Saturday, July 17, 2010

Ramblins' 7-17-2010


Serial Entrepreneur Newsletter

Are You Insecure?

July 17, 2010


DeaParticipant ,

Well, another week passes and my thoughts turn to what should I write about, then I realized the best thing to write about was... some more about who I am. Over the years I have told people that I was insecure and people that have been around me for long periods of time looked in disbelief, but I believe that everything in life should begin with being honest with yourself. I am insecure!

I am going to review several aspects to this thought:

We begin with a well known and proven program or concept what is known as a 12 Step Program...

A:Step 1 of the program is the first step to freedom. I admit to myself that something is seriously wrong in my life. I have created messes in my life. Perhaps my whole life is a mess, or maybe just important parts are a mess. I admit this and quit trying to play games with myself anymore. I realize that my life has become unmanageable in many ways. It is not under my control anymore. I do things that I later regret doing and tell myself that I will not do them again. But I do. I keep on doing them, in spite of my regrets, my denials, my vows, my cover-ups and my facades. The addiction has become bigger than I am. The first step is to admit the truth of where I am that I am really powerless over this addiction and that I need help.
- From

B: Socrates: Be sure to "Know thyself." This is much harder than it seems and only you will be able to find that; the unexamined life is not worth living. Nobody else can help you there-it is all up to you.

C: I received a note from a really special Life Coach I recently had the opportunity to meet. Her candid honest opinion of me was constructively taken; her first comment was; "Your happiness lies in stop running from yourself and facing who you are. - its only judgment that makes you look bad." She also felt that my newsletter too long and I should do them more often if I wanted to supply so much information. I have taken her suggestions to heart and this week there is only one article and it is focused on what we are writing about this week... Are You Insecure?

I hope you take the time to look at yourself...

My special thanks to Nancy Baker for taking the time to express her thoughts, please take the time to visit her website

Are You Insecure?
By: Edward V Ellis, Sr.

Almost every human being in this planet has its unique feeling. When a man starts to feel things like love, it is undeniably true that envy will come along. Among love and envy which is wrong or much troublesome? Is it love or envy? Well love is never incorrect in the first place it is when love is being poisoned by envy which is wrong. Why envy? This is because feeling envious to someone is called being insecure.

Most healthy relationships at the start end up very stupid. This is because of ins
ecurities that a member of the relationship may feel towards his/her partner. There are thousands of reasons why insecurities may take place in the scene.

Here are the most common scenarios of insecurities and some advice you can lean on:

a.) Lack of self buoyancy may be the first reason. Humans are made to have imperfection. Therefore he/she may now feel that he/she is the kind of person that is insufficient enough to be someone's partner. Humans have the tendency to see things incorrectly. Making them forget to appreciate their own.

* Learn to appreciate your own self. Being uncertain about the things around you including yourself in a relationship is the most common reason why. Don't think that you're not suitable for that person even if the people around you don't like the way it is. Be proud of it because as the saying goes, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" was never wrong at the first place. Humans have different standards over things in which others may consider it as a good asset. Concentrate on what you have like your character, abilities and your capacity. Of course be proud of what you have physically.

b.)Previous awful experiences of being betrayed. This is one of the common reasons why people nowadays are scared to commit some mistakes and entrust their relationship to others again.

* Well, first ask yourself? Did I betray someone before therefore I was betrayed by him/her also? It is a matter of cause-and-effect picture. This is because there is no trust established in the relationship that's why you end up very dreadful. Admit to yourself if you're wrong then make a change. If the cause of that previous experience is your partner, then ask yourself why. Is it for my behavior? By this, you can make a self assessment or evaluation about who you really are. It is better to know yourself first after knowing others so you may not misjudge them later on. Learn to let go off things because they are not for you.

c.) Being too much comparative in thinking. We sometimes confuse ourselves on things that aren't confusing in the first place. Hence, we tend to compare ourselves or our partners onto others.

* Being able to appreciate others by their physical aspect as well as their characters is good. Don't push yourself in confusions because of to
o much comparative in thinking. The number one rule is be contented of what you have. Having one is enough, be thankful for it because it is a God-given blessing. Don't make yourself foolish by thinking the more I have the better because in the end it is yourself that was being tricked above all.

Kicking out insecurities is a bit of a hassle but if you know how to handle certa
in situations, then it would not be hard for you. Always think positively and always look on the brighter side of things. Love is only a spice of your life. Go on if it's needed. What matters most is your dignity that should be kept whole all throughout.

For more on this subject go to http

Some Things To Think About


If you thought swine flu was scary, guess what?... there's now evidence that you can "catch" emotional states from other people, too.

For example, what if you could contract depression if you hung around people that are chronically depressed?

You can.

Psychology Today reports;
"The evidence that moods spread through social interaction is reflected in the social lives of depressed people."

Now that's scary.

From The Bible:

Don't Allow Yourself to Settle

"So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit"
Galatians 6:9

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