Some People Think Success is Based on Luck, What do you Think?
Edward V Ellis, Sr. - 2010
Friend, do you think success require luck?
You can always voice your opinion through the comment section, what do you think about this question?
For me, success is 95% perspiration and 5% luck.
For me it is more like opportunity meets preparation. If you never put in effort, how is it possible that success will come to you?
Even if you win a lottery, it is because you take the action to buy the lottery ticket in the first place. If you did not do it, you will never win the lottery; someone else may have won it, but not you.
I don’t know what you think about it, do you think that successful people such as Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Michael Jordan, Steve Jobs and so on and so forth are lucky?
Well, maybe they are.
However, if they don’t have the determination and commitment to take massive action in their lives, they will not be the successful people that you know right now.
Take Michael Jordan for example; do you think he is gifted with the talent to play excellent basketball?
Not at all! He became gifted in basketball because he poured in tons and tons of effort to train himself to be the greatest in it.
In other words, he made himself gifted. He made himself excellent. He made himself successful!
And of course, with a little bit of luck, he grabbed the opportunity and became the best basketball player. If he is not ready and not prepared, do you think the opportunity will find him?
You know the answer very well. Even if he has the opportunity to at international level, but if he does not have the skill and preparation, he will never make it.
The same goes for every other successful person in this world.
You cannot win a lottery without owning a lottery ticket with you. It is impossible that money will fall from the sky. Success will not come to you overnight.
It is not like one day you wake up and you have a million dollar in the bank and find yourself sleeping in a bungalow with 2 Benz in the garage. This is not fairy tale.
So the lesson is this, you need to do something to achieve what you want in your life.
Seriously, success will never come to you if you are not doing anything about it.
Even if you are super lucky, you buy a lottery ticket and you win a million dollar, do you think you know how to handle this huge amount of money?
And because you are not prepared for this, very soon, you will lose all the money that you have won.
If you read the book, The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley, you will understand what I mean. Inheritance wealth will not stay long with those who do not have the skill to manage it.
If your goal is to be a star tennis player so that you can compete in the international level, but if you don’t have the skill, you will never stay long in the course.
The solution is…
Make Yourself the Person That You Dream About
Yes, you need to prepare yourself to be the person that you dream about if you want to be who you want to be in your life.
It is just like if you want to be a great golfer, you need to make yourself, train yourself, learn and improve, act, think, and breathe like a pro golfer before you can finally become one.
Without the quality, the confidence, the habit, behavior, skill, ability, mindset, belief and thinking about the person you want to be, you will never be the person you want to be.
This is why almost every successful person encourages you to read more books and learn from guru in your field. When you read more, you will think and act just like the person you want to be.
And sooner or later, you will end up become the person that you desire to be.
To make it short, you have to model the person you want to be.
If you want to be rich, find a mentor that you like and read and model everything he or she does.
If you want to be a great teacher, find out every bit of information regarding how to teach and how to be a good teacher. After that, model the techniques and take action to be one.
It is the same in every field.
If you want to be a great student, learn and model the best study technique, and you will find your grades improve in no time.
That’s the way it works. This is how you can achieve your goals, make your dreams come true and be successful in your life.
Back to the question, do you still think that success require luck?
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