Here we are... another year, the beginning of another chapter in our adventure called, Life! "Why can't I Just Wish It Away," a statement I hear so many times when I do a meeting as people openly discuss their problems. Problems should be looked at in a way that we determine how do we live with it, how can we correct it and how did it happen. No matter what the situation, problems do not get wished away, we have control of how we handle it. I look at the Homeless man T. Williams, the man with the golden voice, though the man has ongoing problems, the situation began to change when HE did something about it, not knowing what the results would be, he made a sing and tried. Maybe we have to make a sign! I know we do have to do something to have a chance at change. Just remember the quote "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."
Thanks for asking me to continue. |
Are You Happy? by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.
Have you actually ever given this question some thought? If you had to answer sincerely, could you say yes? Let's discuss what authentic happiness is and how to be happy in life always.
I believe that finding happiness and maintaining this feeling as a constant in our life is directly linked to our personal fulfillment. If we are avid in pursuing our own personal growth and development then we will experience authentic happiness. The problem is that most of allow ourselves to get stuck in the daily grind, to respond to life rather than to create it. We let others make decisions for us and think we must settle for mediocrity and dissatisfaction.
This is a myth! We do not need to settle or resign our life to its present course. We have the ability to make decisions, to choose, to reason, to follow our heart. If you truly want to find happiness then you must take charge of your life, begin to create instead of respond and work on improving your personal growth and development.
Happy people are go-getters. Happy people are constantly seeking personal fulfillment. Happy people know how to be happy in life regardless of circumstances because they choose to focus on the positive, the opportunity in every situation. Happy people do not dwell on the negative, on the "coulda", "woulda", "shoulda's". Happy people resolve to push forward and move on, always seeking good.
One of the best and easiest ways to sustain authentic happiness is to continually be working on yourself, on your personal growth and development. Push yourself to do more, to be more. Set goals and work towards them. Read books on subjects you have a desire to be familiar with. Read biographies and autobiographies about people you admire. Learn how to cook. Start an extreme workout program and push your body to the limit. Stimulate your mind. These are all ways to develop your personal fulfillment.
Those seeking authentic happiness and who sincerely want to know how to be happy in life should be in a constant state of learning and growing. It's been said that we are happiest while in the midst of actively pursuing a goal or a dream. It's true. Give it a try. Today, right now, begin to work on your personal growth and development. Set a goal, take that first step towards realizing a dream. Nothing is impossible when you set your mind to it. Remember, we are intelligent beings, gifted with reason, intellect, freedom to choose, desires to pursue. We are born with these traits for a purpose, to use them. Do not settle. Do not lose yourself in the grind. Stop reacting to what life throws at you; take the reigns and decide how you want your life to be and what type of a person you wish to be.
If you are serious about wanting to be happy in life then you must start living your life for you, always with the intention of making the world a better place and making your life better. Follow your heart and your personal desires, authentic happiness will have no choice but to follow |
Believe in Life by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.
What do you believe in? Do you believe in destiny? Do you believe in the system? Do you believe in yourself? In life after death? In God? We typically think of the word belief as an opinion or conviction about something - an existence not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof. The truth, however, is that your beliefs shape what you experience in this reality. What you believe matters.
The origin of the word "belief" offers a telling verse. Belief is a compound word with parts synonymous to: "be" - "by" and "lief" - "live." Taken together, the meaning of something we "believe in" is something we "live by". This etymology sheds light on the age old debate between the advocates of faith as a means to salvation and those that assert works are key to a full and fulfilling life. The word belief means that acts and faith are inextricably linked. What you do, the actions you take are in accordance with your beliefs. The proof of your faith is in your works - the truth of your words is in your deeds.
Relying on this meaning of the word suggests "beliefs" determine a worldview inextricably linked to how you live. Rational explanations (or intellectual fabrications) notwithstanding, beliefs organize your life. You do what you believe.
So, again: What do you really believe?
You can determine this only by observing how you live, how you respond to others, how you respond to the world around you, and what you in fact do.
Honestly making this assessment: Do you like what you see? Is it time to change?
By nature we are a nostalgic breed. It may be the distance of time, but it seems the only thing people prefer to the way things are, is the way things were. We seek security in the past and attempt to prolong the glory of prior triumphs. We resist change. But life doesn't work that way. You see, life is on the move, life is constant change. You are on a journey from where you are to where you are meant to be.
Instead, of reminiscing or pining for the past, begin where you are now. Though you may temporarily succumb to doubt and fear, or mistakenly take a path of least resistance, recognize progress in this reality entails struggle and involves risk. It is time to act; it is time to change beliefs, to be what you really are, to become whole.
The purpose of life is to grow and expand. Sometimes, you might say often, the prospects of growth, with their attendant trials and tribulations, are uncomfortable and at times painful. The thing about life though is - you cannot get from the start to the end without going through the middle. So if you aspire to grow, if you aspire to learn, if you aspire to be and become - aspire to life. Believe in life and you will act accordingly. |
Set Your Politics Aside...

There are times when individuals hear a name
(Like Glenn Beck) and pre-judge the situation and decide not to do something because of their preconceived opinions. For that reason I say, set your politics aside and run don't walk, if fact just click on the book and order it from Amazon. You won't be sorry.
One quote that really rings a bell: "but to anyone who has seen the darkest that life has to offer, every day in the sunshine really does count."
This book captures the fact that true happiness is about family and spending time with your kids and that it's important to have people who can stand with you (represented by Dr. Ablow) to act as a support structure.
Radio and television host Glenn Beck has experienced the rollercoaster of life like few others. From the suicide of his mother when he was just thirteen, to his eventual alcoholism, depression, divorce, unemployment, and health scares-Glenn has weathered life's darkest storms. Any one of those struggles could've ruined him, yet Glenn was able to keep moving forward. He saw past the darkness into the light; past his grief and addictions and into what his life could be. |
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