Are You Walking the Talk?
by: Edward V Ellis, Sr
We are all on a walk.
It is the journey we take each day as a leader.
We move through our day, going from one task to the next, one meeting to the next, one problem to the next. We have conversations and interactions; some small, seemingly inconsequential others lengthy and potentially memorable. Each of these is part of your leadership walk.
You may not think of your leadership journey as a walk. Most would call it work. So to be clear, the walk is "the stuff" of our day; it's the items on your to-do list seen in a slightly different way.
You may have never thought of it as a walk, but that is how others see it.
What do I mean?
You've heard the phrase: people want to see leaders who will walk their talk. The most effective leaders have the best "talk"; a great vision, values, wonderful approaches and plans, and people see talk as more than just words - they see the walk. In fact your talk matters little, in comparison to your walk. The reality is, they watch and pay much more attention to your feet, than your lips.
It is your walk that matters.
As leaders whether you realize it or not, you are on a walk that others are observing in small and large ways every step and every day.
You might think of the walk as role modeling behavior, but those are just fancy words. It is the walk that people are watching. Every day too - not just on our best days, or the days we feel good, or the days we had a good breakfast, or right after we went to a great training workshop.
Remember, you are always walking and others are always watching.
Here are just some examples for you to consider:
Do you say you care about your people, your organization and your Customers? How does your walk prove it?
Do you say mistakes are important and necessary? How does your walk prove it?
Do you say you believe that your people can develop, grow and have tremendous potential? How does your walk prove it?
Do you say that listening is important? How does your walk prove it?
Do you say you are a learner? How does your walk prove it?
In the end, we are leaders only if others choose to follow. Make sure your walk is heading to a great place; a place worthy of being followed to. And know that if you tend daily to your walk, the chance of others joining you on your leadership walk is much higher.
Ultimately it is your walk that matters.
Make sure you are watching your steps.
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Self Growth Is About Believing That You Can |

By Edward V Ellis, Sr
Did you know that the majority of humans do not live up to their potential thus fail to achieve self growth? The main reason is because they really do not consider what they can do, or they do not actually believe that they can achieve more than they have already achieved. Most of them simply do not care. It is surprisingly a small minority of people take effort to go the extra mile and make a mark in their lives. For you to achieve self growth you must push yourself to the maximum.
Even though a big percentage of people live in sheer mediocrity and ignorance, this does not mean success is impossible. It just goes to show that to make it big in life should not be taken lightly. It is very possible for you to stand out in your area of operation but that is if only you take the right approach. This means that you have to start living and thinking like a champion.
Let the way you think, talk and behave reflect your belief that you are a winner thus achieve self growth. You must obviously be aware of the fact that you can never be what others think of you unless you allow them to make you.
It is true what they say; "where there is no enemy within, the enemy without cannot harm". You should have strong beliefs and have a very high self esteem and self respect, because self growth and success belongs only to the strong willed. Those who are weak, passive, preservative and those who generally tend to conform to what happens outside have no chance of survival, so the adage, "Survival for the fittest".
Therefore, you need to start having a strong character and will in order to make the serious decisions that you have to take. To be a hero and attain perfect self growth you need not to be afraid of taking hard stands. Life is about making choices and that takes a strong character.
They say a man's got to do what a man has got to do. Your hard work and dedication makes you who you are. Follow the links below to harness more provocative and motivational tips of achieving Self Growth |
A Book to Read... A Lesson to Learn |
This is the first book that I have read that could be summarized in a simple quote from the book. "Imagine living your entire life only to realize that what seemed important...
really wasn't so urgent after all.
This book should make you think about who you are and what you are doing.
Be honest with yourself... |
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