Wednesday, October 13, 2010

MLM Meetings

Let's talk about Network Marketing, Multi Level Marketing, Conversation Marketing or whatever label you would like to put on this wonderful field of Direct Sales. Whatever name you would like to attach to it you have a very exciting and profitable industry... That is if you understand it; if you work it and if your expectations are under control.
Like a lot of other things in life we start out with such great expectations, take marriage for example, or having children or even a new job... We get married and find out it takes work, we have children, they require time, love and work and more money. You start a new job and after a while you find out it has the same problems as your last job, just a different location and maybe a little more money.
Direct Sales is no different, we are usually introduced by a friend, family member or business acquaintance, they tell us a story and a lot of times we go to a introduction meeting. The presentation is exciting, our friend is excited and the presenter is excited... That's how it usually begins, problem is that's where it usually ends and most of the time it's our fault, and we are not looking at it from a realistic point of view. We are just excited.
Let's look at some of the problems: most of the time the presenter's lose sight of the fact that they are entertainers, not teachers. Individuals after a long day of work came to a meeting to see and to hear about opportunity and to be entertained not to be educated, that's phase 2 which they will come for later, if you entertain them. Over the years I have attended meetings, brought a guest and thankfully I had my guest presold on the opportunity since the presenter was delving into too much data that was unnecessary at the time. Think about it, when you buy a house they do not tell you about cutting the lawn.
It really is funny that most presenters forget what their job is and really talk too much. When I went to my first meeting I was really disenchanted with the whole thing, but the presenters were exciting and made me feel good and I wanted to be a part of this team.
Now to me that's problem number one and it is a big problem because if I don't get you excited you won't come back. Problem number two is our expectations; yes the opportunities in all of the programs are exciting, but we have to be real. If I were to tell you if you invested $200.00 and you could make $40.00 on your investment in twelve months, you would probably ask me if you could invest more because that's a 20% return on your investment. The problem comes in when we look at the program and think we can invest $200 or $300.00 and have a full time income with little or no effort, it can't and won't happen... What you do have is opportunity. You have to turn the key and put it in drive.
Back to the meetings, the meetings are like parents, they are there to be your friends, reassure you of your decision, show you others are excited as well, reassure you that you are not alone and of course entertain you and after the meetings answer any questions you may have.
Now back to you... You have to attend and bring a friend, the whole package is your business and filling a chair or two is part of your job. Your part is to also speak up, this is your future.
I've told people all across the US and Canada, "I can't make you successful, because I will take away the most important thing in your life... Something to complain about!" Stop complaining, take advantage of all the opportunities presented to you.

I was at a network marketing (AMA) meeting in NJ Thursday evening, well run, done in an hour and 10 minutes, exciting and guess what, since it was done early, people stayed, asked questions and... signed up... WOW! It always amazes me how well the system works when you work the system. Kudos to the presenter.

Always remember... Selling is a Game!

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