self confidence? Most of us get by in life with limited self confidence but just getting by if not enough for some of us. As we age we realize that many opportunities have passed us by because we didn't have enough confidence to take the bull by the horns and deal with whatever it was that stopped us. It's the same story being played out time and time again for most of us. "If only I spoke up" is a favorite quote you'll often hear, its one which you'll hear many of us saying to ourselves when things didn't go as we planned. If you feel that you have no self confidence then don't think you're unique, not having confidence is wide spread and many of us are not living the lives we've always wanted because of this debilitating psychological condition.
So how does an average person from a normal background find himself in this situation? There are many reasons for low self confidence. However the main culprit is our upbringing. Many of us come from normal backgrounds, we were raised properly, we went to school and some of us went to college but it doesn't take real confidence to achieve these things. For most of our lives we just follow a map that has been laid out by our parents and we will do as we are told until we come to adulthood. Only when we hit our twenties do we feel free to make our own decisions in life however if we don't learn how to go after the things we really want then most of us will unfortunately live out our lives in mediocrity.
Some of you reading this may think that it's too late; you feel that you're too old to change. You feel that learning to get confidence at such a late stage is impossible but this isn't the case at all. Anyone can develop confidence no matter what age they are, all it takes is a little bit of persistence on your behalf and you'll eventually learn how to get the things in life without feeling that you don't deserve it. To make a change in our lives, many of us attend self confidence courses which are a great way of boosting self confidence. However not all of us would feel comfortable in attending one of these courses so we'll invest in self help books which can point the way to a better life.
Developing confidence in a short period of time is not as hard as it once was. With advances in technology we can achieve supreme self confidence in only a matter of weeks. Many do this by using a technology called subliminal messaging. Those who use these subliminal recordings report that their confidence has soared and because of this, their lives have changed forever. Increasing self confidence by the use of CD's and MP3s which can be downloaded from the internet is the way many are now turning to. It's very fast as the positive affirmations on these CD's are absorbed directly into the subconscious so there's no learning curve what so ever. So if you're looking for a true confidence builder, then the subliminal CD route is the fastest way to achieve this by far.
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How Do You You See Yourself ? |
Have you ever felt like boosting your self confidence? Most of us get by in life with limited self confidence but just getting by if not enough for some of us. As we age we realize that many opportunities have passed us by because we didn't have enough confidence to take the bull by the horns and deal with whatever it was that stopped us. It's the same story being played out time and time again for most of us. "If only I spoke up" is a favorite quote you'll often hear, its one which you'll hear many of us saying to ourselves when things didn't go as we planned. If you feel that you have no self confidence then don't think you're unique, not having confidence is wide spread and many of us are not living the lives we've always wanted because of this debilitating psychological condition.
So how does an average person from a normal background find himself in this situation? There are many reasons for low self confidence. However the main culprit is our upbringing. Many of us come from normal backgrounds, we were raised properly, we went to school and some of us went to college but it doesn't take real confidence to achieve these things. For most of our lives we just follow a map that has been laid out by our parents and we will do as we are told until we come to adulthood. Only when we hit our twenties do we feel free to make our own decisions in life however if we don't learn how to go after the things we really want then most of us will unfortunately live out our lives in mediocrity.
Some of you reading this may think that it's too late; you feel that you're too old to change. You feel that learning to get confidence at such a late stage is impossible but this isn't the case at all. Anyone can develop confidence no matter what age they are, all it takes is a little bit of persistence on your behalf and you'll eventually learn how to get the things in life without feeling that you don't deserve it. To make a change in our lives, many of us attend self confidence courses which are a great way of boosting self confidence. However not all of us would feel comfortable in attending one of these courses so we'll invest in self help books which can point the way to a better life.
Developing confidence in a short period of time is not as hard as it once was. With advances in technology we can achieve supreme self confidence in only a matter of weeks. Many do this by using a technology called subliminal messaging. Those who use these subliminal recordings report that their confidence has soared and because of this, their lives have changed forever. Increasing self confidence by the use of CD's and MP3s which can be downloaded from the internet is the way many are now turning to. It's very fast as the positive affirmations on these CD's are absorbed directly into the subconscious so there's no learning curve what so ever. So if you're looking for a true confidence builder, then the subliminal CD route is the fastest way to achieve this by far.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Greate A Gratitude Journal... The Season Makes a Great Time to Say Thanks
Creating A Gratitude Journal
by Edward V. Ellis, Founder Feel n’ Great, Inc. 10-10-04
by Edward V. Ellis, Founder Feel n’ Great, Inc. 10-10-04
grate.ful adj. 1 a : appreciative of benefits received: syn. thankful
11.10.04 Today I am grateful for _______________________________________________________ .
As I write the above line, I wonder, "What is my answer?" My first thought is, "I am grateful for today." Then I realize there are so many people, places and things for which I am grateful. Everyday the list grows.
Everyday there are things that happen to us, and for us, that make us grateful. Sometimes, we even find, that after the passage of time, we become grateful. Take time today, tomorrow, and the next to think about for what or whom you are grateful. Then, write it down in your journal. Or maybe send a letter or a card, with dates and experiences to that person.
You can start keeping a journal where you date and write in daily, weekly, or monthly about what you are grateful for, why and the circumstances that created the gratitude. This becomes a story and record of your feelings and warm experiences of what you have given, and also what you have received.
You can also create individual gratitude journals for your spouse, your children, parents, a friend, etc., that you journal in for a period of time. You can write about them sharing what you are grateful for about them. Get a new journal to use for this purpose only. Pick a colored pen or several colors. You can express your feelings with certain colors, green for a growth memory, blue for peaceful times, you decide what each color means and note that in the front of the journal. Date each entry and describe events, memories, or thoughts that you have about that person. Describe what they have given you, what you have observed, what you wish for them. Tell them about how grateful you are for them in your life, and why. This becomes a treasured keepsake and a priceless gift.
Telling someone you are grateful for them in your life, for what they have done, for who they are is a very powerful expression of caring and love. Telling a stranger who has given you something, directions, good service, a smile, that you are grateful for what they have done and given you is another form of connection. Spread the idea of gratitude. You may see something on TV or read about someone. Send them an email or letter of appreciation for who they are, what they stand for, or for what they have done.
Today I am grateful for _______________ fill-in this blank with what your are grateful for.
For Example - My self, my children, family, work, future, my direction, etc.
As I was thinking about what I am grateful for, I of course thought of my many wonderful, dear friends. So, I decided to email and ask what they were grateful for. I asked them if I could also share their responses with you, and here they are.
"Today I am grateful that I get to spend time with my children."
"Today I am thankful for a generous heart that loves to spill over to others...and is constantly replenished by my beautiful family."
"Today I am Grateful for the joy of friends. Today I am grateful for the light in the eyes of my friends.
Today I am grateful for the roses in my garden. I am so very grateful I met you."
"Today I am grateful that I can continually forgive myself. I can forgive myself for judging myself harshly when things don't turn out just the way I was attached to them turning out. I can forgive myself when I am disappointed that I didn't speak up and say exactly how I felt about a situation. I can forgive myself because when I did speak up, it didn't come out of my mouth the way my mind thought it would. All in all, I am very grateful that I am me. I wouldn't want to be anyone else in the whole world.... and that's gratitude!"
"Today I am grateful for a wife, 4 children and a daughter-in-law who are all working hard to find out what it is their Savior would have them do in life and then do it."
"Today I am grateful for another experience of realizing that I am, indeed, safe and provided for."
"I am grateful for days, like today, when my gratitude gallops gleefully ahead of me and I have to skip to keep up with it, instead of haul it behind me like a wagon load of manure, hoping it will carry its own weight - by tomorrow."
"I am very grateful for the healing work that I do. I work long, hard hours, but I really enjoy helping people feel better. How many people can say that they love their work or feel that they are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing?"
"Today, I am grateful for a Loving God who nurtures me. I am grateful for my 89 year old Mother who has cared for me and is still vibrant, helpful, and alive. I am grateful for my Granddaughter who holds my hand, trusts me, and I know loves me somewhere in her very special heart. I am grateful for good health which sustains me. I am grateful for my friends and acquaintances who care about me and bring so much joy into my life. And, finally, I am grateful for libraries, and the internet, and transportation which constantly open new vistas in my horizon and let me appreciate this vast world and its infinite knowledge and power available to all those who are curious enough and ambitious enough to embrace them."
"Today I am grateful for gentle friends, and a loving Heavenly Father."
"I am grateful for the Divine Connections in my life - My family and friends. We laugh and cry together. With them I feel I belong and am loved. They are my greatest teachers. We validate each other. When depleted I seek them out. They renew my spirit I am blessed. I am also grateful for the roadblocks and failures in my life. They turned out to be valuable lessons that led me to new opportunities and connections I wouldn't have had otherwise. They presented new Life paths."
"Today I am grateful for all the wonderful people in my life who challenge me to think differently."
"The scent of freshly cut grass coming through my open windows."
"Today I am grateful for opening my eyes to see my husband on my side and my pug at my feet. I am grateful to look out my bedroom windows to see another day full of possibility as the sun slowly warms up my sweet backyard alive with quail, doves, hummingbirds, rabbits and all kinds of natures noises. I am grateful to feel my breath as it wanders through my body waking me up. I am grateful that I have one more day to enjoy, and be amazed, and be involved with life. And I am very grateful that I can go through another day full of awe and gratitude."
"Today, I am grateful for my life, health, and for my mother still being alive."
"I'm grateful for the support of many, many wonderful women in the community."
"I am grateful for being able to carry the message that Light and Love is always present and everlasting. I get to do this on a moment to moment daily basis. I am grateful for all the loving people that I am blessed with in my life. I am grateful that the universe provides completely and abundantly. I am grateful to be alive and living full out."
Now it’s your turn, what or who are you grateful for?
Start your own email campaign, note and learn from the answers you get… I did!
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