Friday, August 27, 2010

More Ed Ellis Ramblins' 8-28-2010

Dear Subscriber,
Find Yourself
Over the past few weeks I made the conscious decision to re-involve myself with a Network Marketing company which triggered the thoughts for this weeks Newsletter. Over the years (a lot of years) I have been involved in Network Marketing, MLM, Direct Sales whatever name you want to put on it. Yes, I know, I know you have heard all types of negative things about this type of program. Well, I have always said that the MLM industry just needs a good PR firm, because it is an industry that both works and is financially rewarding for those who work it. Heck, when individuals like Warren Buffet, and Donald Trump not only get involved but buy some of the companies there has to be something real. Look at the fact that over 175,000 people get involved in some type of Direct Selling every week; it has to produce. One of the main reasons that people get involved is for the Social Aspect, over the years that was true, then came the computer and the internet. Yes that was a big boom to the industry, but in most cases it eliminated the real social aspect, well that is coming back. You see the focus of this weeks newsletter is to focus on one of my belief, that is the fact that most people are underpaid and the reason is they are in either a limited or the wrong profession. You can read an article  titled The American Dream 8-23-10 as to how I originally became involved in Direct Selling in the mid 60's.
The key to real success is to learn who you are and what do you enjoy doing and do it with people you enjoy. The network Marketing company has coupled me with people who want more which is a win-win situation. Being around winners is important. Jim Rohn use to point out that we are the sum total of the five closest people to us... take a look around are the five closest people to you going to help you grow or are they going to drain your energy.
Learn to develop your talents not somebody's thoughts as to who they want you to be.
Get  out and meet people.

It is important to me to always remember to thank you for letting me share this small part of your life.

Ed Ellis
Time for a Vocation!...
now that Vacation is over

by: Edward V. Ellis, Sr.

Over 40? Vocation starts now!

Well, the summer is finally over, and kids are ready to go back to school. For adults, especially those over 40, this time associates with extra anxiety. Perhaps, you have spent the summer avoiding the most important question you must answer. That's it. It is time to answer. What work must emerge through you now? The difficult economy might influence you to settle for just any job to pay the bills. However, don't settle for any job just for the money, this will be a big mistake. First, take the time to become more self-aware and understand what type of life you want to live for the next half of your journey.

You can recreate a new beginning...

Despite any bills and money concerns you CAN recreate a second half of your life which works better for you. Once you decide what you really want to do, don't stray from this path.

If you are living month to month then at least get a job or better yet 2 or 3 part-time jobs that are in the area of your passions. For example let's say you love decorating but need to make $75,000 a year and you haven't figured out a way to make this in the decorating business. For your all life you have been a customer service manager in retail. Your expenses are$ 5,000 a month and you are quickly running out of money. You need something fast. You are tempted to apply for what you have always done customer service in a large retail chain that will probably pay you close to what you need. Only one problem, you don't like the work and feel like you are wasting your life. You feel you need the job because if you run out of money you will lose your apartment and have no place to go! What should you do?

Don't take the job!

At least not until you have a plan to get you working for the rest of your life around decorating.

First be clear as to where you want to make a contribution. Make a list of what is most important to you. Align new goals now to what is most important. Define your own version of your perfect vocational day which you could live for the rest of your life. Now at least you will have a gap between where you are and where you want to go. Now, how can you close this gap? First can you produce a product or service now which you can sell which has something to do with decorating? Can you get 2 or even 3 part-time jobs working around decorating? What if all of this added up to $5,000 a month, wouldn't that be great?

Not sure where to start?

Where do your interests and abilities align which you are motivated right now to do? For example, you listed that you are good at selling, designing, working with people, and advertising. Your deep interests revolve around colors, lighting, decorating, and furniture. Ok, a good start. Now think first what could you sell? Of course there are working in a frame shop but there are also things like advertising for paint stores, craft shows and furniture stores. Maybe you brand yourself as Today's decorator getting the designer word out as your tagline. You offer advertising and marketing for painters, carpenters as well as representing some local contractors directly. You also decide to offer instructions online and at craft shows and you take a job in a paint or furniture retail store 10 hours a week. You decide to write a blog for decorating. You sell this to your customers.

Before long (it takes about 6 months to get this going) you are making between 2500 and 3500 a month but you see the potential for growth and you are happy!

You move!

You decide to move to a less expensive area. You are happy now and all of a sudden you feel attractive and good about yourself. You start to meet new people, and before long you meet someone special. You decide to move in together. Your partner works and all of a sudden you have a new support team and your overall expenses are less.

One day you wake up to a new life!

One morning you wake up and suddenly realize you are happy and have a new life! You are clearly not rich but you are getting by. Most of your days are filled with activities doing what you love. As a result, you continue to have new ideas about how to grow your opportunities. You wonder what your life would have been like if you had taken that customer service job a year ago JUST for the money.

You look back and reflect ...

You made better choices. You decided to be clear about which work needed to emerge through you now. You decided to no longer accept a mundane life. Despite the economy you decided that this was a good time to follow your heart. Well, you also made a few financial moves. You dumped your retirement which was against all solid financial advice because saving for retirement now seemed like a silly idea. Now you never plan to stop working. After all the ONLY people who retire are people who didn't love what they do. It was only $45,000 but it helped you get through the tough times. You moved to a less expensive area 5 hours away and saved over $1000.00 per month on expenses. You started going out more and soon met the new love of your life. You knew that this was the right person when you shared your dreams with this person. And he or she cheered you on!

This is the best time ever to have multiple streams of income

Fearful of the economy? Don't be. Figure out now what products and or services you can create and sell even if for one dollar. If you can sell one product or service for a dollar, you can sell many more products and services to more people at 2 dollars and so on. Look at part-time jobs as an alternative - several of them! Only work for one full-time role if it closely aligns to your plan for passionate work and your vocation. If not you are making a commitment to unhappiness. I sometimes wish we could just lease ourselves to organizations for 1 year on a trial basis. Then like a car, at the end of the lease if we don't find joy in our work, we could leave if we choose and be paid back for wear and tear on the job! Until this time comes, you must take your job search into your own hands. This new push for job creation is silly.

I'd rather see a strategy to create meaningful work. This is what makes a society work well. For now you will have to take action yourself for an authentic life. Most of us today have money concerns. Seeking a stable full-time job in areas which you don't enjoy is risky.

Defining what you want and which work must emerge through you now is more important. With a vision of your own perfect vocational day you can begin to move towards designing a life which works better for you and soon everyone around you. You can do this and you deserve this now!

I'll be cheering you on as you go! It's Time To Become an Entrepreneur... Remember, Don't Chase Rainbows, Build Them.
In This Issue
Your Career
Great Read
Direct Sales
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What a Great Book
Strenght Finder
When I picked up this book at Barnes and Nobel I sat down in the Starbucks area and started to read, before I knew it I was on my second Latte. My first thought was wow somebody tapped my thought process, we have all felt that way at one time or another.

This book hits so close to home in my thought process especially this week.The book points out that it's important to be aware of your potential and not your limitations.

It asks:

  • Do you Dread going to work?
  • Have more negative than positive interaction with your colleagues?
  • Treat your customers poorly?
  • Tell your friends what a miserable company you work for?
  • Achieve less on a daily basis?
  • Have fewer creative and positive moments?
  • and of course all of this goes beyond work.
Take the time to go on line or to your local book store and help yourself and your family for tomorrow.
Direct Sales
mlm linkThe direct sales business is under constant scrutiny, Why? Simple answer, most of the people who are making the comments are not entrepreneurs and have never been in business on their own and have always depended on others to set the course for them and have never taken the ultimate risk for themselves. I always tell them they are lucky they have co-workers, a spouse or children, without those they would have no one tp blame for their mistakes in life and we ALL make mistakes. The difference is when you have made the decision to be an entrepreneur you carry the burden of the mistakes... even if they are really not your fault. Yes, it's true that the majority of people who enter direct sales don't make it, you notice I say don't make it and not failed. The main reason that most who don't make it is they don't try and here we go again... Blame others. When you enter the direct sales field you are part on a never ending team, unlike in Corporate America where you can go to your boss who's afraid to rock the boat with his boss in fear of loosing his job. In direct sales the people at the top want you to grow and you can go for help as far upline as you have to. Don't be afraid give life and direct sales a chance, you don't have to grow big (unless you want too.) If you can use an extra few hundred or more a month with little or no effort go to my blog and learn about deregulated energy and how YOU can benefit from it.
My apology last week for getting the newsletter out late, apparently I violated some of Constant Contacts regulations about content. It is the policy of Constant Contact to not promote MLM. I still believe that I am promoting the concept of Entrepreneurship and I hope I can give you the confidence to reach out and do it on your own.
If you found this newsletter helpful in anyway click below and forward it to friends, family, and business associates and ask them to subscribe to this FREE newsletter. In addition, I have added a share button where you can share it with your Facebook and Twitter friends, it would be much appreciated.

Please don't listen to all the news, things may be a little slow but their is tremendous opportunities available for everyone... Just reach for them.

Remember, have a great day and an even better tomorrow.
Edward Ellis Sr
Serial Entrepreneur

Are You Happy With the Person You Are With When You Are Alone?

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