Friday, January 28, 2011

Ramblins' 1-29-2011

Living Life To The Fullest
Life to the Fullest
 by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.

Living a life full of purpose, passion and happiness does not need to be as hard as we believe.

A lot of the time the reason why we're not living the life we want or dream off is because we are waiting for someone else to do something about it. We're not taking the responsibility ourselves to make the changes we need and to follow our true purpose, passion and desires. This has nothing to do with anyone else - it's all about YOU!

Having the gift of a happier, more satisfying life isn't easy and that is why so few people actually achieve all that they want out of life. In fact most people don't even achieve 1/3rd of what they want in life. People go through the daily routines, the daily grind expecting that one day it might be different.

Setting Goals Allows You To Achieve Greatness: The trick is to own them, to make them yours. Not what your Mum wants, nor what your guidance counsellor told you was right for you...but what YOU want. If you were to ask yourself the following questions, what would the answers be. What do I want to be doing in 1 years time, 3 years, 5 years , 10 years What is my true passion in life? Are you doing it? Why not? What could I do today that is different and improves the quality of my life?

Many people have not thought about what they truly want in years. This is partially due to the vague notion that many carry around that says 'someday I'll have more time to figure it out and then I'll get what I want'.

This is NOT how it works...some day is NOW. Tomorrow will never come, and our time here is limited. You can either choose for this to be a depressing thought and turn away from it, or face it straight on and FREE YOURSELF. Today is all we have - live it up! Dream with passion! PLAN to do things you love and which are fun...there is no time like the present!

You Must Set Priorities: In these busy times, it is time we realize that we cannot do it all. Nothing is created without us actually creating everything we want - I firmly believe this - but we all have 24 hours in a day, and things do slip through the cracks.

Therefore, the more we hone our focus and decide what our priorities are, the better we can live each day from that focus, and accomplish more of the things that matter to us as individuals. This is not goal-setting. Goals ARISE from this work, and allow you to accomplish those things that you wish to. This allows us to live each day with a strong sense of purpose, aliveness and joy. The trick to living this way is two-fold: the first thing you need to do is look at your overall life and decide what you want it to be about.

A good way is to think about what your life looked like as you float above it at the end of your life. Ask yourself what you will regret most if you don't change it? What do you want said about you when you're gone? What kind of a legacy would you like to leave? What will you wish you had done? The second part ties your priorities and your goals together. The best two tips in this area I have heard in years are extremely simple: 1. Make a list every night of the five things you MUST accomplish tomorrow, and then DO THEM tomorrow, in the order of those you want to do least first. 2. Ask yourself each day: What can I do today that I'll be glad I did tomorrow? This one step is amazingly powerful, as you will see after a few days.

Have A Vision Of Your Life: How many times have you heard that you must visualize what you want in order to get it? Did you know that in studies with Olympic-calibre athletes, tests have shown that they performed just as well after visualizing themselves going through the motions with precision, as when they actually practiced physically? Additionally, in brain and muscle tests, all the same neurons in the brain and muscle fibres in the body were activated during intense visualization as during the actual athletic endeavour.Amazing? YES! Use this to your advantage in your own life! Practice and improve your ability to clearly and precisely picture yourself being in the situations you wish to create. There are some guided meditations in the Wealth Beyond Reason program that we have found to be very helpful with this process.

HEALTH: This has been addressed in many places, but my two best tips are: Eat less, and more often. Studies have shown that those who eat less actually survive longer, and with this happy, passionate life you are building you'll want to prolong it as much as you can! Also, eating smaller amounts every 3-4 hours serves to boost your metabolism and burn more fat...helping you to be healthier and have more energy. Think of your metabolism like a fire...consistently feed it in little amounts. If you starve it or smother it, the results will be less to your liking.

The second tip is to get moving, and do it consistently. This one thing, if you are not already doing it, will make a huge difference for you. Go for walks, take up new sports - do whatever you have to do to stay active, and enjoy increased energy and stamina, as well as more clarity in your thoughts.

ROLE MODELS: Get some new ones. Look for people and situations that empower you, and remind you of the magnificence of the human spirit and what is possible. This lifts you out of your narrow, every day focus, and gives you a broader perspective.

Do you know the 5 closest friends is the average wage / amount of money you will also earn.

So put in place and have a look at just those 5 little areas in your life and you will notice and amazing difference nearly instantly.

Enjoy life, live with passion, purpose and happiness!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Ramblins' 1-22-2011

Serial Entrepreneur Newsletter
Dear Subscriber,

Clock Ticking
Yes, the time Approaches!
Yes, the time is fast moving and I realize that my time writing this newsletter will soon come to an end. My goal has always been clear, what I am reaching for is for you to reach within and realize the potential you have to be Happy. Please note that I say Happy because that is the true success within life.
Take away happiness and our life is a tomb!
When you do achieve the Happiness you desire be sure to give Gratitude to those who helped you reach your destination and when you give thanks you will start the circle of happiness since the person you give the gratitude too will in-turn be happy.
Make a conscientious effort to notice as many things around you that make you happy, as much as you can each day.
Be sure to wrap your arms around life and say thank you and start to plan how you are going to enjoy your happiness. Remember, that second hand never stops, enjoy every one.

 by Edward V Ellis, Sr. 
 Real World Entrepreneur. 07-18-04

Mirrors, mirrors all around
Why don't I hear the joyful sound
Of myself clapping as I stroll by?
Is it you or is it I?    

Aarghhh! My sincere apologies to the real poets of the world! The things I do to amuse myself...

Mirrors lie. All those pieces of glass with the reflective coating on the back - lie. You know they do. They never, ever give us a true picture of ourselves. First of all of course, everything we see in them is backwards. We don't see "us". We see a skewed, backwards "us". It's not at all what other people see. We also frequently see ourselves as too fat, too skinny, too tall, too short, too old, too young, too wrinkled, nose too big, nose too small...

Any or all of the perceptions that I just mentioned could be a realistic interpretation of our reflection - or they may be in reality, totally inaccurate. We may feel the need to diet, diet, diet because we see ourselves as much too fat when in reality; we're about twenty pounds underweight. We may see giant, wrinkles under our eyes and make a panic call to our friendly reconstructive surgeon when in reality, it would take a magnifying glass to positively identify the tiniest of creases. And I'm not really a wrinkled, graying, fuzzy, balding, old geezer. The mirror is clearly showing me as a mature gentleman with interesting, distinguishing features.

Unless we're putting out a bunch of effort to really see that which is being reflected back to us, we are only going to see that which we expect to see. Even then we'll never hit 100 percent accuracy. It's just the way our little minds work.

Our self-image, even without a mirror, is always at least a few degrees off from reality. We may imagine (image) ourselves as charming, outgoing and friendly when in reality we may be a loud, obnoxious pain in the rear. Or we may view ourselves as lower than pond scum and not deserving of a second look from anyone when in reality, we may be quite nice and pleasant to be around. It would be beneficial if we could have a more realistic picture of ourselves. It would be good if we could be more aware of our strengths - and of course, it would be really good if we could identify some of the areas that could use a bit of improvement.

Here's where other folks can come in handy. First, another honest evaluation of us has the potential of providing at least a basic view of ourselves. You have to remember what's liable to happen here, though. To begin with, the "honest" part of the evaluation may (will?) be questionable. Well-meaning people sometimes just flat lie to keep from hurting our feelings. Apart from that, their observations of us will be shaded by their experiences (programming). We will be the recipient of their perception of us. And to top it all off, we will hear and process their information according to our experiences and programming. This may or may not correlate with their intended meaning. About the best we can hope for here is that we may get an indication of how we are perceived by others. Or use the old rule of thumb. (OK - so it's my thumb and my rule...) If one person out of a hundred thinks you are a doofus, you probably don't need to worry about it. Get up to fifty people and you likely have a problem to address. If ninety-nine percent of your acquaintances agree that you're a butthead, you can expect to receive your certification in the mail sometime next week.

The remainder of this equation for performing a self-check using other people requires using our own self-evaluation abilities - which are of course, packaged in our own personal box of brightly-colored perceptions. (Are you getting the idea that none of this stuff will work out perfectly?) It boils down to a saying I heard a long time ago. If you point your finger - accusingly or in judgment - toward another person, you will always have three fingers pointing right back at yourself.
This is the mirror we alluded to at the beginning of this article. We see and subsequently condemn or judge in others, the imperfections or short-comings that exist in some form within us. Our observations of others and our resulting comments - or even thoughts - can give us a good idea of some of the things it might be beneficial for us to work on.
Here are a couple of examples. The words "He's an idiot!" from our lips is an indication that we may feel inadequate, stupid or an "idiot" relative to some section of our lives. "She dresses like a pig!" may mean that we're not at all happy about some part of our appearance - or the impression we feel we're giving to others. The flip side of this is that the positive thoughts we have about. others, whether they are expressed verbally or not, often reflect the positive qualities that exist within ourselves. There is no pat formula for determining the meaning of these comments or thoughts. They can only be interpreted by their owner. That would be us.

None of life's mirrors can provide a completely accurate reflection. But they can at least give us a few hints of some things we might want to think about.

Practically Radical
This book is for every entrepreneur or would-be entrepreneur that is looking to understand today's new making of a business. The ideas in this book are fresh and has advise you can actually use.It will help you become risk averse. Practically Radical reminds us that this is no the time to downsize your dreams or stop taking chances.
This is a handbook for transformation. Click on the book I linked it to Amazon.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Do You Think It's Too Late To Change?

by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.
“It's never too late to be who you might have been." -George Eliot

A few years ago I was on a flight home and sat next to 2 flight attendants who were also flying back home. The one girl was telling me that she had been flying for 28 years and now it's too late for her to do something different. She said "No one will hire me now; it's too late to change things."

First I thought how sad that she actually believes that plus I knew how wrong she really was. But...a belief is something you tell yourself over and over again, even if it's not true. The reality is that it's never too late to change anything.

It's never too late to lose weight, to change your attitude, get out of debt, stop spending so much, get a life, find a partner, get a divorce, have a better relationship, get a new job, go back to school, let go of the past, start appreciating your blessings, or have more balance and on and on. And, it's never too late to start enjoying your life again.

Sure we all make mistakes in life that if we could do over we might take a different path. Or, we might wish we hadn't said what we did or wish we had said more when we didn't!

But, that's life. You live and learn and then you move on. But, some people decide that whatever happened to them in the past is a permanent disability and they can't change the outcome; a screwed up life or one they wish was different.

Is it easy to change things when you have lived a certain way for what seems to be forever, you've formed bad habits or your feel stuck in a rut? No, it's not always easy but it's possible to change things. And more importantly, it's never too late to change things if you really want to.

In this world where there seems to be so much stress from work, pressure from all the things you have to do but haven't yet, worries about "issues" going on in your life, fear of what may happen or not happen etc., it's time to learn how to release all of this pent up anxiety and learn to breathe again.

Where is the balance in your life? Where is the break you need? Where is the fun, relaxation, freedom? Where did you get lost along the way that you began to believe that you have no control over how you live your life and the man behind the curtain pulls all of your strings? (Oz)

Even if you are in a job that you don't like, feeling lonely, feeling stressed, sad, and overweight or whatever your "issues" are it's never too late to stop and smell the roses, to make the best of what you DO have and take the steps to change what you don't want anymore.

As the serenity prayer states: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

No matter what happens to us, no matter what situations fall at our doorstep, no matter what paths we've walked down, we all have the choice as to how we will allow it to impact our lives; either negatively or on a positive note.

Some people say, "Life is short." I say, "Life is long!" So figure out how to live it well, it's never too late!


Sunday, January 16, 2011

11 Questions To Kick-start Your Dream

by Edward Ellis, Sr.

What's your dream? Want to give your vision a jumpstart? Write down your goals and use these questions to speed up delivery of your dream. 

1. What's your highest priority this lifetime?
What's most important for you to experience, explore or embrace this time around? Until you answer this question, your life goals will be off purpose. Unaligned with your inner passion, your intentions will lack the power to attract the people and situations necessary to become a reality.
Get clued into your true joy. What activities turned you on as a child? What are your hobbies now? When your goals are aligned with your soul purpose, synchronicity kicks in to guide you to your target. When you intuit and own your unique essence and calling, assistance will flow to you from every earthly and heavenly source.

2. Is this your dream, or someone else's?
Are your goals your own choice, or what others think you should strive for? Do you want to look back in your old age and wish you had followed your passion? Will you regret having "played it safe?"
Is it selfish to go after your own dream? What joy can you give to others if you haven't given it to yourself first?
You have a divine right to listen to your heart. You have a social obligation to follow your dream. Only then can you fulfill your destiny and make the earthly contribution you were born to make.

3. Do you really, really want this dream?
Do you bound out of bed every morning to pursue your vision? Or is it a lukewarm dream you chase because it sounds meaningful? Only the Real McCoy will generate enough energy to manifest itself in the world. 

4. Are you settling for less than?
Are you resigned to accepting less than your full share of love, health and success this lifetime? Have you compromised and sacrificed your dream to death?
Anything short of living your true passions will never make you happy. Do you want to arrive at the Pearly Gates with the regret of not marrying that one captivating person, starting that fun business, or seeing that exotic part of the world you always wanted to visit? 

5. Is your dream actually just a means to some other dream?
Is your goal the ultimate end in itself, or merely a limited means to that end? Isn't it really the new car itself you want, rather than the money-the means-to buy the new car? More to the core, isn't it really a renewed sense of self-worth you desire, rather than the new car or house to impress the family and neighbors? And isn't it really happiness you want, rather than the picture-perfect mate, job or body?
Focus on the experience you want to create, not the physical form that may-or may not-bring you that experience.

6. What will you feel like when you reach your dream?
Personal passion fuels a vision. Dive into the thrill and exhilaration of the feeling of living your dream. Every moment you can, drink in the joy of having your goal.
The Hawaiian Kahuna say, "Where your creative attention flows, so flows your life." Is your daily attention feeding your dream? As the TV public service announcement reminds us, "It's midnight. Do you know where your children are?" Hey, in your life, it's high noon! Do you know where your creative excitement is flowing?
It's high time you manifested your aspirations. Dynamic, satisfying creations are nurtured with love and care as a flower in a garden.

7. How will you benefit from getting your dream?
Get specific about the benefits you'll receive from achieving your vision. Write down these pluses so they will sink in as motivators. What exactly would happen if you made a lot of money doing something you love? How would you approach your life differently if you allowed people to love and support you? What would you do with more vitality and health? 

8. What steps can you take today toward your dream?
Don't defer your dream. Set up supports and systems around you to instantly translate your intentions into action. Jump on every opportunity that is in line with your purpose and vision.
Keep the momentum going. No matter how hectic life gets, pledge to take at least one action a day. Even the smallest actions-jotting down a new idea, reading a single page, or making one phone call-can start to add up.
Are there smaller projects that lead to your larger dream that can give you pleasure in the meantime? If the dream is to run a marathon, train for a local fun-run first. And find a way to measure your progress. Track those little wins-by writing in a journal or telling a friend. 

9. Are you telling yourself: "I can't have my dream?"
Most people don't believe they can live their dream. Either their belief system has them believing they can't make a living doing what they love, or they feel they don't deserve their dream. To avoid the pain of feeling they can't have their dream, people often keep their dream so buried they can't remember they ever had a dream.
Everyone has a dream! And everyone is destined to fulfill that purpose. Why wait? 

10. Are you afraid of getting your dream?
Statistically, more heart attacks occur when "good" things happen, than when "bad" things happen! Getting your dream is life-threatening! Of course, realizing your dream is only threatening to your old experience of yourself and your life-you know, the one that's boring-or paining-you to death!
Change is scary. Find a way to move the energy of fear. The only way to avoid feeling fear is to avoid living altogether! 

11. Do you really need to accomplish your dream?
Do you really need to achieve your goals to be happy? Enter the "hootless state"-where you no longer give a hoot if the exact "picture" of your dream comes true. Without the interference of the ego's push, pressure and micro managing, you have a much better chance of being in the right vibration-space-to attract real happiness. When you relax your grip on the exact way your future "has" to unfold, you give the Universe more flexibility in how it can fulfill your wishes.
And, on a higher plane, what if our true task here on Earth is simply to be who we already are in our essential nature-with or without manifesting our specific goals? What if the essence of who we are is enough?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Always Stay Young and Always Believe

Ramblins' 1-15-2011

Here we are... another year, the beginning of another chapter in our adventure called, Life!
"Why can't I Just Wish It Away,"
a statement I hear so many times when I do a meeting as people openly discuss their problems. Problems should be looked at in a way that we determine how do we live with it, how can we correct it and how did it happen. No matter what the situation, problems do not get wished away, we have control of how we handle it.
I look at the Homeless man T. Williams, the man with the golden voice, though the man has ongoing problems, the situation began to change when HE did something about it, not knowing what the results would be, he made a sing and tried.
Maybe we have to make a sign!
I know we do have to do something to have a chance at change.
Just remember the quote
"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."

Thanks for asking me to continue.
Are You Happy?
Are you Happy
by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.

Have you actually ever given this question some thought? If you had to answer sincerely, could you say yes? Let's discuss what authentic happiness is and how to be happy in life always.

I believe that finding happiness and maintaining this feeling as a constant in our life is directly linked to our personal fulfillment. If we are avid in pursuing our own personal growth and development then we will experience authentic happiness. The problem is that most of allow ourselves to get stuck in the daily grind, to respond to life rather than to create it. We let others make decisions for us and think we must settle for mediocrity and dissatisfaction.

This is a myth! We do not need to settle or resign our life to its present course. We have the ability to make decisions, to choose, to reason, to follow our heart. If you truly want to find happiness then you must take charge of your life, begin to create instead of respond and work on improving your personal growth and development.

Happy people are go-getters. Happy people are constantly seeking personal fulfillment. Happy people know how to be happy in life regardless of circumstances because they choose to focus on the positive, the opportunity in every situation. Happy people do not dwell on the negative, on the "coulda", "woulda", "shoulda's". Happy people resolve to push forward and move on, always seeking good.

One of the best and easiest ways to sustain authentic happiness is to continually be working on yourself, on your personal growth and development. Push yourself to do more, to be more. Set goals and work towards them. Read books on subjects you have a desire to be familiar with. Read biographies and autobiographies about people you admire. Learn how to cook. Start an extreme workout program and push your body to the limit. Stimulate your mind. These are all ways to develop your personal fulfillment.

Those seeking authentic happiness and who sincerely want to know how to be happy in life should be in a constant state of learning and growing. It's been said that we are happiest while in the midst of actively pursuing a goal or a dream. It's true. Give it a try. Today, right now, begin to work on your personal growth and development. Set a goal, take that first step towards realizing a dream. Nothing is impossible when you set your mind to it. Remember, we are intelligent beings, gifted with reason, intellect, freedom to choose, desires to pursue. We are born with these traits for a purpose, to use them. Do not settle. Do not lose yourself in the grind. Stop reacting to what life throws at you; take the reigns and decide how you want your life to be and what type of a person you wish to be.

If you are serious about wanting to be happy in life then you must start living your life for you, always with the intention of making the world a better place and making your life better. Follow your heart and your personal desires, authentic happiness will have no choice but to follow
Believe in Life
Believe in Life
 by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.

What do you believe in? Do you believe in destiny? Do you believe in the system? Do you believe in yourself? In life after death? In God? We typically think of the word belief as an opinion or conviction about something - an existence not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof. The truth, however, is that your beliefs shape what you experience in this reality. What you believe matters.

The origin of the word "belief" offers a telling verse. Belief is a compound word with parts synonymous to: "be" - "by" and "lief" - "live." Taken together, the meaning of something we "believe in" is something we "live by". This etymology sheds light on the age old debate between the advocates of faith as a means to salvation and those that assert works are key to a full and fulfilling life. The word belief means that acts and faith are inextricably linked. What you do, the actions you take are in accordance with your beliefs. The proof of your faith is in your works - the truth of your words is in your deeds.

Relying on this meaning of the word suggests "beliefs" determine a worldview inextricably linked to how you live. Rational explanations (or intellectual fabrications) notwithstanding, beliefs organize your life. You do what you believe.

So, again: What do you really believe?

You can determine this only by observing how you live, how you respond to others, how you respond to the world around you, and what you in fact do.

Honestly making this assessment: Do you like what you see? Is it time to change?

By nature we are a nostalgic breed. It may be the distance of time, but it seems the only thing people prefer to the way things are, is the way things were. We seek security in the past and attempt to prolong the glory of prior triumphs. We resist change. But life doesn't work that way. You see, life is on the move, life is constant change. You are on a journey from where you are to where you are meant to be.

Instead, of reminiscing or pining for the past, begin where you are now. Though you may temporarily succumb to doubt and fear, or mistakenly take a path of least resistance, recognize progress in this reality entails struggle and involves risk. It is time to act; it is time to change beliefs, to be what you really are, to become whole.

The purpose of life is to grow and expand. Sometimes, you might say often, the prospects of growth, with their attendant trials and tribulations, are uncomfortable and at times painful. The thing about life though is - you cannot get from the start to the end without going through the middle. So if you aspire to grow, if you aspire to learn, if you aspire to be and become - aspire to life. Believe in life and you will act accordingly.
Set Your Politics Aside...

Glenn Beck 7 Wonders


There are times when individuals hear a name
 (Like Glenn Beck)
and pre-judge the situation and decide not to do something because of their preconceived opinions. For that reason I say, set your politics aside and run don't walk, if fact just click on the book and order it from Amazon.
You won't be sorry.

One quote that really rings a bell:
"but to anyone who has seen the darkest that life has to offer, every day in the sunshine really does count."

This book captures the fact that true happiness is about family and spending time with your kids and that it's important to have people who can stand with you (represented by Dr. Ablow) to act as a support structure.

Radio and television host Glenn Beck has experienced the rollercoaster of life like few others.  From the suicide of his mother when he was just thirteen, to his eventual alcoholism, depression, divorce, unemployment, and health scares-Glenn has weathered life's darkest storms.
Any one of those struggles could've ruined him, yet Glenn was able to keep moving forward.  He saw past the darkness into the light; past his grief and addictions and into what his life could be.
I really appreciate you taking the time to read this issue of "My Ramblins" and I would appreciate it if you would share it with others, remember it's FREE, be sure to ask them to Subscribe, maybe it can be of some help to them or their friends. In addition if you can click on Facebook or Twitter to share with others it would be of great help and appreciated. Remember, just click the forward button and forward to a friend, business associate or family member.

Thanks for letting me share this part of your life.
Have a Great Day and an Even Better Tomorrow.
EE Signature clear

                    Edward Ellis Sr
                   Serial Entrepreneur

This is Not the End of the Line

Not the End

Know this: everyone fails from time to time but failure is not the end of the line unless you allow it to be. You blundered, you tried, you failed and it hurts. Allow yourself time to grieve it but then let it go so that you can get back to the business of reaching your intended goal. Your goal IS your motivation. Remind yourself that the only positive option is to seek ways to turn the situation around. Then tell yourself that in the morning, you will begin again!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ramblins' 1-08-2011

Dear Subscriber,

What can I say that expresses my gratitude more than Thank You. The phone calls and emails saying I should continue for as long as possible was more than I could have expected. Now, my obligation is to make the most out of the time I have left and to share with you as much information as i possibly can in the next few months.
My goal is to spend as much time as possible in various areas helping individuals learn more and more about the field of Direct Sales. I look forward to being in Maryland, York & Bethlehem, PA.
20102010, Yes, take a long look at that and remember, in a short period of time that will be "The Good Old Days." What happens today is only the memories for tomorrow, Let's make a plan to make the best out of every day we have in front of us.

Life Is A Journey
Journey 3

 by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.

Your life as a journey, a passage through time. You perceive it as a voyage from one place and moment to the next, unfolding and forever in motion. Yet every journey begins from the same place and every journey has as its purpose the same end. The place to begin - where you are now; the purpose - to achieve your destiny.

Is your life filled with questions? Often those questions substitute for getting on with the task at hand - moving, acting, and living. By posing questions and pursuing "new" answers you think you will find a reasoned way home, a way and a means that is direct, clear and challenge free. You search and search because the answers you have do not satisfy your ego. Stop searching for answers, step out on your journey.

Here are the answers that matter: You will achieve your destiny by acting on faith, by letting go of the things you cling to, and by forgiving those that have wronged you. Unimaginable joy awaits.

This reality is dynamic, constantly changing. You are immersed in creation, immersed in the journey of life. Ultimately, all is illusion. The gift of free will is key to the choice you must make, the option you must ultimately pursue.

Cry if you might, wail if you must, but refuse to be a pawn to emotion. Become a brave pioneer - a sojourner for which comfort is not your calling, nor appeasement your way. Do not allow complaints and derision to serve as justification. Freedom and fulfillment come not on the easy road. Realize freedom and fulfillment by overcoming fear and acting on faith.

The road to your destiny lies before you. Take the next small step and contribute something positive with the gift of your life. Your only recourse is to retreat to a hovel of comfort, a vane and shallow harbor. From there you can worship idols of wealth and status till bondage and death come.

Complete the simple, yet paradoxically difficult, task of life - let go of your ego, dissolve the illusion. You have a will for this purpose - it's your desire to change. You have a wellspring of strength, from a source you cannot see but know is real. You have the courage to precede one step at a time. With surety you will arrive with the wise - recognizing your true self - one with the divine.

You have two well defined choices: Exercise your free will to suffer in the illusion or to journey to your destiny. You can embrace truth - go with the flow, accept, create, and rejoice; or you can embrace ego - resist, compete, and survive in the illusion. If you choose wisely, you ally with truth and forego a separate will, a separate "I". If you choose poorly, harden yourself for a lonely journey dominated by your ego, flush with fear.

You have a sense your experience of life could be much more than it has been. It can be! What you think you lack you can in fact find. The place to start is where you are. Look for the answers where the answers are found - within. There is no other door, no other route to where you are supposed to go. Your life is a journey. The world is in motion. Instead of flailing about, searching for an easy way, let go of fear and listen to the still small voice within. Act by faith and your life will steer to its destiny.

Thoughts developed while at Selim and Kelly's (My Daughter & Son-in-Law) home on 12-31-2010... Yes, New Year's Eve

Serial Entrepreneur Newsletter Vol. 2 - No. 1

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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We Will Start Again This Saturday 1/08/2011