Thursday, April 14, 2011

How To Live Life With No Regrets

 by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.

You know what's the saddest words you can say--"shoulda, woulda, coulda".

All those things in our past of how we wished we could have done differently, or wish we didn't do at all. But as time goes by, we grow older and we learn things as we age. And that's not to mean that we should regret what we did before we learned stuff in a different way.

If you think about it, if we didn't get to experience those, we might not have grown into the same adults that we know as we are today.

So, how about living life with no regrets? Getting rid of those negative shoulda, woulda coulda? Though we may be older and wiser, we're still not exempted from making mistakes. In living life with no regrets, be aware that it's fine when you make mistakes. Just make sure that you learn from it and you move on. Most important thing? You forgive yourself.

*Be grateful for all the things you have now rather than complaining for what you lack. Realize that others wish something that you have.

*Follow your own journey. Don't mind what others want you to follow. It's your life, not theirs anyway.

*Find fun and happiness with as several people as you can. Every person has a story. By listening to them, you may find insights and lessons in living.

*Have fun, enjoy and laugh as if there's no tomorrow. A happy energy draws a lot of people!

*Wish everyone well sincerely sans envy.

*Take more risks you only dream of doing. Be adventurous. Because you get to live only once!

We begin to be regretful if we keep on comparing ourselves to others. Others will always have something you don't and vice versa. To live life with no regrets, just take life where it takes you and don't be afraid to take the challenge.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Ramblins' March 26, 2011

Real World Entrepreneur Newsletter
Dear Subscriber,

Time is a challenge, how do we get the most out of it while enjoying it's passing.
I try to remind everybody that This Moment is like a coin, Once you spend it, it's gone, and like money if you spend it right you will cherish the memory for a lifetime.
It's important that one moment, one decision, one thought could change the direction of our life. Over the past few months I have had the unique opportunity to meet hundreds of great people and some of them are locked in positions by decisions made at a previous time. What happens now is individuals now face the results which include the FEAR of change. The thought of change is now that New Moment, use it wisely and remember today's decision will provide tomorrows results.
The question today... Are You Happy with your life today? Look to make the changes that will provide you with the happiness YOU deserve.Don't live this wonderful life in unhappiness.
Take Care of Today
Enjoy Your Day

 by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.

Listen to the salutation to the dawn,
Look to this day for it is life, the very life of life.
In its brief course lie all the verities and realities of our existence.
The bliss of growth, the splendor of beauty,
For yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision,
But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well therefore to this day.
Such is the salutation to the dawn.

It is Monday morning, for many the start of a new work week. Take the time this Monday, and for the next few Mondays, to keep a record of how many "I hate Monday" type statements you hear.  

How do you feel about Monday?
Reflect for a moment. Do that many "bad" things really happen on Monday? I would be willing to bet your answer is "No". If your answer happens to be "Yes", then you need to start looking at your attitude and expectations. Life has a funny way of living up or down to our expectations. No matter the date or day of the week the calendar says it is, start each day expecting it to be your greatest day ever.  

~Yesterday, Tomorrow and Today in Perspective
It is very important to understand the relationship between yesterday, tomorrow and today.  

We cannot go back in time and change or redo yesterday, but here are three things you can do with your past; First, reflect on your past successes. Relive them with as much clarity and emotion as you can. Use these memories to build your self-confidence, self-esteem and to create an "I Can" attitude. Second, learn from your past mistakes and failures. Take full responsibility for them, and be grateful for them. Yes, I said to be grateful for your failures. You cannot know which way up is, unless you know which way is down is. Third, release and let go all negative emotional baggage from your past. This is the toughest of the three to do, and the most important to work on. Carrying this weight will, at the very least, slow you down, and it can stop you completely.
The future is where all your dreams, hopes and goals live. Your potential lies ahead of you, not behind you. Tomorrow you have a clean slate, an unblemished record, a brand new beginning. Take care when building your vision of the future, it is where you will spend the rest of your life. Most importantly, by creating your vision of tomorrow, by having dreams and goals to reach for, you give meaning and purpose to today.
Today is the most important day of your life! Yesterday is gone. By the time tomorrow arrives it will be today. Today you are creating yesterday's memories. Today you are laying the foundation for tomorrow.
Everything you do, you do now. Everything else is either something you did do, or something you are going to do. Everything you do either takes you closer to your dreams and goals or it moves you away from them. Every day counts.
Make a habit of taking positive daily actions. Take steps daily that will move you closer to your dreams and goals. Plan your day based on your principles, values and what matters most to you, and then work your plan. Don't sit by and wait to "have" a great day, take action to "make" it a great day. Take care of today. If you do this, yesterday and tomorrow will take care of themselves.  

Make Every Day a Great Day

Achieve by Taking First Step
Positive Thinker

Ramblins' March 19

Real World Entrepreneur  
Dear Subscriber,

Over the past few weeks I have a lot of questions develop in my life. My regular visits to therapy have only increased some misunderstandings and confusion. As many of you know I have an intense disagreement Lifes Directionwith a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) and the disagreement continues with my therapist since her opinion is that's truly not what is meant by PMA and to me that's where the problem begins. Understanding the meaning of the terms. All of the so-called self-help books will tell you you-can-do-it almost like the term from "The Waterboy." Yes, I believe you can do what you set out to do, if you have a plan and if you have realistic expectations. In most cases, individuals do not have a plan and if they do, they do not follow through or track their results.
I have been blessed over the past few weeks to meet a lot of great individuals, all of which both deserve more and have the capabilities to achieve more is they put a plan into action and if they sit down and put a realistic plan into action.
Two individuals that I have met in particular and had the opportunity to have coffee with a couple of mornings this week, have to take a long look in the mirror and realize who they are and what they can achieve...with a plan... something we all need.
Don't follow -the-Hype, follow a plan, track your results and take action.
Living Life to the Fullest
by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.

Living a life full of purpose, passion and happiness does not need to be as hard as we believe.

A lot of the time the reason why we're not living the life we
Live Life To The Fullest
want or dream off is because we are waiting for someone else to do something about it. We're not taking the responsibility ourselves to make the changes we need and to follow our true purpose, passion and desires. This has nothing to do with anyone else - it's all about YOU!

Having the gift of a happier, more satisfying life isn't easy and that is why so few people actually achieve all that they want out of life. In fact most people don't even achieve 1/3rd of what they want in life. People go through the daily routines, the daily grind expecting that one day it might be different.

Setting Goals Allows You to Achieve Greatness: The trick is to own them, to make them yours. Not what your Mum wants, nor what your guidance counselor told you was right for you...but what YOU want. If you were to ask yourself the following questions, what would the answers be? What do I want to be doing in 1 year's time, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years what is my true passion in life? Are you doing it? Why not? What could I do today that is different and improves the quality of my life?

Many people have not thought about what they truly want in years. This is partially due to the vague exotic island we are always thinking about
"Someday I'll"... we confuse that with reality and believe that someday I'll have more time to figure it out and then I'll get what I want'.

This is NOT how it works...some day is NOW. Tomorrow will never come, and our time here is limited. You can either choose for this to be a depressing thought and turn away from it, or face it straight on and FREE YOURSELF. Today is all we have - live it up! Dream with passion! PLAN to do things you love and which are fun...there is no time like the present!

You Must Set Priorities: In these busy times, it is time we realize that we cannot do it all. Nothing is created without us actually creating everything we want - I firmly believe this - but we all have 24 hours in a day, and things do slip through the cracks.

Therefore, the more we hone our focus and decide what our priorities are, the better we can live each day from that focus, and accomplish more of the things that matter to us as individuals. This is not goal-setting. Goals ARISE from this work, and allow you to accomplish those things that you wish to. This allows us to live each day with a strong sense of purpose, aliveness and joy. The trick to living this way is two-fold: The first things you need to do is look at your overall life and decide what you want it to be about.

A good way is to think about what your life looked like as you float above it at the end of your life. Ask yourself what you will regret most if you don't change it? What do you want said about you when you're gone? What kind of a legacy would you like to leave? What will you wish you had done? The second part ties your priorities and your goals together. The best two tips in this area I have heard in years are extremely simple: 1. Make a list every night of the five things you MUST accomplish tomorrow, and then DO THEM tomorrow, in the order of those you want to do least first. 2. Ask yourself each day: What can I do today that I'll be glad I did tomorrow? This one step is amazingly powerful, as you will see after a few days.

Have A Vision Of Your Life: How many times have you heard that you must visualize what you want in order to get it? Did you know that in studies with Olympic-caliber athletes, tests have shown that they performed just as well after visualizing themselves going through the motions with precision, as when they actually practiced physically? Additionally, in brain and muscle tests, all the same neurons in the brain and muscle fibers in the body were activated during intense visualization as during the actual athletic endeavour. Amazing? YES! Use this to your advantage in your own life! Practice and improve your ability to clearly and precisely picture yourself being in the situations you wish to create.

HEALTH: This has been addressed in many places, but my two best tips are: Eat less, and more often. Studies have shown that those who eat less actually survive longer, and with this happy, passionate life you are building you'll want to prolong it as much as you can! Also, eating smaller amounts every 3-4 hours serves to boost your metabolism and burn more fat...helping you to be healthier and have more energy. Think of your metabolism like a fire...consistently feed it in little amounts. If you starve it or smother it, the results will be less to your liking.

The second tip is to get moving, and do it consistently. This one thing, if you are not already doing it, will make a huge difference for you. Go for walks, take up new sports - do whatever you have to do to stay active, and enjoy increased energy and stamina, as well as more clarity in your thoughts.

ROLE MODELS: Get some new ones. Look for people and situations that empower you, and remind you of the magnificence of the human spirit and what is possible. This lifts you out of your narrow, every day focus, and gives you a broader perspective.

Do you know the 5 closest friends is the average wage / amount of money you will also earn?

So put in place and have a look at just those 5 little areas in your life and you will notice and amazing difference nearly instantly.

Enjoy life, live with passion, purpose and happiness!
Always remember today only comes this way once....

To top off all my confusion in life my two poodles went to Florida to stay with one of my sons... well at least it's warm.
Misty and Lucky