Laying out my life as an example, I will try to explain the life of a Serial Entrepreneur. I will lay out the highs and the lows and the effect it could have on both you and your loved ones... I hope you read and digest the purpose.
Dear Subscriber, Came across a great quote by Thomas Payne that triggered a lot of thought. "We have it in our power to begin the world over again." My question to you is where would you start? I know where I would start...ME! If you want to understand how much our world and communications are changing I believe you should pick and read a great new read by Nicholas Carr. "The Shallows"
From the book, "Over the last few years I've had an uncomfortable sense that someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain, remapping the neutral circuitry, reprogramming the memory."
I want to thank everyone for their overwhelming positive response to my Ramblins', looking ahead I'm going to ask each and everyone reading this Newsletter to get one friend to add their name to my mailing list. Your effort will be greatly appreciated and it really makes me feel good to share some constructive thoughts with others. (At the bottom of the page you can be added to the list, remember there is no cost and if you got one thought from this...Share with others.)
Thanks for letting me share the part of your life...
Have a great day and an even better tomorrow. Ed Ellis, Sr.
Will You Let Your Failure Transform Your Life? by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.
In life, failure is unavoidable--in fact, an essential aspect of living for life. Given that you have to live with failure as part and parcel of life, you might as well let your failure transform your life, instead of letting it ruin your life.
In this world, everybody wants success, not failure, and everybody is striving to succeed, to win; indeed, to many, life is all about winning, not losing. As a matter of fact, many of us think that if we don't wi
n, we lose, and that if we don't get what we want (not what we need) from life, we have failed ourselves miserably. But this is not what life is all about. Life is about living out your experience--whether it is your success or failure--to find out who you are, and what you need, and thus transforming yourself as you plod along the arduous life journey. Life is not about winning or losing: it is about how you experience what
life has to offer.
In life, as in everything else, failure and success are not black and white: they often blend into a continual flow of changing experience.
Fortunately or unfortunately, our society is saturated with books and instructional tools on self-improvement, and pursuit of success and happiness. We have all the weapons made available to us to fight failure and to guarantee success. Yet, we all fail one way or another. Because of the abundant resources available to fight failure, when we fail, we become less forgiving of our failure or of ourselves. The rampancy of mental depression is a strong testament to the inability to accept failure in our society.
All in all, to survive, we must learn coping with failure in our lives--this holds the key to the art of living well.
Coping with failure means understanding the notion of failure itself. Did we really fail? Or have we failed only to reach our too idealistic and unrealistic goals? Why did we fail? Was our failure due to circumstances, lack of effort, or simply doing all the wrong things? Understanding the nature of our failure is enlightening and illuminating.
Coping with failure means coming to terms with the notion that we have failed, and yet we "should" not allow ourselves to fail again.
Positive thinking, ironically enough, may only numb or mask our feelings of disappointment and disillusionment. We may also use other different strategies to distract our disappointment, such as binge eating on comfo
rt food, taking drugs or alcohol, going on a shopping spree, or blaming ourselves and others for our failure. These strategies may or may not work for us. Ultimately, we may come to believe that we have failed ourselves in one way or another.
Do not be let down by any failure in your life. Instead, let your failure transform your life. This transformation means changing your perception of winning and your ego self. In life, we often associate birth with happiness and success, and death with sadness and failure. Transformation means your realization that life is a series of cycles of birth and death--or rather of success and failure. Once you grasp the significance of success and failure in human life, you may have a different perspective of your own failure, and may even learn the art of coping with failure. Transformation means embracing both success and failure--and not just welcoming success and rejecting failure.
In Christianity, it is through human failure that we appreciate our dependence on God: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Corinthians 12:9); in Buddhism, it is through human failure that we are awakened to the futility of our craving for success.
Yes, failure can transform you in a positive way if you perceive and comprehend its true nature.
Whether you have tried to sell your ideas in the past and failed or whether you have never tried beyond nurturing your ideas in your mind, please remember this--if you deeply believe in your ideas and if you have a vision of greatness for your ideas, one day, you will be able to turn your dreams into reality.
Remember Carl Carlson's 17-year efforts to make his copy machine (Xerox) a reality and Thomas Edison's 10,000 experiments to invent the light bulb. The powerful lesson from many great inventors and entrepreneurs in human history is--Never Give Up!Even if everybody keeps telling you to give up and to get a life beyond your dreams, you should remember that negative people and negative reinforcements are only barriers to transforming your new ideas and dreams into reality.
Many famous inventors and entrepreneurs refused to give up regardless of how many people laughed at them or how many times they failed. Many of them took a great deal of risks in their personal and professional lives to sell their ideas and inventions. In their endless efforts to sell ideas and inventions they passionately believed in, these innovators approached hundreds of companies, paid multiple brokers to show their ideas to manufacturers, explained their new ideas to scores of consultants, attended dozens of trade shows and seminars, and made hundreds of telephone calls.
But, they knew that one can never be sure of how long it will take to succeed. And so, they never gave up. They smiled when friends and relatives would ridicule them and say "how is that big idea coming along"? They were heart-broken when some companies said that their new ideas were not worth considering.
But, after the initial disappointment, they became more determined to prove that those companies were wrong, and so they worked even harder to sell their new ideas and to transform their dreams into reality. All the negative people and negative reinforcements could not destroy their spirit of endurance, perseverance and resilience. They remembered the famous quote "Most people succeeded just one step beyond their greatest failure."
They kept on trying and did not allow the rejections and negative reinforcements to kill their new ideas and their hopes and dreams. They took every obstacle as a challenge to overcome. They picked themselves up after every rejection and kept on working even harder.
They deeply believed that one day, the right opportunities will present themselves and will open the doors to their hopes and dreams. They sincerely felt that the right company, agency, investor or marketer would realize how their new ideas could be turned into successful products, services, business entities or national development programs.
In theend, their confidence, perseverance and hard work helped them turn their dreams into reality. They realized that they had been approaching all the wrong people or companies who failed to see the possibility in their new ideas. And then one day in a magical moment, the right person or company had the opportunity to see their ideas and instantly recognized the vision of greatness in their new ideas.
For many industries the best new ideas are not generated in-house, they come from outside, from innovators such as yourself. Although all companies engage in in-house product development, the smarter companies also search outside to augment their resources. Investors, marketers and idea commercialization companies also help innovators develop their new ideas for market introduction.
Many such companies and investors are now using a number of online intellectual property forums to locate suitable new ideas for purchase, licensing or joint-venture deals These include (, (, and (
Human civilization rests on coming up with new ideas and better ways of doing things. As stated by the bestselling author and entrepreneur Seth Godin, "this century is about ideas...we recognize that ideas are driving the economy, ideas are making people rich, and most important, ideas are changing the world."
In today's knowledge-based economy, new ideas are our greatest asset that can generate immense new value and wealth. All around the world, there are buyers and sellers, demand and supply for new ideas. Value is no longer derived by creating things, but by generating and trading new ideas.
Believe In Your Dreams Despite The Pressures Of Life by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.
It's a crazy world of ours we live in, as they say; life is teeming with pressure. From the news on terrorist threats and financial worries, health concerns, to family problems and work-related stress, life indeed can be a roller-coaster ride of ups and downs. In the midst of all these, do you still remember to believe in dreams? "I believe in dreams, I believe in miracles, I believe in toy balloons, can reach and touch the moon"--yes, I can still recall the lyrics of a nice song I used to hear years ago.
If you believe in your dreams despite the unnecessary distractions in life vying for your attention, then you center yourself to give you the strength that you need to carry on each day.
Center yourself on your goals and on what direction you want to see yourself now and in the future. Try re-reading your written goals and dreams for it really helps. It will help you re awaken your objectives in life rather than be subjected to frustration and anxiety.
If you believe in dreams--just do it! Write down the things you love to accomplish in life. Forget about what seems realistic or possible. Write down all the things or experiences which will make you happy and let your enthusiasm fire up! Think about it: even after writing them all down and you know that you can't change anything, still, the important thing is, you've centered your energy and yourself on whatever makes you smile. And even if that includes being a more beautiful YOU!
Quote of the Week
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.-Buddha
My name is Edward V. Ellis, Sr., I am 70 years old, born in New York. I dropped out of school in June of 1955 and immediately became addicted as a Serial Entrepreneur, and NO I have never looked back.I am the luckiest individual in the world, yes I have had ups and downs but, what I do have in my family is priceless.
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