This blog is going to tell the story about a "Serial Entrepreneur." Now I know there are a lot of individuals like me all around the world. But, it's important for all of us to know that we are not alone, although most of the time it may feel like your totally isolated.
For those of you that are wanna-be entrepreneurs, or maybe you are a true entrepreneur or just maybe you are a Serial Entrepreneur like me. Over the next few months, I will attempt to take you on a journey that may be familiar to you or maybe it sounds like something you've heard, I hope it gives you the strength or the idea to get you to the next step.
I will start over the next few days by taking you on a journey through my experiences, we all learn by yesterday, however the important thing is to move on to tomorrow. As the title of one of Clint Eastwood movies I will tell you about the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. I will start by telling you that every step was an experience that moved me in a forward direction. I ask myself daily, was it worthwhile? I will answer by simply saying that I am further along than I would have been if I was like one of the majority who never tried and the experiences that I encountered are like the Maste Card commercial "Priceless."
As we travel this journey, you may get tired, bored and uninterested and that will be normal, just remember learning from just one of my mistakes or from one of my good moves can literally change your life.
This whole Blog will start with my main philosphy "I don't chase rainbows, I build them!"
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