Monday, November 29, 2010


Ramblins' 11-27-2010

Dear Reader,
Christmas Holiday

Well, Thanksgiving is behind us and let's begin another wonderful Holiday Season.
Don't let the past steal your present. You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
Too many of us allow yesterday effect tomorrow. 
I will be sending a special email on Tuesday evening 11/30/2010, this email will give you an insight as to how you must control your attitude in a constructive manner.
I hope you and your families had a memorable Thanksgiving experience, since it will be that experience that will carry you through tomorrow's journey.
Self Development Plan
Self Development  by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.

Self Development plan is a well thought-out and schemed process to assist individual in organizing their personal, educational and career progression. A personal development plan is significant if you want to accomplish your truthful realization of success. The key purpose of this is for an individual to become more valuable, positive, self-sufficient and self-directed individuals. Thus, achieving any goal requires transformation on a mental and often physical level. Basically we are not intuitive in perfection in this world, yet we can be one if we work hard to improve our Self Development. A Personal Development plan is significant if you want to accomplish your truthful realization of success.

Goal Setting - Goal setting plays an important role in every Self Development Plan. Goal setting is the vein of our Plan to achieve ideal Self Development. Setting goals make planning more meaningful and shall then on carry a great weight in every step of the way in achieving ideal Self Development. It will help increase our level of positivity and sanguinity leading to realization. Getting familiar with your interests is a superior approach to Goal Setting.

Motivation - Motivation serves as our power to transform our plans to success. Interest is an important motivator for all entity. Every person has their respective and meticulous technique s and drive for getting motivated or keyed up. Nevertheless, always remember that motivation that comes from within really makes the difference. Motivation works effectively as soon as you have a Personal Development plan and goal in mind. When you know your purpose and you know your interest you'll then be acquainted with your motivation.

Focus - concentration on getting to the precise path to achieve ideal Personal Development is quiet important. Paying attention on the details of your life, career and education is an edge to reach ideal Personal Development in the soonest possible time. Sometimes due to having more responsibilities and priorities, we lost our focus to what is more important subsequently writing your goals would help you remind your plans because having that reminder can be a valuable tool in keeping you on track.

Here is a sample pattern of Self Development Plan you can make that can work as your guide in conceptualizing your goals.

1. What is my present status - this list must consist your current standing and your strength and weaknesses. The feedback you hear from others about your attitude and character. What are your performance gauge and lastly your conclusion?

2. What is your desired level of Ideal Development as a person - this list must include desired status you would like to achieve and improve. Your reason why you would like to improve and this list must include your long term and short term goal.

3. What are my action plans, what are needed? - This list must contain your necessary action on how you can bring your plans to life. Such as techniques to develop the area of your expertise and or to improve your weaknesses. Consider your possible resources such as training, seminars or self help books. If you are having issues on controlling your anger you can look for the local anger management class within your locale.

4. Timeline - this is very important this list must comprise your focus for the day and the time line or date to achieve it. Proper scheduling is necessary so you can be able to know if you are heading toward progress.

Life is a great deal when you have a Personal Development plan. The secret is to stay positive, think broadly enough but never lose your sense of balance. And it's very important that you enjoy every process of your Personal Development Plan.

How to Get High - The Legal and Healthy Way
Feel N' Great
by: Edward V. Ellis, Sr.

It's a funny thing...

We come into this world full of wonder, amazement and an audaciously authentic ability to laugh out loud at whatever tickles our funny bone. To our young minds - free of attached meanings, assumptions and suppositions - the world is a delightfully cacophony of silliness. Just looking at Mom or Dad evokes a sense of pure joy and well being.

It seems we spend the rest of our lives trying to get back to that place of euphoria. Like a crack addict we consume one drug of choice after another in a misguided attempt to sustain an inner high. For the moment, let's put aside the various incarnations of illegal drugs sold in the dark seedy back-alleys or lined across the tables at errant fast-lane jet set parties. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that continued use of such narcotics would land you either in jail or in the morgue.

As a society, we know all too well the fated downward spiral of an alcoholic. Whether it is within the family or splattered across the tabloid headlines we get the crash and burn pitfalls of an alcohol-fueled life. We turn a blind eye to culturally acceptable "feel good" drugs of choice including:

Compulsive Shopping (or Collecting) Hoarding Excessive Cosmetic Surgery Over Eating, Anorexia or Bulimia Stress Whining & Complaining Verbal or Physical Abuse - of others and self

These 'drugs' are consumed for a fleeting state of euphoria. Like a narcotic, the effect wears off and the addict goes after the next hit. "If I just buy this one last Prada bag, nip /tuck, box of cookies THEN I'll be who I want to be and good enough. If I beat up on everyone and everything around me then I'll feel better about myself. If I create more stress I'll feel vital. Yes, you can become addicted to the adrenalin by the brain under stress. Know any Drama Queens or Micro-Manager Control Freaks?

If I make someone else wrong, I'll be right and better than them. If I hit someone I can control them and have control over my life. If I beat up on myself I will Find Excuses And Reasons (F.E.A.R.) not to rise above. It will be ok to stay right where I am where it is comfortable.

All this mind mishegas stirred up in an effort to get back to the ecstatic state we experienced as an infant.

Noted psychologist Abraham Maslow defined this feeling of euphoric harmonious interconnectedness as a peak experience. It is experiencing the joy, excitement, well-being, wonder and awe we knew at day one. We were bundles of love overwhelmed by the beauty, possibility and delight that was our world.

Here's the thing..

We don't need to commit a crime or go down what is certain to be a path of self-destruction in order to live in the ebb and flow of peak experience. Nothing outside of us is required to achieve a transpersonal state of awareness that makes us feel good down to our French manicured toes. What we had as babies is still there. All we have to do is reach deep within, reconnect with who we really are, boldly express this truth, and have the moxie to go after what will make our heart sing - no matter what anyone else says or thinks about it. That's what I call Moxie.

I won't kid you. It's not an easy reach. It takes a willingness to go places that are uncomfortable. It takes the guts to be vulnerable. It requires a firm commitment to yourself centered in the truth of who you are. It is taking a stand up against those who wish to cross your personal boundaries, what you value. It takes effectively communicated cajones.

Take the high road in the path of a legal high. You did it as a baby. You can do it now. Like learning how to walk again, the first step begins with you. It's ok if you fall. Pick up the gifts in the lessons learned while you're on the ground. Your next steps will be bigger and stronger. Soon you'll be off and running with wild abandon in a self-generated state of bliss.
A Book With A Purpose
All Marketers are Liars
Truth About Life
I initially purchased the audio version of this book, listened to it three times and had to go find the book so I could study it and make sidebar notes.
What I really wanted to do was to understand the true meaning, what confused me is the fact whenever I give a talk so much of what I have been saying is what this book is all about. When i talk with people and they tell me they don't like selling, yet they in-turn are selling themselves on almost every decision they make in a days time. In other words we all tell stories, even if it's to ourselves.
Pick up this book and you will learn more about yourselves and the products you purchase.
Think About... Where does the blame belong?
Economic Crisis
The World Today
What caused our financial problems today...
Simple... Greed!

Imaginary Development is an umbrella company acting as a foundation for a variety of activities. We recently gained access to wholesale shovel prices that have allowed us to dig more and deeper holes. Recent bank negotiations are underway to allow further growth. The bank seems confident that we have the capability of digging even deeper holes. They've offered to finance the purchase of more shovels.

Banks wanting to lend, Individuals and businesses wanting to borrow more so they could have more and shareholders pressing the banks for more business so their stocks will rise. Lending with inappropriate controls is a recipe for disaster and yes, the recipe worked well. Yes, take a chance on life, but always remember the consequences. 

Ramblins' 11-20-2010

Life's problems wouldn't be called "hurdles" if there wasn't a way to get over them.

Did you ever feel like life is a car trip with the family?
After years of working toward living your dream, do you ever feel like something is still missing? Do you ever wonder if you're really headed in the right direction, and if you are, why you haven't gotten "there" yet?

Life is an engaging experience that you must both learn from and enjoy as well. Week after week I have the opportunity to meet hundreds of great people, I am very blessed to have this opportunity. However, sometimes it can be depressing when I come across individuals who fail to realize how much talent they have and how much opportunity is in front of them as well as what has been given to them already.
Take some time to do inventory on who you are, where you are and determine what you want out of life...

After you do this you may realize you have arrived at the destination you have been searching for!

Enjoy every day as if were your last, plant happiness and you will harvest the same, Have a great week.

Tips to Build More Self-EsteemLove Yourself
by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.

Everybody should have a very good sense of self-esteem to be able to lead a happy and fulfilled lifestyle. In reality, should you tend not to have strong self-esteem, all the relationships that you've with other folks will suffer: friends, colleagues, coworkers, family members, partners and so on. A whole lot of folks with low self-esteem tend not to know how to stand up for themselves or deny a request if it can be not convenient for them. So even though they may possibly smile friendly and agree to complete one thing, inside, they tend not to like the reality that they behave that way. And in some way, usually inside a passive-aggressive way, they will seek revenge from the folks that loaded the burden on their shoulders.

It is not known why people have more self-esteem and other people have less self-esteem. Generally it is believed that our upbringing has something to do with it. Genetics probably is not an important factor in this case. If you had encouraging parents who praised you and expressed the love they felt for you and how proud they are of you, then chances are that your self-esteem is better than that of someone who had parents who mainly made negative remarks. Whatever the causes for low self-esteem, it is important that you start building self-esteem in a very dedicated manner. All areas of your life will benefit from it.

There are many ways to increase your self-esteem, and you'll find some of them here in this article. For example, a lot of people find affirmations to be a good way to get started. Affirmations are basically a kind of positive self-talk that is very deliberately designed to achieve a certain inner change. An example of an affirmation that you could use would be: "I feel that I deserve the best life I can have. My self-esteem is getting stronger with every breath I take. I am worthy of a happy, fulfilled life." You can create your own affirmations; just make sure that they are always positive, and not negative.

One of the downsides of affirmations is that they need a good deal of repetition. Literally thousands of times do they need to be repeated prior to you are able to begin to experience the effects. A quicker method to go about building-self esteem is with the aid of hypnosis. Hypnotic suggestions can aid you to actually alter the way you experience about yourself in the good manner swiftly. In case you wish to approach this difficulty a lot more actively, then practicing standing up for yourself may possibly be an excellent idea. Deliberately go into situations where you know that some men and women will make unreasonable requests from you and practice to tell them no.
The Structure of Excellence
 by: Edward V Ellis, Sr

What is it that makes a Tiger Woods, a Bill Gates, a Shumacher or Leonardo Di Vinci? What is the structure of excellence, is it discoverable, is it replicable and perhaps most importantly is it possible to install the structure of excellence in ourselves and in our own lives so that we to can achieve excellence and become the architects of our passions and dreams?

If we study the lives of those that have achieved excellence in any walk of life we discover many common characteristics - hard work, dedication, a natural inclination and talent that has been developed and perfected over time, along with certain powerful supporting beliefs. Although an understanding of these traits is interesting and to some degree useful it is still quite superficial in that it does not tell us why these people are so dedicated, hard working and able to discover and develop their talents in the way that they have - it still doesn't give us the structure of excellence.

Why is it that some have big bright futures stretching out in front of them while many see their future as downright dark, gloomy and unclear. Why is it that some lead lives of outstanding achievement while so many lead lives of quiet desperation?

For the answer perhaps we could look to language for a clue. If someone describes their future as downright dark, gloomy and unclear and I was to ask them where in their visual field when they imagined their future the image was located and to describe its structure I would not be at all surprised to hear that the image was down and to the right, was dark and gloomy and unclear. If I was then to ask the person with the huge bright future stretching out in front of them to describe where in their visual field they saw the image of their future I would not be at all surprised to hear that it was out in front of them, that the image was big and bright. We would I'm sure find a similar pattern in the internal dialogue of these two people one being more negative, and the other positive, strong and confident and encouraging. We would also find distinct differences in the types of feelings each of them generate and experience.

So now perhaps we are getting a little closer to an understanding of what the structure of excellence really is, simply put it is the way in which we use our minds, the kind and type of pictures, sounds and feelings that we habitually run in our neurology. Those that habitually create dark gloomy unclear images and negative critical voice tones tend to experience heavy and gloomy feelings and as a result can feel, down stuck or depressed. Those who tend to use big bright pictures and strong encouraging internal dialogue tend to generate positive, strong feelings and as a result are more motivated, happier and feel better about life, themselves and the future.

So could it really that simple - could the difference between those that live lives of quiet desperation and those that are able to get themselves to consistently do what is necessary for the achievement of excellence be as simple as the types of pictures, feelings and sounds they habitually use? The answer it seems is - yes.

The types of pictures and sounds and associated feelings we create in our neurology create the states that we experience, and state is the master key to excellence for in the right state we make better decisions, have access to much more of our resources and can achieve much more success and even excellence.

There is a psychological technology called neuro linguistic programming or NLP for short. NLP has been described as the user manual for the mind and to put it in the simplest terms is a set of tools that enable us to model the very structure of excellence in others and replicate and install that excellence in ourselves. NLP enables us to understand and change the types of images, sounds and feelings we habitually run and install new more useful strategies. The results of which can often bringing about fast, dramatic and lasting changes.

I am talking about a set of tools that enables us to discover and install the very structure of excellence itself. For surely each and every one of us has it in us to achieve our own personal definition of success and perhaps with a better understanding of the structure of excellence who knows what we may all still achieve.
Be Great
Click Here
This book emphasizes two of my core beliefs - "Strive to be Great" and Lead by Example."

This book will  you change your life... if yo you study it read... NO, if you study it and devour  the meaning of the content.                                                                                   

I quote from page 11 of the book, "I had what I call an epiphany, what the dictionary calls "a sudden, intuitive realization." It was like being hit over the head by a universal two-by-four, and I knew some major changes were in order for my life. Are you ready for some changes? I think we all are

I set this up for you to click on book to get to Amazon, don't miss this book.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Holiday Business Development Promotion Allentown

Terrys All Star Contest -

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

November 13, 2010 Ramblins

How Do You Love the Work That You Do?
Love Work
 by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.

How do you love the work that you do? So often the work that you are doing doesn't feel like it is necessarily your life's purpose. And yet, you were drawn to this work. If you're interested in finding work that is your life purpose, and you don't feel like you are there yet, there is a way to get there. You need to actually begin to accept, appreciate, and honor the work that you do.

Where you stand in this moment is the bridge to that ultimate thing that will bring you the fulfillment. In other words, you need the contrast of now to bring about that incredible inspiration that will lead you to the work that is your ultimate work, that work that will bring incredible fulfillment and desire.

I like the way that Napoleon Hill says it. He says there is the seed of equivalent benefit in every adversity. And the mind is often thinking, "Well, this particular job that I'm in now is a bit of an adversity. I don't like it. It doesn't feel good. I'm not happy about it." But it is bringing you to that thing that you want.

So, here's the trick. Make a list of all the things that are great, wonderful, that work, that you're excited about, that you're happy about. In the current position/job/ask that you're taking on, get connected to the fact that there are good things occurring right now.

Get connected to what is working. Then make a list of all the things that you want it to be, additionally. What else do you want it to be? So yes, these are the things that are good, but there's more to be good. What else do you want it to be?

If you get connected to what works, you'll find that more of it works for you. You'll find that it leads to greater opportunity. If you then identify what else you want it to be, you'll find that those things that you want it to be will start to come to you. Where you are now is perfect.

It's leading to where you wanna go. The contrast that you're experiencing in this moment is leading you to that next level of joy, self-expression and fulfillment that you desire in this endeavor. Do the 10-10 visualization. That's all this is.

Ten things you love about it, ten things you want it to be. And watch what happens. What you want is coming when you focus on it.

Through the Grapevine
Don't Sweat The Small Stuff


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Heard It Through the Grapevine

 by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.

Whitfield and Strong wrote it.

Marvin Gaye sang it (and made it famous).

Leaders everywhere deal with it - and worry about it all too often.

If you know the song, hum along as we talk about how leaders can work with the grapevine and make gossip less daunting and scary.

The subtitle gives you a little context - gossip can be detrimental to morale and productivity and can lead to stress, anxiety and worry. After all, when was the last time you heard positive gossip?

If you have something that can cause all those problems, as a leader it is your responsibility to reduce or eliminate that situation - or even better, use gossip to your advantage rather than peril.

Let's get started . . .

Using it

In the military, operatives are used to gain "intel" on what the enemy is thinking, doing or planning. Clearly people on your team and in your organizations are not the enemy, but keeping your ears open and being aware of what gossip and ideas are floating around is like gaining valuable intelligence about the pulse and concerns within the organization.

Knowing that, why wouldn't you want to be tapped in?

Perhaps you believe gossip is destructive and non-productive. Even if you feel that way, there is value in knowing what is being talked about and how people feel about it. It's hard to reduce the presence of something you are unaware of, so use gossip as the first step in reducing it.

Take a clue from the song - you need to hear it through the grapevine. Only then can you trim the grapevine or even pull it out by its roots.

Reducing it

A grapevine grows quickly and spreads its newest stems to whatever it can attach itself to. That is probably why the metaphor of the grapevine has long been used to describe gossip. If as a leader you recognize the potential concerns or problems with the grapevine, you must keep your pruners at the ready - looking for ways to reduce its growth and reach.

Where the grapevine metaphor falls apart is in how it grows. A grapevine grows with ample light - the newest growth stretches toward the light. Gossip, however, grows in the darkness - with the lack of understanding and communication.

Knowing this, the best way to reduce the spread of gossip is to expose it to constantly updated information. Here are three specific ideas:

Acknowledge it. Starting a conversation with "I've been hearing rumblings that . . ." or otherwise "outing the gossip" (not the gossipers) is a powerful way to reduce the gossip's spread.

Ask about it. Perhaps what you are hearing isn't all that is being said. Once you put the messages on the table you open up the other person (or the team) to share what else you haven't yet heard.

Address it. Talk about what you are hearing. If the gossip is incorrect, say so. If the gossip is partly correct, say so, and fill in the blanks as best you can.

Gossip can't grow nearly as fast with communication from leadership. If you want to reduce the amount and impact of gossip, the more information you can provide, the better.

Eliminating it

Knowing the critical point hinted at in the previous section is the key to eliminating gossip and the grapevine.

Consider frequent, honest and complete communication as the shovel that will help you uproot your internal grapevine. Here, in tangible language, is what I mean:

Talk early. Many gossip grapevines grow because leaders are afraid to share information on a change or project until they have all the information. While the intention here is fine, the reality is that in the space where your communication should be, your grapevine is growing. Tell people what you know when you know it. Yes, there may be things you have to withhold for legal or other reasons, but that list is far shorter than you think. Tell people what you know when you know it, and let them know when you will be able to say more.

Talk often. Don't make your information come in infrequent bursts. People crave information - and without it they will make it up themselves! Talk more frequently, even if you don't feel you have very much to say.

Ask questions. The first two points say talk - but they shouldn't be misinterpreted as one-way communication. Create early and frequent chances for conversation - spend as much time asking about and listening to concerns as you do in making your key points. Talk yes, but ask and listen too!

Be honest. If you don't know something yet, tell them. If the decision is made, tell them. If you know when an announcement will be made, tell them. Your honesty will go far in building trust, and trust acts like a herbicide to keep new vines from starting to grow.

These ideas will work with gossip new and old, big and small.

Your efforts may not eliminate all of your gossip immediately (it is hard to kill any plant that is deeply rooted), but using these approaches vigorously, intentionally and authentically will make a difference.

The grapevine is one of many challenges a leader faces. Handled effectively these challenges can help a leader and the team - flawed reactions can cause pain, frustration and more!

One of the pitfalls of Network Marketing... when others become afraid of individuals that can help, but as in corporate America we are afraid of losing our position, when in reality it could help us grow. Over the years I have learned that our teeth become a fence for the most viscous animal in the world... our tongue!

Don't Sweat The Small Stuff
Don't Sweat The Small Stuff
I really am enjoying reading this book. It applies to all the people you love in your life. If you have the desire to improve your relationships, you will like it. The book is written in a very conversational manner, and is easy to understand. I think husband and wife (or significant other) would benefit from both reading the book. Taking turns reading each chapter, and then discussing it, and working to put it in practice. Maybe read a few a week, spread out over time. Thank-you to the Carlson's for sharing these insights. A small book with a lot of meaning.

November 6, 2010 Ramblins'

Are You Walking the Talk?
Walking the Talk

 by: Edward V Ellis, Sr

We are all on a walk.

It is the journey we take each day as a leader.

We move through our day, going from one task to the next, one meeting to the next, one problem to the next. We have conversations and interactions; some small, seemingly inconsequential others lengthy and potentially memorable. Each of these is part of your leadership walk.

You may not think of your leadership journey as a walk. Most would call it work. So to be clear, the walk is "the stuff" of our day; it's the items on your to-do list seen in a slightly different way.

You may have never thought of it as a walk, but that is how others see it.

What do I mean?

You've heard the phrase: people want to see leaders who will walk their talk. The most effective leaders have the best "talk"; a great vision, values, wonderful approaches and plans, and people see talk as more than just words - they see the walk. In fact your talk matters little, in comparison to your walk. The reality is, they watch and pay much more attention to your feet, than your lips.

It is your walk that matters.

As leaders whether you realize it or not, you are on a walk that others are observing in small and large ways every step and every day.

You might think of the walk as role modeling behavior, but those are just fancy words. It is the walk that people are watching. Every day too - not just on our best days, or the days we feel good, or the days we had a good breakfast, or right after we went to a great training workshop.

Remember, you are always walking and others are always watching.

Here are just some examples for you to consider:

Do you say you care about your people, your organization and your Customers? How does your walk prove it?

Do you say mistakes are important and necessary? How does your walk prove it?

Do you say you believe that your people can develop, grow and have tremendous potential? How does your walk prove it?

Do you say that listening is important? How does your walk prove it?

Do you say you are a learner? How does your walk prove it?

In the end, we are leaders only if others choose to follow. Make sure your walk is heading to a great place; a place worthy of being followed to. And know that if you tend daily to your walk, the chance of others joining you on your leadership walk is much higher.

Ultimately it is your walk that matters.

Make sure you are watching your steps.

In This Issue
Are You?
Beliving You Can
A Lesson to Learn

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Self Growth Is About Believing That You Can
Self Growth
By Edward V Ellis, Sr

Did you know that the majority of humans do not live up to their potential thus fail to achieve self growth? The main reason is because they really do not consider what they can do, or they do not actually believe that they can achieve more than they have already achieved. Most of them simply do not care. It is surprisingly a small minority of people take effort to go the extra mile and make a mark in their lives. For you to achieve self growth you must push yourself to the maximum.

Even though a big percentage of people live in sheer mediocrity and ignorance, this does not mean success is impossible. It just goes to show that to make it big in life should not be taken lightly. It is very possible for you to stand out in your area of operation but that is if only you take the right approach. This means that you have to start living and thinking like a champion.

Let the way you think, talk and behave reflect your belief that you are a winner thus achieve self growth. You must obviously be aware of the fact that you can never be what others think of you unless you allow them to make you.

It is true what they say; "where there is no enemy within, the enemy without cannot harm". You should have strong beliefs and have a very high self esteem and self respect, because self growth and success belongs only to the strong willed. Those who are weak, passive, preservative and those who generally tend to conform to what happens outside have no chance of survival, so the adage, "Survival for the fittest".

Therefore, you need to start having a strong character and will in order to make the serious decisions that you have to take. To be a hero and attain perfect self growth you need not to be afraid of taking hard stands. Life is about making choices and that takes a strong character.

They say a man's got to do what a man has got to do. Your hard work and dedication makes you who you are. Follow the links below to harness more provocative and motivational tips of achieving Self Growth

A Book to Read... A Lesson to Learn
Live What You Love
This is the first book that I have read that could be summarized in a simple quote from the book.
"Imagine living your entire life only to realize that what seemed important...

really wasn't so urgent after all.

This book should make you think about who you are and what you are doing.
Be honest with yourself...

October 30,2010 Ramblins'

Poor Meetings = Empty Seats

After attending several network marking meeting recently I had to write what was on my mind.

Give What you're Asking For & More!
 by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.

Have you ever stopped and really considered what you're asking from your audience? Quite frankly, we expect a lot from them. The fact we put such a heavy burden on our audience actually impedes our ability to be an effective communicator.

For example, even in a simple conversation, you're asking your audience to:

· Give you their time

· Pay attention · Be interested in your message

· Be an active participant in the conversation

· Receive and process new information in real time

· Care about you and your message

I think that by asking for so much we set ourselves up for failure and disappointment. Too often we adopt a 'me talk, you listen' communication style and we speak at our audience instead of speaking with them. Unfortunately this style puts the onus on our audience to receive and understand our message.

Here is simple but effective strategy from the entertainment stage that will help you achieve the 3R's with your audience - rapport, relationship & results.

Give your audience everything that you are asking from them. You want their time. Be a 100% in the now and give them your undivided time and focus.

You want their attention and interest. Give them your complete attention and deliver an interesting and compelling message.

You want your audience to be passionate and enthusiastic. Give them a reason to be so. Touch their heart by delivering a message that ignites their passion and enthusiasm.

You want your audience to care about you and your message. Give your audience something to care about. You have to care about yourself, your message and your audience before they will care about you.

It's all about your audience but it up to you to make it happen. Entertainers learn that the audience takes their cue about how to respond from them. Think of it like a boomerang. You get back whatever you send out.

I like to think of communication not as a process of 'give and take' but one of 'give, give and give some more'.

This approach helps you clarify your communications objective. This approach is successful because it sets the stage for effective communication.

It enhances your ability to succeed because:

1. It helps you become aware of and appreciative what you are asking of your audience.

2. By acknowledging their participation you foster rapport.

3. Demonstrating your awareness of and interest in their needs helps develop a trust and reciprocity-based relationship.

4. A positive relationship sets the stage for effective communication.

5. You can only achieve results if you are heard and understood.

The bottom line is that we get what we give. The more we give the more we get. 

Motivation to A Better Life
Is At Hand


by: Edward V Ellis, Sr

You may have a goal that is tugging at your heart, but despite your everyday tasks and issues, you never seem to find the time to tackle the steps to get you down that path. Do not give up! Many times you may be led towards doing things that will take up your time, but will not empower you to find time to move towards a better you!

It comes up often if you are working full time and as well raising kids. They are constantly needful of your time and attention, and will be a very positive form of assistance if you let them. If your kids are in school, you are in luck. Children who are in school are getting a beginning taste of how life can be better, and even more functional with learning new ideas. They understand that a new path in life starts with new knowledge.

If you are tackling your goal to learn a new skill or profession, involve your children. They often can be very interested in your study, and can be a real open door for your problem solving skills as well. You may be surprised how quickly they pick up new skills, as you involve them with your process. There are things you can do with them, and that will enrich you as well as them.

As you take time to learn your new skill, be sure to not allow yourself to become distracted. It is important to have a day to relax and motivate yourself with simple quiet days, but take some time during the day, to bring your mind back to your studies or research for one hour. You can really problem solve these thoughts quickly when you are having a down day, and then the next time you really dedicate yourself to your tasks, you may find it easier to move forward.

An important thing to remember during your process as you grow with your new skill sets, is that you say no to new endeavors, so that you do not stretch yourself too thin. Many people today, are simply committing to too many activities and social events. It is important to stay connected, as we find strength in our social settings, but you do not have to be at every event. During your process to evolve into a new profession, a new lifestyle, you need to be kind to yourself, and let things happen at your own pace.

Do not expect immediate results, and let yourself learn. Your kids will be following your path as well, and as they watch you break down the barriers that you have built around you, or that are pushed in front you, they will see that these obstacles are not to be feared.

You can become the best person you know you already are! It is important for you to find the right information, to evolve your new mindset in a way that can be effective, and let your mind be open to these new ideas. Continue your path, commit to the change, and follow the steps one by one to a successful new you!

In Dreams I Walk
 by: Edward V Ellis, Sr

Not sure of anyone else, but my happy self wants, needs, and loves to dream. There are million, places, and things to dream of. Its absolutely wonderful to find a nice peaceful spot, and allow our mind to romp through the pages of antiquity and on into future tales of unsuspecting adventures - for it is those misty clouds of possibilities where we mortal souls will devoid ourselves of all the negatives, transpose ourselves into anywhere we wish, and look forward to the experiences that linger where we have never been before.

Our fantasies can picture us of becoming a famous and fantastic dancer, and gliding over clouds of lightness...of becoming a professional poet, and inspiring others to fulfill their dreams of flight...of being a scientist, and discovering new methods of accomplishing our goals...of just relaxing and inhaling the twinkling stars...of listening to a raindrop fall, and hear its solitude...of watching smoke rise, and understand obscurity...listening to a snowflake fall, and comprehend peace...of suddenly realizing that our minds are the final frontier...of making new good friends, so we will experience loneliness less...of being a doctor, and healing mankind...of knowing that serendipity ceases, when our thoughts stop.

We can dream of going to a beach, lay on the sands of time, and wonder what secrets the ocean hides...of traveling through a worm-hole, and discovering a new dimension...of strolling through a forest, and discovering solitude...of being a hurricane, and swirling through the galaxy...of realizing that crying and laughing heals the heart and the soul...of being aware of the tremendous power or faith in ourselves...of having the courage to kneel and help a child...of the fantastic inner strength of asking for help when we need it...of realizing that the more we learn, the more interesting we are to others...of standing on the edge of the universe, and watching it evolve...of being the sun, and warming our beautiful Blue Marble...of being the moon, and stirring the seeds of love on a warm summer night...of being a motivator, and inspiring passion...of prevailing over adversity, and amplifying comprehension in others.

Or perhaps, we may wish to dream of expanding our imagination, and let it transport us to the galactic core...of realizing that beyond the seas are new lands to explore...beyond the mountains are new friends to make...beyond our fears unfolds a new life...beyond curiosity is the flight of excitement...beyond the fears of the problems are the solutions...beyond stubbornness is the power to be humble...beyond a raging storm is a warm summer day...beyond a vehicle is a starship...of knowing that ignoring fear is to cause its death...of knowing you would march into hell itself for your converse with the stars on a crisp clear night, and hearing the answer to your prayers...of realizing that you can defeat loneliness with enthusiasm...of finding a mysterious new love in a far-away place.

There are those of us who may prefer to dream of gallivanting around within our bodacious bodies and discovering the veins of life that flow... how our skin the heart can pump 12,000 miles of blood through the veins... how our lungs can expand when we inhale the life-giving air... how all of the creepy things in and on our skin covered "bags of mostly water" (us humanoids) can exist, and realize that without them, we would the tremendous power of the one billion cells in our brain, and how the axions and dentrites send and receive all of our thoughts through electrical and chemical activated synaptic connections...of fully realizing how one microscopic cell can multiply exponentially, and how each new cell knows where to go, and what to do when it gets there.

Maybe we would enjoy listening to our hearts, and understand our children's...of listening to a flower grow, and evermore understand patience...of listening to a soft wind blow, and hear nature sing...of listening to leaves tumble, and hear them fall...of listening to a raindrop drip, and hear solitude ring...of listening to a river flow, and hear pure isolation...of listening to the sun shine, and hear our life's pulse...of listening to the ocean's roar, and hear antiquity...of listening to a butterfly's wings, and know determination...of listening to our dreams, and harken to a whole new life.

Dreaming on the shores of our own private universe not only invigorates our meandering minds and our benefiting bodies, it can also give us a whole new outlook on life itself - maybe instilling in us a new idea, a new and better way to change ourselves for the better, motivate us to become far better off then we are now, and allowing us to understand our children and ourselves more. Dreaming can also cause us to enjoy more pleasures in life, such as strolling through the mud in a summer rain, enjoying a field of lightning bugs on a warm summer night, writing poetry for the ones we love, or just singing in a warm shower after a long day's work.

But the most over-riding and powerful benefit of dreaming is realizing that if we truly wish, we can fulfill most of our dreams! Imagine what you can do next!

SMART Goals By Edward V Ellis, Sr.
Smart Goals
Instead of a book this week, my travels have pointed out that Goal Setting is becoming a lost art, like handwriting and conversation. With that in mind I decided to a brief but direct write up on goals... Smart Goals to be exact, hope you fid it helpful.

Summary:  A big part of planning your schedule and to-do list should be goal setting. If you don't know what your goals are in life, you cannot set priorities. If you can't set your priorities, how do you know what you need to do? Having a plan can save lots of time because you focus on what's important to you. Goals break down into Projects which bread down into "To-Dos".

Specific-describe the goal in specific terms so there is no confusion as to what needs to be accomplished. Give as much detail as you require.
Measurable-the goal should be in measurable terms. "Increase family time from 1 hour per day to 2 hour per day..." Or something that measures when the goal is completed. "Study until you can answer the questions for chapter 3 from memory..."
Attainable-make the goal something you can achieve. Don't set it so high that you don't believe in it, or will never reach it or have an excuse not to attain it.
Relevant-be sure the goal fits in with your beliefs, schedule, dreams, goals, etc. It should be relevant to getting you to where you want to go, not something frivolous or unnecessary.
Timely-give a date and/or time to the goal.  " the end of the day Wednesday."  Be sure the goal fits in with other goals in regards to its completion date/time.  Be realistic.
* SMART goals have been quoted so many times that there are several translations for the acronym, especially for the A and the R. All are good: Achievable, Attainable, Actionable, Reachable, Relevant, Realistic.