Life's problems wouldn't be called "hurdles" if there wasn't a way to get over them.
Did you ever feel like life is a car trip with the family?
After years of working toward living your dream, do you ever feel like something is still missing? Do you ever wonder if you're really headed in the right direction, and if you are, why you haven't gotten "there" yet?
Life is an engaging experience that you must both learn from and enjoy as well. Week after week I have the opportunity to meet hundreds of great people, I am very blessed to have this opportunity. However, sometimes it can be depressing when I come across individuals who fail to realize how much talent they have and how much opportunity is in front of them as well as what has been given to them already.
Take some time to do inventory on who you are, where you are and determine what you want out of life...
After you do this you may realize you have arrived at the destination you have been searching for!
Enjoy every day as if were your last, plant happiness and you will harvest the same, Have a great week.
Tips to Build More Self-Esteem
by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.
Everybody should have a very good sense of self-esteem to be able to lead a happy and fulfilled lifestyle. In reality, should you tend not to have strong self-esteem, all the relationships that you've with other folks will suffer: friends, colleagues, coworkers, family members, partners and so on. A whole lot of folks with low self-esteem tend not to know how to stand up for themselves or deny a request if it can be not convenient for them. So even though they may possibly smile friendly and agree to complete one thing, inside, they tend not to like the reality that they behave that way. And in some way, usually inside a passive-aggressive way, they will seek revenge from the folks that loaded the burden on their shoulders.
It is not known why people have more self-esteem and other people have less self-esteem. Generally it is believed that our upbringing has something to do with it. Genetics probably is not an important factor in this case. If you had encouraging parents who praised you and expressed the love they felt for you and how proud they are of you, then chances are that your self-esteem is better than that of someone who had parents who mainly made negative remarks. Whatever the causes for low self-esteem, it is important that you start building self-esteem in a very dedicated manner. All areas of your life will benefit from it.
There are many ways to increase your self-esteem, and you'll find some of them here in this article. For example, a lot of people find affirmations to be a good way to get started. Affirmations are basically a kind of positive self-talk that is very deliberately designed to achieve a certain inner change. An example of an affirmation that you could use would be: "I feel that I deserve the best life I can have. My self-esteem is getting stronger with every breath I take. I am worthy of a happy, fulfilled life." You can create your own affirmations; just make sure that they are always positive, and not negative.
One of the downsides of affirmations is that they need a good deal of repetition. Literally thousands of times do they need to be repeated prior to you are able to begin to experience the effects. A quicker method to go about building-self esteem is with the aid of hypnosis. Hypnotic suggestions can aid you to actually alter the way you experience about yourself in the good manner swiftly. In case you wish to approach this difficulty a lot more actively, then practicing standing up for yourself may possibly be an excellent idea. Deliberately go into situations where you know that some men and women will make unreasonable requests from you and practice to tell them no.
The Structure of Excellence |
by: Edward V Ellis, Sr
What is it that makes a Tiger Woods, a Bill Gates, a Shumacher or Leonardo Di Vinci? What is the structure of excellence, is it discoverable, is it replicable and perhaps most importantly is it possible to install the structure of excellence in ourselves and in our own lives so that we to can achieve excellence and become the architects of our passions and dreams?
If we study the lives of those that have achieved excellence in any walk of life we discover many common characteristics - hard work, dedication, a natural inclination and talent that has been developed and perfected over time, along with certain powerful supporting beliefs. Although an understanding of these traits is interesting and to some degree useful it is still quite superficial in that it does not tell us why these people are so dedicated, hard working and able to discover and develop their talents in the way that they have - it still doesn't give us the structure of excellence.
Why is it that some have big bright futures stretching out in front of them while many see their future as downright dark, gloomy and unclear. Why is it that some lead lives of outstanding achievement while so many lead lives of quiet desperation?
For the answer perhaps we could look to language for a clue. If someone describes their future as downright dark, gloomy and unclear and I was to ask them where in their visual field when they imagined their future the image was located and to describe its structure I would not be at all surprised to hear that the image was down and to the right, was dark and gloomy and unclear. If I was then to ask the person with the huge bright future stretching out in front of them to describe where in their visual field they saw the image of their future I would not be at all surprised to hear that it was out in front of them, that the image was big and bright. We would I'm sure find a similar pattern in the internal dialogue of these two people one being more negative, and the other positive, strong and confident and encouraging. We would also find distinct differences in the types of feelings each of them generate and experience.
So now perhaps we are getting a little closer to an understanding of what the structure of excellence really is, simply put it is the way in which we use our minds, the kind and type of pictures, sounds and feelings that we habitually run in our neurology. Those that habitually create dark gloomy unclear images and negative critical voice tones tend to experience heavy and gloomy feelings and as a result can feel, down stuck or depressed. Those who tend to use big bright pictures and strong encouraging internal dialogue tend to generate positive, strong feelings and as a result are more motivated, happier and feel better about life, themselves and the future.
So could it really that simple - could the difference between those that live lives of quiet desperation and those that are able to get themselves to consistently do what is necessary for the achievement of excellence be as simple as the types of pictures, feelings and sounds they habitually use? The answer it seems is - yes.
The types of pictures and sounds and associated feelings we create in our neurology create the states that we experience, and state is the master key to excellence for in the right state we make better decisions, have access to much more of our resources and can achieve much more success and even excellence.
There is a psychological technology called neuro linguistic programming or NLP for short. NLP has been described as the user manual for the mind and to put it in the simplest terms is a set of tools that enable us to model the very structure of excellence in others and replicate and install that excellence in ourselves. NLP enables us to understand and change the types of images, sounds and feelings we habitually run and install new more useful strategies. The results of which can often bringing about fast, dramatic and lasting changes.
I am talking about a set of tools that enables us to discover and install the very structure of excellence itself. For surely each and every one of us has it in us to achieve our own personal definition of success and perhaps with a better understanding of the structure of excellence who knows what we may all still achieve.
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This book emphasizes two of my core beliefs - "Strive to be Great" and Lead by Example."
This book will you change your life... if yo you study it read... NO, if you study it and devour the meaning of the content.
I quote from page 11 of the book, "I had what I call an epiphany, what the dictionary calls "a sudden, intuitive realization." It was like being hit over the head by a universal two-by-four, and I knew some major changes were in order for my life. Are you ready for some changes? I think we all are
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