by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.
Self Development plan is a well thought-out and schemed process to assist individual in organizing their personal, educational and career progression. A personal development plan is significant if you want to accomplish your truthful realization of success. The key purpose of this is for an individual to become more valuable, positive, self-sufficient and self-directed individuals. Thus, achieving any goal requires transformation on a mental and often physical level. Basically we are not intuitive in perfection in this world, yet we can be one if we work hard to improve our Self Development. A Personal Development plan is significant if you want to accomplish your truthful realization of success.
Goal Setting - Goal setting plays an important role in every Self Development Plan. Goal setting is the vein of our Plan to achieve ideal Self Development. Setting goals make planning more meaningful and shall then on carry a great weight in every step of the way in achieving ideal Self Development. It will help increase our level of positivity and sanguinity leading to realization. Getting familiar with your interests is a superior approach to Goal Setting.
Motivation - Motivation serves as our power to transform our plans to success. Interest is an important motivator for all entity. Every person has their respective and meticulous technique s and drive for getting motivated or keyed up. Nevertheless, always remember that motivation that comes from within really makes the difference. Motivation works effectively as soon as you have a Personal Development plan and goal in mind. When you know your purpose and you know your interest you'll then be acquainted with your motivation.
Focus - concentration on getting to the precise path to achieve ideal Personal Development is quiet important. Paying attention on the details of your life, career and education is an edge to reach ideal Personal Development in the soonest possible time. Sometimes due to having more responsibilities and priorities, we lost our focus to what is more important subsequently writing your goals would help you remind your plans because having that reminder can be a valuable tool in keeping you on track.
Here is a sample pattern of Self Development Plan you can make that can work as your guide in conceptualizing your goals.
1. What is my present status - this list must consist your current standing and your strength and weaknesses. The feedback you hear from others about your attitude and character. What are your performance gauge and lastly your conclusion?
2. What is your desired level of Ideal Development as a person - this list must include desired status you would like to achieve and improve. Your reason why you would like to improve and this list must include your long term and short term goal.
3. What are my action plans, what are needed? - This list must contain your necessary action on how you can bring your plans to life. Such as techniques to develop the area of your expertise and or to improve your weaknesses. Consider your possible resources such as training, seminars or self help books. If you are having issues on controlling your anger you can look for the local anger management class within your locale.
4. Timeline - this is very important this list must comprise your focus for the day and the time line or date to achieve it. Proper scheduling is necessary so you can be able to know if you are heading toward progress.
Life is a great deal when you have a Personal Development plan. The secret is to stay positive, think broadly enough but never lose your sense of balance. And it's very important that you enjoy every process of your Personal Development Plan.
How to Get High - The Legal and Healthy Way |
by: Edward V. Ellis, Sr.
It's a funny thing...
We come into this world full of wonder, amazement and an audaciously authentic ability to laugh out loud at whatever tickles our funny bone. To our young minds - free of attached meanings, assumptions and suppositions - the world is a delightfully cacophony of silliness. Just looking at Mom or Dad evokes a sense of pure joy and well being.
It seems we spend the rest of our lives trying to get back to that place of euphoria. Like a crack addict we consume one drug of choice after another in a misguided attempt to sustain an inner high. For the moment, let's put aside the various incarnations of illegal drugs sold in the dark seedy back-alleys or lined across the tables at errant fast-lane jet set parties. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that continued use of such narcotics would land you either in jail or in the morgue.
As a society, we know all too well the fated downward spiral of an alcoholic. Whether it is within the family or splattered across the tabloid headlines we get the crash and burn pitfalls of an alcohol-fueled life. We turn a blind eye to culturally acceptable "feel good" drugs of choice including:
Compulsive Shopping (or Collecting) Hoarding Excessive Cosmetic Surgery Over Eating, Anorexia or Bulimia Stress Whining & Complaining Verbal or Physical Abuse - of others and self
These 'drugs' are consumed for a fleeting state of euphoria. Like a narcotic, the effect wears off and the addict goes after the next hit. "If I just buy this one last Prada bag, nip /tuck, box of cookies THEN I'll be who I want to be and good enough. If I beat up on everyone and everything around me then I'll feel better about myself. If I create more stress I'll feel vital. Yes, you can become addicted to the adrenalin by the brain under stress. Know any Drama Queens or Micro-Manager Control Freaks?
If I make someone else wrong, I'll be right and better than them. If I hit someone I can control them and have control over my life. If I beat up on myself I will Find Excuses And Reasons (F.E.A.R.) not to rise above. It will be ok to stay right where I am where it is comfortable.
All this mind mishegas stirred up in an effort to get back to the ecstatic state we experienced as an infant.
Noted psychologist Abraham Maslow defined this feeling of euphoric harmonious interconnectedness as a peak experience. It is experiencing the joy, excitement, well-being, wonder and awe we knew at day one. We were bundles of love overwhelmed by the beauty, possibility and delight that was our world.
Here's the thing..
We don't need to commit a crime or go down what is certain to be a path of self-destruction in order to live in the ebb and flow of peak experience. Nothing outside of us is required to achieve a transpersonal state of awareness that makes us feel good down to our French manicured toes. What we had as babies is still there. All we have to do is reach deep within, reconnect with who we really are, boldly express this truth, and have the moxie to go after what will make our heart sing - no matter what anyone else says or thinks about it. That's what I call Moxie.
I won't kid you. It's not an easy reach. It takes a willingness to go places that are uncomfortable. It takes the guts to be vulnerable. It requires a firm commitment to yourself centered in the truth of who you are. It is taking a stand up against those who wish to cross your personal boundaries, what you value. It takes effectively communicated cajones.
Take the high road in the path of a legal high. You did it as a baby. You can do it now. Like learning how to walk again, the first step begins with you. It's ok if you fall. Pick up the gifts in the lessons learned while you're on the ground. Your next steps will be bigger and stronger. Soon you'll be off and running with wild abandon in a self-generated state of bliss.
A Book With A Purpose |
Truth About Life |
I initially purchased the audio version of this book, listened to it three times and had to go find the book so I could study it and make sidebar notes. What I really wanted to do was to understand the true meaning, what confused me is the fact whenever I give a talk so much of what I have been saying is what this book is all about. When i talk with people and they tell me they don't like selling, yet they in-turn are selling themselves on almost every decision they make in a days time. In other words we all tell stories, even if it's to ourselves.
Pick up this book and you will learn more about yourselves and the products you purchase. |
Think About... Where does the blame belong? |
The World Today |
What caused our financial problems today... Simple... Greed!
Imaginary Development is an umbrella company acting as a foundation for a variety of activities. We recently gained access to wholesale shovel prices that have allowed us to dig more and deeper holes. Recent bank negotiations are underway to allow further growth. The bank seems confident that we have the capability of digging even deeper holes. They've offered to finance the purchase of more shovels.
Banks wanting to lend, Individuals and businesses wanting to borrow more so they could have more and shareholders pressing the banks for more business so their stocks will rise. Lending with inappropriate controls is a recipe for disaster and yes, the recipe worked well. Yes, take a chance on life, but always remember the consequences. |
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