June 22, 2010
I felt it was time to expand what I was writing each week since i was hearing more and more people falling into the trap of believing what they were both hearing and reading. Take a look around at what is happening in life and the development of new technology, things are not bad, times are changing and most were not prepared for the changes. What it means is we must prepare for change and we must prepare to compete. The market is bigger and the competition is greater... are you prepared to win?
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Get out of the stands and get back in the Arena of Life
by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.

"Here's the test to find out whether your mission on earth is finished. If you're alive, it isn't"
-- Richard Back.
Times up.
No more excuses; you've got work to do. Don't ask me how I know, I just do.
It's time to think about all of the things that you've promised yourself you were going to achieve by now, but haven't. Go get your list, dust it off, and let's get to work. If you need to make readjustments, that's fine. Dreams change. So do priorities. But unfortunately, that internal gnawing that comes from living with a dream deferred doesn't, no matter how hard you try to suppress it; that's because it's supposed to be used as an internal barometer to remind you when you aren't in alignment and living on purpose.
I've been studying those who live up to their fullest potential for some time now, and here's what I've discovered. Those that excel, I mean really knock it out of the park on a consistent basis have one fundamental difference-they operate with a skillfully devised plan, and believe it or not, they are the minority.
The rest of the world operates on what I like to call "defensive mode." They're reactionary. They're constantly reacting to what life is throwing them by swinging the bat wildly and hoping it connects when it can. They're too tired, too lost or too disillusioned to believe that they have other options. So, they live their entire lives believing that, "life happens," "things are out of their control," and "they're lucky to even have a job."
But here's the crux. Life does happen, but you weren't just cast in the starring role. You get to be the writer, director and producer of the movie called you. So, why not make it a blockbuster? You get to decide who your costars are, what the scenes are going to entail and where it will be shot. Why not make it big? Scout for locations internationally, and don't just settle for that vacant space down the street. Bring in the best music, food and wardrobe. Make it so good that everyone can't help but add it to their list of favorites!
Do yourself a favor and stop casting yourself in these small insignificant roles! Please!
Ask yourself, "What do I want out of my life?" Not superficially want because it seems "cool." No, what do you really, really, really want? This is tough because sometimes what you want doesn't seem to have a place in your life "as is." So, you toss it aside.
For example: I really, really want to take an Alaskan cruise. Seriously, I have a folder about the trip, the train connection, I'm aware of the money and time commitment and if I were to look around at my life as it is now, there doesn't seem to be a place for it. But when I was talking about the gnawing inside, I was speaking from experience. So, I had to give myself a drop-dead timeline of two years. I also, really, really, really would like to develop a life-awareness program, I have no idea how that is going to play out, but I've decided that it will...somehow and someday.
It's time to push ourselves out of the comfort zone. Out of the place where everything is "fine" and into the place of "I can't believe I'm about to do this!" because that is what living is all about!
This year, remind yourself that it's not cool to play small; to shrink so other people feel comfortable around you; to not risk anything for fear of the embarrassment of not achieving it. As Marianne Williamson says: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."So go ahead and step into your power.
Put your plan together and watch what happens.
Stop Chasing the Money and Start Chasing the Dream
by: Edward V Ellis, Sr.

"Don't chase the paper- chase the dream"P. Diddy
This year as I begin to reflect on all that I have done in my life, the thousands I have met, the businesses launched, stretched, and grown I am really grateful and a bit curious. I get asked all the time- how did you do it? Here's how:
When you love what you do so much your sides could split, money comes easy. I know some of you are already discounting this after just my first sentence. You are pulling up all your considerations and circumstances:
~ I love what I do and I am broke
~ I am in my purpose, but I hate marketing
~ I am passionate, but I can't get customers
~ I love what I do, but this is too hard
No. When you love what you do... when you wake up every day feeling like if you didn't do it then it would be criminal, then you figure out, learn, and do whatever it takes. You never stop. You never pause. For me money is love. It allows me to share, give, develop, and grow. Over the last five years I was never chasing the money- I was always chasing the dream. The dreams of seeing hundreds of entrepreneurs launch and grow and thrive even in this economy. The dream of seeing helping-based businesses change lives and transform people and situations. The dream of having the abundance to write checks for things I am passionate about and care for deeply. I was chasing the love - the love I had to share with people that I knew would then turn and share with others - that deep, rich ripple effect love.
Chasing the money doesn't work. At some point you will get bored and angry when things don't go exactly as you planned. Money is not that hard to make. Really. You could think of 100 ways to make money today - illegally, legally, in a job, asking, begging, EBay, on and on. Money is not that hard to make. The hard part is making a difference. When you can make money by making a difference, everything is deeper. You don't mind the hits or jabs or naysayers that come your way, you simply keep chasing the dream because when your dream comes true, and so does everyone's around you.
When you love what you do so much you will do whatever it takes to BE THE CHANGE in this world, when you are focused on helping people, serving, and love, you can't help but make money. I wake up every day and ask myself two questions:
* Who can I help?
Create That Greatest Masterpiece In Your Life Now!
By Edward V Ellis, Sr.

Have you ever thought about your career or work that you do as an art? Something like a form of personal and creative expression? We could easily beckon an image of an artist, sculptor, painter, musician, inventor or writer in their respective studios, engaged and engrossed in the superb process of creating their masterpiece.
The Oxford Dictionary defines masterpiece as an "individual's best work" and "an exceptional piece of workmanship or artistry". Try to visualize and imagine that pursuit of fineness and greatness in an artist we conjured to our imagination. Then I ask you, are you working on your masterpiece...anything which matters that much to you, something that enlivens your creative imagination and values, and something which needs your total and supreme best output, anything which requires the overall engagement of all your abilities and faculties, and something which would survive further than today's working day? You see, it could be very easy to lose sight of the whole picture due to our day-to-day busyness and survival in this world.
Anyway, who can have the time (or others will consider this as a luxury) for this kinds of stuff? Okay, so this concept actually echoes everything with you, you could easily find validation in the following: trying to work at this sort of level and intensity enables you to be more appealing at some cocktail parties and more interesting to the market.
(Well obviously, who does not like to work or associate themselves with engaging, devoted and committed personalities?)It could also be a part of your own legacy. It can even rouse that sense of purpose that you felt you have been missing all along-- it can make you happier. Whatever it is, just go find your own reason.
Allow me to pattern the idea or concept for our own purposes: your masterpiece could be that thing or work you produce, with a beginning and end, with a start and finish. Or, it could be a firm and balanced, and elegant and classy service that you give, or work that you do, day in and day out.
For some individuals, their life's work is focused and zeroed in on just a single thing. Yet for some of us out there, it can be less focused. Possibly, think grand masterpiece vs. itty-bitty masterpieces. Your masterpiece is whatever you think or says what it is, as long as it represents or embodies your BEST and GREATEST work.
After all, you are your own best judge and eventually, you and only you alone can know and fathom if indeed, you gave your all. It is such an awesome thing to receive an international acclaim or accolades. Nevertheless, without it will not take away from what you've done. If you look back and gaze at what you've done or attained with pride and fulfillment, knowing in your heart that you gave or giving it all your best, then that is your masterwork at its greatest! Most of us exemplify this principle in how they try to live their lives-now, that's just fantastic.