Friday, October 22, 2010

Statement of Values from the Serial Entrepreneur

Dedication to Excellence: I am committed to providing information that will assist individuals in getting the most out of life. In addition, I am committed to take the time to search out material that will be helpful to today’s entrepreneur.

Commitment to Individuals: I will strive to provide thoughts, ideas and information that support the healthy and helpful information and to share with all that will listen life’s experiences that I have encountered.

People Helping People: I am dedicated to the principal that if “you help enough people get what they want out of life, you will get all you want out of life!” Napoleon called this the Mastermind Principal… I call it Synergy! People working together in harmony and cooperation will accomplish vast amounts more than the same number of people working separately. I acknowledge that the growth of each human being contributes directly to the harmony and abundance of others, and hence… the entire earth.

The Uniqueness of Each Individual: Each of us is unique and special, with our own set of beliefs, talents, strengths, abilities, values, etc. Each of us is a product of our lifetime experiences. We base our decisions and actions upon these experiences. Each person has a unique contribution in life… each of us has innate worth and value. An attitude of total unconditional acceptance of others will cause each of us to allow differences and eliminate prejudice and judgmental thinking. By allowing another their own opinions and actions, one actually enhances his or her own self-esteem.

The Intrinsic Right to Freedom: It is my belief that each individual has the God-given right and responsibility to live freely… Each… as mature, adult business people… must be given the right to operate independently and be allowed the freedom to succeed or fail based upon individual efforts and abilities. We are each responsible for our own well being and growth… personally and financially.

Cause and Effect: We each have the responsibility to deal with openness, honesty and kindness in business and in life… to cause the best results possible. Once a difficulty or problem exists, the most effective manner to correct it is to go back to the root cause of the problem and treat that… not just superficially treating the effect! Following the ancient principal of “whatsoever you sow, so shall you reap!”, we acknowledge that each of us will reap exactly what we give out. Each of us will reap a life harvest… the size will depend upon our generosity at planting time, the quality will depend upon our diligence to tend the crop, the kind will depend upon the kind of seed we’ve sown. Eventually all of our thoughts, words, actions and attitudes will come back to us. The principal exists that those dealing honestly, fairly and with integrity will find success, friendship and… ultimately… happiness and peace!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Path... Your Path

The Path We Leave…

Why do we choose to travel this path?
Are we chasing a dream? Are we running away? Are we a ship without a rudder? Are we trying to duplicate what we believe others have? Are we doing something to rebel against someone or something? Are we doing something to please others, maybe their dream of where we should be? Or, are we totally undirected?

86,400 seconds every day, potentially the same amount of decisions
As we travel through life in pursuit of our dreams reaching for what we want or at least believe what we want we leave a path.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Success the Glenn Bland Method... Great Read

In the early 70s there was a book published by Glenn Bland, called "Success! The Glenn Bland Method. This little 175 page handbook as fundamental skills and systems for succeeding. Glenn Bland became a very successful person in the Life Insurance industry, but his thoughts and ideas are easily transferable to any endeavor that someone wishes to partake in.
Granted the book is a bit dated since its first copyright was in 1972, but success is universal. One thing that Glenn addresses very directly is the mindset of success. Much of what he talks about harkens back to think and grow Rich by Napoleon Hill for example anything you can think of believing you can achieve. Another idea is that men with goals and plans dictate to others while men who have no goals and plans are dictated to. And also the concept of quit thinking about all the reasons you can't do something and think of all the reasons why you can.
Mr. Bland and had quite a bit of research, no doubt, not directly for this book to but just to be successful in his life. One thing he says is you are the sum total of your thoughts, if you think a negative terms you will achieve negative results but if you think in positive terms you will achieve positive results. In short "We become what we think about." He quoted Emerson who said "a man is what he thinks about all day long." He also quoted from Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius who said "a man's life is what his thoughts make of it." Another quote that I liked in the book was from William James who said "The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter the lives by altering their attitudes of mind."
To me one of the most dynamic  points of the book is you must take "Can't" out of your life. This book is 176 pages of power. Pick it up and read it TODAY!

Your Self Respect is found by looking Within...

by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.

When you first look at this quote, it may sound a little strange. If you have not thought much about the concept of self respect, there are some very important points to keep in mind, and this quote sums up these points equally well. This is good, because both are of vital importance to you.

Your self respect truly is a treasure. It is a wonderful thing that belongs only to you. When you have a healthy level of self respect, it is one of the most important characteristics that you can possibly have. Healthy self respect encompasses so many different factors. These include a serious sense of pride in the individual person you are; the knowledge that you are your best possible self, yet always striving to better yourself; and the sense of integrity from which you live your daily life. Without being boastful or vain, yourself respect affects the way you feel about yourself, the way you treat other people, and the way you live your life.

This treasure is surely the best possible base for living and growing. The more you respect yourself, the better your life will be. Self respect is one of the most essential factors in developing the kind of life which you dream of living, and accomplishing the goals that mean the most to you.

The second part is equally important. Some people make the mistake of trying to gain self respect from outside sources. They may base how they feel about themselves on their physical appearance, how much money or possessions they own, accomplishments they have made, or what other people think of them. The problem with this is that it is impossible to develop self respect this way. True self respect must come from within the individual himself.

How can you learn to respect yourself? You can begin by acknowledging yourself as a person of worth. You have value to yourself, to other people, and to the world in which you live, simply by being who you are. If you think about it, there is no one exactly like you in the entire world. You have special talents and abilities which will help you to make a special, positive contribution. Your personality is one hundred percent unique. Everyone who knows you knows this, and you can know it, also.

When you know that you have a place in this world, it will make carving your own special place in the world that much easier. It will make finding your talents and choosing your goals an enjoyable process. Your problems and setbacks will not be as difficult to deal with, because you will know that you are on the right track. Your life will be a wonderful adventure, just as it was meant to be. When you hold yourself in high regard, the respect you have for yourself can help you to overcome obstacles and proceed in the right direction. All you need to do is keep in mind that yourself respect is an inside job-- no one can provide it for you, but you can develop it for yourself.

Do You Smell the Roses?

by: Edward V. Ellis, Sr.

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have."
Frederick Keonig
Do you take the time to smell the roses in your life? Or, are you so caught up in work, worry, family, and fear that you simply don't have time to smell them? When you don't take time, not even 1 minute out of your day, to breath in the beauty of life, you end up with the dank, musty, moldy smell that can choke the life out of you.

The beauty I'm talking about is all of the blessing that is in and around your life. Unless you live in a cell with no windows and never set foot outside you can't escape the incredible work of art that is nature. The colors of the sky, the trees, the flowers, the leaves; just take a minute and look at it.

And are you missing out on the never ending symphony of the sounds of nature? The wind blowing through the trees, the music of the birds, the sounds of silence, don't let them go. If you are lucky enough to live near the ocean, people pay money for CD's with the sounds of waves and you get it for free. Just take a minute and listen. Family

Don't be so caught up in your problems and the stresses of life that you miss out on enjoying the gifts you've been given that are free. Don't be one of those people that forget to appreciate what you DO have in your life instead of focusing on what you DON'T have.

Your parents, children, family and friends are the icing on your cake. If they had a smell it would be that delicious aroma that emanates from inside a bakery. Savor the joy they bring to you and it doesn't cost a thing to say, "I love you." It makes them feel good and you too.

Through all of your ups and downs, good times and bad there is always a place that will soothe your soul and calm your storm if you take the time to stop and listen. Take the time to say, "Thank You" to the world. And take just one minute of your day to appreciate your blessings; they are the fragrance of your life.

When you learn to live in the present moment you will be amazed how insignificant everything else seems. All we really have is "the moment". The past is gone even though many of us try and relive it daily. And the future is what we create by what we think right now.

So open your heart, open your eyes and open your ears and breathe in the pleasures of life.

You are the only one who can take notice of all that is good. You are the only one who can acknowledge your blessings. You are the only one who can choose whether to walk through life smelling the roses or not.
Please remember the word "Present" has multiple meanings... it means both gift and the present moment. Well, guess what?  They are one in the same, the current moment is a gift, open it, use it, enjoy it and remember it forever for in seconds it will be a memory of the past so enjoy it while you have it... I know I will.

MLM Meetings

Let's talk about Network Marketing, Multi Level Marketing, Conversation Marketing or whatever label you would like to put on this wonderful field of Direct Sales. Whatever name you would like to attach to it you have a very exciting and profitable industry... That is if you understand it; if you work it and if your expectations are under control.
Like a lot of other things in life we start out with such great expectations, take marriage for example, or having children or even a new job... We get married and find out it takes work, we have children, they require time, love and work and more money. You start a new job and after a while you find out it has the same problems as your last job, just a different location and maybe a little more money.
Direct Sales is no different, we are usually introduced by a friend, family member or business acquaintance, they tell us a story and a lot of times we go to a introduction meeting. The presentation is exciting, our friend is excited and the presenter is excited... That's how it usually begins, problem is that's where it usually ends and most of the time it's our fault, and we are not looking at it from a realistic point of view. We are just excited.
Let's look at some of the problems: most of the time the presenter's lose sight of the fact that they are entertainers, not teachers. Individuals after a long day of work came to a meeting to see and to hear about opportunity and to be entertained not to be educated, that's phase 2 which they will come for later, if you entertain them. Over the years I have attended meetings, brought a guest and thankfully I had my guest presold on the opportunity since the presenter was delving into too much data that was unnecessary at the time. Think about it, when you buy a house they do not tell you about cutting the lawn.
It really is funny that most presenters forget what their job is and really talk too much. When I went to my first meeting I was really disenchanted with the whole thing, but the presenters were exciting and made me feel good and I wanted to be a part of this team.
Now to me that's problem number one and it is a big problem because if I don't get you excited you won't come back. Problem number two is our expectations; yes the opportunities in all of the programs are exciting, but we have to be real. If I were to tell you if you invested $200.00 and you could make $40.00 on your investment in twelve months, you would probably ask me if you could invest more because that's a 20% return on your investment. The problem comes in when we look at the program and think we can invest $200 or $300.00 and have a full time income with little or no effort, it can't and won't happen... What you do have is opportunity. You have to turn the key and put it in drive.
Back to the meetings, the meetings are like parents, they are there to be your friends, reassure you of your decision, show you others are excited as well, reassure you that you are not alone and of course entertain you and after the meetings answer any questions you may have.
Now back to you... You have to attend and bring a friend, the whole package is your business and filling a chair or two is part of your job. Your part is to also speak up, this is your future.
I've told people all across the US and Canada, "I can't make you successful, because I will take away the most important thing in your life... Something to complain about!" Stop complaining, take advantage of all the opportunities presented to you.

I was at a network marketing (AMA) meeting in NJ Thursday evening, well run, done in an hour and 10 minutes, exciting and guess what, since it was done early, people stayed, asked questions and... signed up... WOW! It always amazes me how well the system works when you work the system. Kudos to the presenter.

Always remember... Selling is a Game!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Common Sense

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.
He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm, life isn't always fair, and maybe it was my fault.
Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not children are in charge).
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job they themselves failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer Aspirin, sun lotion or a sticky plaster to a student; but could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.
Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't legally defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar can sue you for assault.
Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust; his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by three stepbrothers; I Know my Rights, Someone Else is to Blame, and I'm a Victim.
Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing

Monday, October 4, 2010

11 Questions To Kick-start Your Dream

by Edward Ellis,Sr.

What's your dream? Want to give your vision a jumpstart? Write down your goals and use these questions to speed up delivery of your dream.

1. What's your highest priority this lifetime?
What's most important for you to experience, explore or embrace this time around? Until you answer this question, your life goals will be off purpose. Unaligned with your inner passion, your intentions will lack the power to attract the people and situations necessary to become a reality.
Get clued into your true joy. What activities turned you on as a child? What are your hobbies now? When your goals are aligned with your soul purpose, synchronicity kicks in to guide you to your target. When you intuit and own your unique essence and calling, assistance will flow to you from every earthly and heavenly source. 

2. Is this your dream, or someone else's?
Are your goals your own choice, or what others think you should strive for? Do you want to look back in your old age and wish you had followed your passion? Will you regret having "played it safe?"
Is it selfish to go after your own dream? What joy can you give to others if you haven't given it to yourself first?
You have a divine right to listen to your heart. You have a social obligation to follow your dream. Only then can you fulfill your destiny and make the earthly contribution you were born to make.

3. Do you really, really want this dream?
Do you bound out of bed every morning to pursue your vision? Or is it a lukewarm dream you chase because it sounds meaningful? Only the Real McCoy will generate enough energy to manifest itself in the world. 

4. Are you settling for less than?
Are you resigned to accepting less than your full share of love, health and success this lifetime? Have you compromised and sacrificed your dream to death?
Anything short of living your true passions will never make you happy. Do you want to arrive at the Pearly Gates with the regret of not marrying that one captivating person, starting that fun business, or seeing that exotic part of the world you always wanted to visit? 

5. Is your dream actually just a means to some other dream?
Is your goal the ultimate end in itself, or merely a limited means to that end? Isn't it really the new car itself you want, rather than the money-the means-to buy the new car? More to the core, isn't it really a renewed sense of self-worth you desire, rather than the new car or house to impress the family and neighbors? And isn't it really happiness you want, rather than the picture-perfect mate, job or body?
Focus on the experience you want to create, not the physical form that may-or may not-bring you that experience.

6. What will you feel like when you reach your dream?
Personal passion fuels a vision. Dive into the thrill and exhilaration of the feeling of living your dream. Every moment you can, drink in the joy of having your goal.
The Hawaiian Kahuna say, "Where your creative attention flows, so flows your life." Is your daily attention feeding your dream? As the TV public service announcement reminds us, "It's midnight. Do you know where your children are?" Hey, in your life, it's high noon! Do you know where your creative excitement is flowing?
It's high time you manifested your aspirations. Dynamic, satisfying creations are nurtured with love and care as a flower in a garden.

7. How will you benefit from getting your dream?
Get specific about the benefits you'll receive from achieving your vision. Write down these pluses so they will sink in as motivators. What exactly would happen if you made a lot of money doing something you love? How would you approach your life differently if you allowed people to love and support you? What would you do with more vitality and health? 

8. What steps can you take today toward your dream?
Don't defer your dream. Set up supports and systems around you to instantly translate your intentions into action. Jump on every opportunity that is in line with your purpose and vision.
Keep the momentum going. No matter how hectic life gets, pledge to take at least one action a day. Even the smallest actions-jotting down a new idea, reading a single page, or making one phone call-can start to add up.
Are there smaller projects that lead to your larger dream that can give you pleasure in the meantime? If the dream is to run a marathon, train for a local fun-run first. And find a way to measure your progress. Track those little wins-by writing in a journal or telling a friend. 

9. Are you telling yourself: "I can't have my dream?"
Most people don't believe they can live their dream. Either their belief system has them believing they can't make a living doing what they love, or they feel they don't deserve their dream. To avoid the pain of feeling they can't have their dream, people often keep their dream so buried they can't remember they ever had a dream.
Everyone has a dream! And everyone is destined to fulfill that purpose. Why wait? 

10. Are you afraid of getting your dream?
Statistically, more heart attacks occur when "good" things happen, than when "bad" things happen! Getting your dream is life-threatening! Of course, realizing your dream is only threatening to your old experience of yourself and your life-you know, the one that's boring-or paining-you to death!
Change is scary. Find a way to move the energy of fear. The only way to avoid feeling fear is to avoid living altogether! 

11. Do you really need to accomplish your dream?
Do you really need to achieve your goals to be happy? Enter the "hootless state"-where you no longer give a hoot if the exact "picture" of your dream comes true. Without the interference of the ego's push, pressure and micro managing, you have a much better chance of being in the right vibration-space-to attract real happiness. When you relax your grip on the exact way your future "has" to unfold, you give the Universe more flexibility in how it can fulfill your wishes. 

And, on a higher plane, what if our true task here on Earth is simply to be who we already are in our essential nature-with or without manifesting our specific goals? What if the essence of who we are is enough?