Monday, August 23, 2010

Learn about the American Dream and AMA

The American Dream…  is that an illusion or is that a reality for you? Just what is the American dream? What does it mean to you, success, owning your own business, working from home, financial freedom, happiness? Are you truly living the life you want to live, are you living your dream? (google the ant and the grasshopper story… a great learning experience)

How about the following statistics 85 out of 100 people who reach the age of 65 do not have an extra one hundred dollars, 45% are dependent on relatives, 35% are dependent upon charities, 23% are still working and only 2% are self-sustaining. According to the Social Security Administration these are all a reality, in other wards at the age of 65 chances are that you will still be working for someone else making them money with no nest egg to retire and with all your dreams unrealized. Now, I don’t know about you, but I find this a little bit unbelievable and even frightening. I’m sure that people don’t ever believe or even think this could happen to them, but the statistics say, it will. Do people plan for this to happen? No, I don’t think so. I believe they simply don’t have a plan for it not to happen. They convince themselves that someday they’re going to be a success, they’re going to be financially free. They’re going to start their own business; they’re going to make a plan for their futures. They’re going to have all they want in life. Someday… what an interesting concept. Think about all the things you were suppose to have done by now. That someday that you convinced yourself was just around the corner, think of all the energy that you may have extended wondering why that someday never seemed to get any closer to becoming today. Think of all times you may have wished that you could live your life on your terms accomplishing your own goals instead of supporting someone else’s. You know, maybe you’re one of these people, maybe not. To most that someday is where we have convinced ourselves that we would be right now if we only had more time, more talent, more education, more money or maybe even a better opportunity available to us. How about you. Do you have all you want at this point in your life? Do you take the vacations that you want every year or spend quality time with your family that you’d like too? Is your level of financial freedom today where you thought it would be ten years ago? I’d urge you to take a realistic look at the last ten years. Have you truly made progress? Are your last ten years what you wanted? What’s your plan for the future, the next ten years? You and I both know that there are no guarantees in life, but what I’m going to suggest to you is what you probably already concluded. For things to change in your life, you’ve got to make a change. Wouldn’t you agree? You have to make two important decisions, first is a serious decision about the structured direction and vision of how you want your life to turn out. That’s called a vision statement and second you have to decide what vehicle that you’ll use to take you where you want to go, that’s called a mission statement. Some wait for better breaks, lower takes, pay raises, better timing, better chances and better opportunities. Some even continue to think that education, environment, government and other outside circumstances control their financial future. This is simply true. It’s not what happens to you that determine your financial success it’s what you do about what happens that really counts.

I would like to take a moment to thank you for taking the time to read this article. I’ve been involved in many successful entrepreneurial ventures over the years. Marketing many different types of products and services and have trained thousands of people in all aspects of personal, business and financial achievement. You know I wasn’t formally educated either to be an entrepreneur or to train others on how to be successful in business at all. At age 15, I dropped out of high school and started to work in a hobby shop got married at 19 and started a family at 21 and started to work in a factory. You know I had those someday dreams, but I thought with no education, no business background or money to start my own business what chance did I have? Then one day one of my co-workers invited me to a meeting he said it might be done part time and I could earn some extra money, which I definitely use at the time. And little did I know that the one hour meeting that I attended with that one hour that I attended with him that evening would change my life forever. It marked the beginning of my first entrepreneurial venture. Let me share with you a little about that evening. I went to the meeting that evening, there were about 30 people in the room, very, very excited people. I was a little nervous, I had never been around anything like that before and kind of sat in the back of the room and just observed. They told me I could get started that evening at a starter position for somewhere around ten dollars in the lower position which would allow me to sell the product or I could get started as a distributor for five hundred or I could start for $4,000 as a Advisor. The Advisor really appealed to me. I didn’t have five hundred and I certainly didn’t have $4,000.00. But, I decided, right then and there that’s what I was going to do, start at the $4,000.00 level. So I went out and first place I went to was my own bank where I had an average balance in the low three figures (sometimes) and of course they turned me down. To make a long story short I went to fifteen banks and loan companies, filling out applications until finally found someone who would take a risk on me. Now I finally had a start and I also had a garage full of cosmetics and promotional material and about two weeks later they informed me that I had qualified To move up to the next position which only cost me another $4,000.00. Now, I didn’t have the first $4,000.00 so where was I going to come up with the second. I certainly go to another fifteen loan companies. So I went some friends and convinced them, to loan me $4,000.00. Now at the end of the first year, to tell you how successful I was, I learned a lot of things on what not to do. I had lost almost everything I had. I was at a point where the future only looked worse. At that point all I had to show for my efforts was a garage full of product. So that’s how I got started, but I tell you what.  I, wouldn’t give up, I wouldn’t quit. I had a lot of friend’s stop by with their negative advice…”You should really think about quitting.” That is one reason I’ve always said “Don’t tell anyone about your problems because 80% don’t care and 20% are glad.” Yes, I got a lot of advice. However, I didn’t quit. The next ten days things happened and I believe totally in my heart that it’s because I would not quit. Everything started to happen, I paid my bills and my business took off and within months I was making ten times what I made every month per year every month in my new business. And it took off from there and I got hooked on being an entrepreneur, I got hooked on being in business for myself. You know back then which was only forty years ago there wasn’t a lot of tools to use to build your own business. There was no Internet; there was no personal computer, conference calling, and voice mail, palm pilot, email and all the other hundreds of high tech support devices that are just great today. Back then I didn’t even have a telephone answering machine; they weren’t even available yet. In fact my first business I didn’t even have a brochure. It was just me and my ability to talk to people and tell my story. Well as you can probably know it’s a different market place today, wouldn’t you agree? If you don’t keep up with the time and the current tools available you simply get left behind. I found that out the hard way and today it takes up more money to live and to keep up with the rate of inflation than ever before. You know there’s really tremendous shift taking place in this country. Shifts that make it essential fore low, average and even high income earners to look at new ways by which they can support there earnings in order to feel secure. Very few people succeed today in the age old model of go to school, get a job, retire in thirty or forty years. In fact the average person in this country will change professions every seven years. Because of this millions of people have turned to and are succeed in some type home based or other small business as a means of securing their financial future.
Today people are discovering that the only way out of this trap is by taking responsibility for their own future instead of leaving it to someone else or to chance. Now if you review the possibilities in the marketplace, having some sort of home based business is the most viable method of achieving financial freedom today. You know it’s estimated that within the next decade 75% of all consumer goods will be marketed through some sort of home based related business. This is literally the ground floor of a new revolution. The timing just couldn’t be more perfect for you to launch into you new future with AMA Nation. This period will make more millionaires than any time in history and it’s a completely level playing field. In other words anyone can do it; you, I or anyone else from any walk of life can compete. Isn’t that incredible? Success starts with your vision and asking the right questions. Now a question that comes up a lot is “isn’t the failure rate in network marketing really high? The reality is it’s no higher in this type of business than in any other business. However, failure statistics is not what you should be concerned about. It’s how to become a success. And that’s what the AMA Nation Programs are all about. This is one of the most important points that I’ll make – a person can choose an opportunity, the best product, the best marketing system and some people won’t even make a dime.  Look around you, we all know people, great people who already belong to great companies selling great products like computers, clothes, cars, nutrition and all kinds of things. And their not even coming close to being successful or financially free. Some of you may have already tried other types of opportunity, 900 numbers, network marketing programs, internet related businesses or other home based businesses. In any types of ventures like servicing bubble gum machines, billing services, etc, and like any opportunity you can always find successes and you can always find failures. Here’s my point, regardless of the job profession, opportunity or whatever your situation might be weather your successful or not is not determined by external factors like companies, products, marketing systems, it’s determined by you. Don’t get me wrong, having all these things viable product is essential, viable marketing concept is essential but, the number factor that determines your success, will be you. In order for things to change in your life just like I stated in the beginning, you have to make a change. If a person continues to do what they always done, guess what, they’ll get what they always got. You can change your job, change your hair color, change professions, change geographic location, change opportunities, but nothing will produce any lasting results until you decide to do something different. It’s like trying to handle a new problem with the same old thinking that created it. If we want a different result, we must do something in a different way. It’s that simple. You know when I first heard about the Internet, I thought it was something just for computer nerds I guess. That was about six years ago, someone asked me if I had email. My comment was, no I don’t have email and I don’t see a need for it. Today I receive personal and business email in large quantities every day. This is not counting the request for information on the AMA Nation program. There is no way I could ever had handled that sort of volume of telephone or by any other method. At my age I’m still learning about the vast potential of today’s mass communication methods available today.
Now let’s talk about some of the most critical and most overlooked components that will determine your success, no matter what your business may be, network marketing, home-based, I don’t care what it is. These are some components that most people overlook. 1. And the most critically important is a plan for your own development, its called Self-Management, because without this you go no where. You see if you consider yourself to be a $20,000 a year person, he’ll never become a $100,000 and certainly not $150,000 year person unless you make some sort of changes. There is always that we can change in order to further our progress, always something. Maybe it’s simply having a new opportunity available and getting inspired by that opportunity. Maybe you’ve got that right now. Maybe it’s a matter of focusing an being fully committed to something instead of doing two or three things at once, just focus on one and being fully committed to it. Maybe it’s learning and applying some new concepts. Maybe it’s refining our people’s skills. Maybe it’s gaining greater self-confidence or simply having the courage to step out of the crowd and take a risk. May it’s changing one or more of our self-limiting beliefs. Maybe it’s simply a matter of letting go letting of some immobilizing fear or belief that we have about money or success. You know our income will rarely exceed our own personal beliefs. To say it another way, our income will rarely exceed our own personal growth. This is why it’s critical why it’s important for your own development. Otherwise, well continue to produce the same results that we’ve always produced… Does that make sense? I f you don’t grow personally you don’t grow financially. If we are filled with capacity with our old beliefs, let’s look at it this way, we have no capacity for developing new ones. That’s why we have to change. Most of us do the best we can with what we believe, I know that. On the other hand, some of us continue with our old ways knowing that there could be a better way. Now why do we do that? Because we are comfortable, we’re comfortable with our old ways. It’s our comfort zone, changing would mean having to take a risk and that’s sometimes a little bit fearful. We’d have to challenge our old beliefs to break out of our comfort zone to further develop ourself to become somebody different and that’s scary for some people. The risk of breaking out of our comfort zone can bring up our deepest fears. What if my business doesn’t work?  What happens if it doesn’t work? What if I loose all my money? What if the opportunity I’m getting involved in isn’t real? What if people won’t buy my product?  What if my product or service isn’t accepted in the marketplace? What if I can’t do it? What if I just can’t do it?  What if I can’t learn what I need to learn? What will others think of me being in this type of business? What will others think if I fail?  See stepping out of our comfort zone brings up all of these very deep fears. These are all part of self-management. Breaking out of our comfort zone can bring up the fear failure even. I failed before, what if I do it again? It can even bring up the fear of success. If I’m successful I may have to leave some of my friends behind. I may have to stretch; I may have to learn a new skill to take new responsibilities to grow. Personal development is an ongoing process, this is why having a plan for your own development is the first place to start if you want lasting success, and it’s the place to start. If you want to be a success there is no room in success for failure belief or thoughts. 2. The second thing that you need is clarity of intention. Being very, very clear. Having complete clarity is critical. Now what is clarity?  Clarity is focus it’s being focused on what you want clarity is knowing knowing where you’re going, clarity is being on target and on purpose. Clarity is the fuel that takes you where you want go. No matter what business you choose the speed at which you accomplish your objective will always be based upon your own degree of clarity toward that objective. Clarity simply means this, to remove all obstacles, at least those we create in our own mind from our own beliefs. If you just can’t seem to get going that means you’re not clear, something’s holding you back. There's some obstacle that needs removing. If you can’t seem to get going. Got to take a look, see what that obstacle is. If you have fear of talking to people about your product or service this means you’re clear about the value of what you have to offer. Your fear is blocking your clarity, therefore slowing you down or in many cases fear can immobilize you. Clarity will evaporate fear. Clarity will connect you goals to your opportunity. And without being clear about what you want it becomes impossible to take full advantage of any opportunity without being totally clear. Remember this, the slightest element of doubt on your part creates uncertainty in your mind, and uncertainty always creates lack of clarity. Lack of clarity produces tension, tension produces fear and fear will immobilize to one degree or another. Having complete clarity simply means that you’re living and operating at higher level of commitment where no one or no thing can interfere with your success. You’re going to be successful, that’s it there’s no other way. Complete clarity is called being on purpose with a purpose. Its called having clear intentions. Without clear intentions, what do you think happens? We don’t know what to focus attention upon, if we’re not intention we don’t have any attention. Without clear intention, we don’t know where we’re going our actions become nothing more than tension reliving versus goal achieving. If we’re not clear, whatever we focus our attention upon we will attract. Intentions attract or creates are attention which attracts the success we are looking for. As an example, if you’re focused on lack of money, let’s say you have quite enough money to make ends meet while you’re starting off you’re business, if you’re focused on lack of money what we’ll attract in return is lack of money. And why is that? It’s because we’re focused on it. If we want success having a clear intention toward success is absolutely essential. There’s no room in success for failure thoughts. Your clear intention will direct the circumstances that will produce the results you want. In other words, If you’re clearly intent, things will happen almost like miracles coming into play, because you clearly know where you’re going. Just remember that we always attract what we are projecting. Project a big vision with clear intention and you will attract big things in return. It’s called the law of cause and affect and I tell you what that law never fails. You’ll always have the affect of what you cause.
The third component is what I call Remaining Resourceful. Now let me explain the word resourceful. Think of a time in your life when you felt unclear, when doubt was creeping in or fear was holding you back in some way. A time when you felt non-productive or stuck. That’s called non-resourceful. Now think of a time when you felt really clear when nothing could stop you, everything seemed to work with ease. Every answer was right there when you needed it; you had total confidence in what you wanted. That’s called being resourceful. The question should always be; Is what I’m thinking, feeling, believing or the action I’m taking moving me closer to or further away from what I want to accomplish. Is it supportive or non-supportive is this action supportive or non-supportive is it resourceful or non-resourceful, is it moving me closer to or further away it’s always one or the other. Every action we take either moves us closer to our desired results or further away. You know what, success is that simple. If you just focus on that every action you take toward building your business either moves you closer to you success or further away. Every thought or feeling you have and every action you take either attracts the elements that you need for success or pushes them away. It’s always what I call a question of honor; it’s always a question of honor. Let me ask a question! Which do you honor the most, your vision of what you want to accomplish what you want in your life or the stuff the fears that you find yourself wrapped up in?  Which one do you honor the most? Success is a question of honor, If you choose not to take advantage of an opportunity because you’re afraid of failing that simply means that you’ve chosen to honor your fear of failing instead of your vision for a brighter future. Now, if you choose not to make the call, because you’re afraid of being rejected / or afraid what someone else might think of you, it simply means you’ve chosen to honor your fear instead of vision for success.
You know when building your business, here’s the most important question you should be asking yourself every single day. How much of my time today did I spend in a resourceful state, in a productive state, honoring my vision? How much of my time did I spend there? You know when you’re working; how much of your time do you spend actually doing business, and not worrying about tomorrow or getting caught up in the past, or what happened yesterday or feeling fearful about some situation or problem, or thinking about people at home or problems at home, or something like that? How much of your time do you spend in a resourceful state? Most people think that in order to be resourceful all they need to do is just think positive. Now positive thinking is like walking forward with a giant rubber band tied around your waist and nailed to the wall at the other end and just about the time you feel that you’re making a little bit of progress, you get pulled right back again. Does that sound familiar? And after a while in order to avoid the pain of hitting the wall and the stress of pulling against that giant rubber band we sink back into our old ways, back into our comfort zone. Afraid of being overly cautious about making the next moves. What we need to apply instead is proper thinking, not positive thinking positive thinking. Here’s what having positive thinking means, is the action I’m taking resourceful or non-resourceful? Is it moving me closer to my desired results or further away? Success… is just that simple! It’s either moving you closer too or further away, all the time.
Now the fourth component of success is having a Success Mind-set… A success mind-set similar to clarity just slightly different. Now this is so important that in our Arena Success seminars contains a seminar on Proper Mind. A mind set is a combination on how we think, believe and feel in the actions we take everyday. Our mind-set becomes like a magnet that attracts circumstances into our lives. You’ve been around people that have this mind-set, you just know that they know that they know where they’re going and what they’re doing and they may not on target all the time and they may not be doing the right things all the time, but they got that vision they have the mind-set that they are going to be a success. They may not make all the right decisions but they have the mind-set to do so. You know if you think success and feel failure… guess what… failure is going to happen. Let’s say that you have a vision and I’m sure you do of being a success in your own business otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article. You move forward thinking that you can accomplish your goals and at the same time you have a fear or a feeling that it may not work for you. Well here'’ what will happen, you can rest assured that it won’t. You’ve got to get those two in alignment that’s called a mind-set. Fear… fear is proof that a human being can create is the way I see it. Fear is using your imagination to make up an experience of failures. Therefore, if you feel a fear of failing you’re basically anticipating failure. And that’s the same as experiencing it, so if you feel fear you’re anticipating that to happen. On the other hand if you imagine success and the pleasure of what that success will bring, those are the things you’ll experience. The bottom line is this; all of your thoughts, beliefs and feelings make your mind-set. Your mind-set creates you behavior, and your behaviors bring forth the successes or the failures that we have in our lives. Your mind-set is created and controlled by you, nobody else just by you. Your voluntary controllable thoughts, beliefs and feelings can and do form your action patterns everyday, as well as the results that you produce. Our mind-set literally makes us almost as mechanical and predictable as a calculator. You hit 2 plus 2 what do you get… 4, you hit 5 plus 5 what do you get 25… hit this key and the number appears on the paper. You don’t have to believe me, simply take a look at your last ten years, and hindsight how predictable have they been. It’s the same predictability that links your thoughts, beliefs and feelings with your own voluntary actions that produce the results that you now experience in your life. It make up your mind-set, the results you produce are always a result of your mind-set, expand your mind-set and you’ll expand your range of possibilities… it’s that simple. When your thoughts, beliefs and feelings are in perfect alignment the conditions in your life will change like magic. And it will happen very quickly, simply put if you develop a millionaire mind set, you’ll become a millionaire it’s that simple if you’ve got the mind-set you cannot not become one. What you have in your life currently is the result of your past mind-set. What you will accomplish in your future will be the result of your current mind-set. In order for a person to succeed, to develop the mind set necessary to become financially free in any business, they must first have the information, the education and the knowledge that will expand their limitation and unlock their true potential.
Now with AMA Nation we have developed a new program for the modern entrepreneur. This is a program average people with above average desire to get ahead can receive the education, guidance and tools necessary to expand and explode their limits, and their mind-set. It offers a person the support necessary to develop the mind-set needed to become all that you can imagine, all that you’d ever want to be. This is a one-of-a-kind educational program that isn’t offered any place else in the world. It will not only show you how to unlock your true potential but, it will show you develop the mind-set necessary to move beyond intellectual understanding into action, in order to achieve anything that you want in life. It’s like having a success operating instruction manual for your own brain, that’s what it’s like.
The fifth component for success is what we call self-observation…  self-observation is another critical part of the success process. It’s really critical. Without self-observation we’re not in touch with what’s really happening, you know with truth about what’s around us.  If a person can’t pat their phone bill, what’s that called? …It’s called a red light flashing indicating there’s something wrong. If your bank accounts not what you’d like it to be, that’s called a red light flashing. If you have a repeating cycle going on in your life you know year-after-year-after-year, that’s called a red light flashing. Here’s the key – Look for the truth. Ask yourself, Why do I continue to repeat this same cycle over and over again, why do I keep doing the same thing? If your business is not growing the way you’d like it too, that’s called a red light flashing, indicating it may be time to take another approach, or at least take a look at what’s going on. What do you observe exactly, simply this, is what I’m thinking, feeling and the action I’m taking or the results I’m producing moving me closer to what I’d love to have in my life, closer to my objective, or further away. Is it resourceful or non-resourceful? Again, success is really that simple. Observe your own actions; observe what you do each day. Doing this and you’ll start to move closer and closer into success, no matter where you start, it doesn’t matter where you starting. You can be no experience, no money, no way to start, no nothing, but if you start taking action toward it, you’ll accomplish it. If this alone is all that you gain from reading this article, this one thing alone it will be worth a thousand times the time you spent reading the article. Attending the Money Like Magic Four Arena’s of Life you will learn that success begins with honesty… looking at yourself and taking a deep and complete look at yourself. Self observation is simply waking up to the truth of any situation and taking a new approach if needed, that’s all. Seeing the truth, and taking a new approach. If we don’t wake up and see the truth, we’ll continue with our old ways, or we’ll continue to blame outside circumstances for our problems, or our circumstances that find ourselves caught in, or our lack of success. Only through seeing the truth, through self-observation can we see the correction that need to be made. We have to see the truth in order to know what to correct. You can blame somebody else for taking up all of our time, but if we look and see the truth, we allowed them to take up our time. We can blame somebody else for spending too much money, but if we look and see the truth, we can stop that from happening within our company. Only through seeing the truth can you make the corrections that need to be made. Our thoughts chose our direction in life. But, without self-knowledge, through self-observation there is no foundation for correct thinking or correct actions and that’s the key to success. Without correct thinking we have doubts, right. That produces uncertainty, an uncertainty produces lack of clarity and when we lack clarity and when we lack clarity we have what? No intention… and without intention we don’t know what to focus our attention upon. In other words, we have a mind-set of failure.
Think for a moment about what’s important to you in your life. Think about it. Does it have anything to do at all with financial freedom, time freedom, having a more fulfilling career, financial security, owing your own business, being your own boss, having the opportunity to the lives of others or maybe simply living a life style without limits. These are things that we all have the ability to accomplish, you do, I do, and anyone does, if I can do it anyone does. If I can do it, can do it. Yet, how many do? Well, not very many. It’s not because they don’t have the desires, or the willingness to work, most people have a desire, and most people have a willingness to go to work.
But, most of all because they don’t have two vital ingredients first, is the courage to be bold, to step out of the crowd to see the opportunity in the risk that you are taking, instead of looking at the risk in the opportunity. See when you focus on the risk you miss the opportunity. The fact that you are reading this article tells me you want more out of life. I know that you do. Now it’s just a matter of stepping up to the plate and hitting a grand slam home run. You can do it, I know that you can do it. The second thing you’ll need is the vehicle that we’ll take you where you want to go the question that comes to mind for many is which opportunity should I choose. This is where the opportunity segment of AMA Nation comes into the picture. You will be provide with a complete selection of methods of achieving success in your own business and life or you can use all the tools you will receive for the opportunity that you already have or the idea you already have in place. Learning about yourself you will understand how to get the most out of life. With AMA Nation we believe that your success determines our success. We’re in business to help you. It will be an experience where you are in business for yourself but, not by yourself. There is a fine line between merely doing well and actually achieving great success. Just a very fine line. That fine line is most often having the courage to take that risk, to be bold and step out of the crowd with a viable vehicle that allows you to achieve your potential goals.
In this uncertain business and economic climate more and more people are seeking a way to improve the quality of their life and a plan for a brighter financial future. But, for most people the dream of achieving real financial success of revitalizing the greatness we promised ourselves earlier in life seems totally out of reach today. This American Dream has propelled many men and women to great success and even today draws millions to this country from around the world all dreaming of a brighter future. Today having a dream and working hard, it simply isn’t enough. What’s needed is a vehicle for turning your dreams into action and your actions into results. Millions of people believe that the most viable vehicle is owning your own home based business. Many are making more money then they ever dreamed possible and they’re doing right from the comfort of their own home. Owning your own business, full or part time, and learning about yourself can provide you with the success you have been searching for. Home based businesses are building bridges around the world. It’s the beginning of a new revolution, you’re at the right place at the right time, believe me. Having your own business at home is similar to the visionaries who developed our great country that’s what it’s about. The home based business revolution is the success story of this century and it can be your success story as well. It’s creating such powerful opportunities that professionals from all walks of life have found greater success that they ever dreamed possible. In fact it’s happening to someone just like you, this very minute. There is a multitude of opportunities that offer you a chance, no matter what your background, education or experience may be to create a business of your own and truly live the American Dream. When I was first introduced to the business world in 1963 through a home based, little did I know that would change my life forever. I was a factory worker, I had no money to start my own business, and I was literally living from paycheck to paycheck. Looking back it’s really hard to believe just how many benefits I’ve received as a result of that decision I made all those years ago. I began earning what I was worth instead of what someone else told me I was worth. As a result of my success as an entrepreneur as well as a few failures along the way I’ve gathered and developed a complete set of principals that will guide any ambitious person towards becoming and remaining a success in their own business.
Now with AMA Nation we will share these principals with thousands of people across the United States looking to achieve dramatic results, people just like you who want to achieve personal and financial freedom. In our Money Like Magic Arenas of Life program, you will learn all of the critical steps for success mentioned in this article. You will learn how to develop a mind-set for success; you learn how to develop a mind-set that will achieve your most ambitious goals. How to make an effective presentation to market your product or service. How to develop long term repeat customers, that’s critical. How to remove the blocks that stop your success, you know there is always something that holds us back in life and in business from becoming all we want to be. The AMA Nation program will help you locate those blocks and eliminate them on the spot. How to overcome fear and self-sabotage. You know we all have sort of a failure mechanism that’s kind of built-in. You’ll learn how to turn off that mechanism before it’s ever activated, you won’t even have to deal with it. How to develop your business strategy portfolio, all the details you’ll need to get business up and running. How to set goals and achieve them with consistent accuracy. How to effectively manage your time, you know if you could increase you effectiveness with your time by 20%, How would that improve your life?… just 20%, how about your business? How about your income? How about you’re personal and family life? You’ll learn how to do that. Self-management and personal growth is another subject, which is critical, and a whole lot more and our products and services are fully guaranteed.
You know having your own business may not be for you, I don’t know. It’s not for everybody, but you owe it to yourself to at least check out the possibilities. What is truly exciting about the AMA Nation program is the fact that not only can you participate in learning but also, you participate in life. You are rewarded for sharing, what a great concept. The program is similar to a Frequent Flyer program… when you fly somewhere that you have to go… you get extra rewards. The AMA Nation product program is the same, you don’t have to look at as a business. Just imagine how many products or services you have told a friend about and the have taken advantage of the product or service with no rewards to you. Well, that can change with the AMA Nation program. We are not looking for you to change from the products or service you already use, we are just looking for you to improve your lifestyle with others and be rewarded for it. Not a bad concept! See for yourself what it takes to become a success in your own business. Why not learn the skills and develop the mind-set to become all you want to be. Why not take full advantage of the free enterprise system. It’s alive and well. Free enterprise simply means this, the more enterprising you become, and the more free you become. Why not you? Don’t you feel it’s your turn to succeed to be in the top 2% financially free? Don’t you feel you should have your turn to enjoy the personal freedom that you’ve dreamed of having? Why not you getting up in the morning, joyful, excited about the events of the day looking forward to working for yourself and for your goals. Why not decide right now to make a decision and a commitment to move forward into an abundant future. Why not you owning your own business and being your own boss? Why not you creating for yourself and your family a brand new life and maximizing your freedom of choice? Why not you living your dreams having your dreams come alive in the present and not some far distant future? Why not you? Why wait another day? Remember, it’s not what happens to you that controls the quality of your life, It’s what you do about what happens that counts. Why not you living the American Dream? … and why not now?